A video of an interview with Laurence Mote about the wall of containers in Sumner. Shipping containers line the south side of Main Road in Sumner, protecting road users from potential rock fall from the cliffs above. Mote bikes past the containers every day on his way to work. He talks about the risks facing cyclists along Main Road and in greater Christchurch, including pot holes and narrow roads. He advises cyclists to wear bright clothing and lights, and for cars to slow down and give cyclists room.
A video about the discovery of a historic tramline on North Avon Road. The video includes an interview with Brent Leersynder, a site engineer for SCIRT, and Steve Timpson, site foreman for SCIRT. The SCIRT team found the tramline while repairing the damaged wastewater system under North Avon Road in May.
Aerial footage of Christchurch after the 4 September 2010 earthquake. The footage shows the earthquake damage to Wizard Home Loans & Cartridge World on Riccarton Road, Harding's Chemist and Angus Donaldson Copy Service on Colombo Street, Para Rubber and Westende Jewellers on Manchester Street, The Loaded Hog on Cashel Street, St Mary & St Athanasios Church on Edgeware Road, The Daily Bagel on Victoria Street, the Laxmi Foodstore on Barbadoes Street, Television Services on Westminster Street, The Hat Shop on High Street, St Paul's Parish Church on Gayhurst Road, Sullivan Park on Galbraith Road, and Avonside Drive.
Aerial footage of Christchurch recorded the day after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The footage shows damage to the Smith City car park, the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, the CTV Building, the PGC Building, the Durham Street Methodist Church, the Lyttelton Timeball Station, the roads alongside the Avon River, and the ChristChurch Cathedral. It also shows New Zealand Army road blocks outside the hospital, crushed buses on Colombo Street, a Royal New Zealand Navy vessel in Lyttelton Harbour, rock fall on the Summit Road, collapsed cliffs in Sumner and Redcliffs, tents set up in a park, flooding in New Brighton, and liquefaction in QEII Park.
A video of the controlled explosion of a 40-tonne boulder above the Summit Road. The boulder is being removed using explosives after an assessment by United Research Services found that the rocks supporting the boulder have become unsafe.
A video of an interview with Peter Cammock and Cathy Allen about growing up on River Road and their feelings of loss and sadness that it is now part of the residential red zone.
A video of an interview with Gordon Smith, owner of Gordon Smith and Sons Fruiterers, about the road works outside his shop. Smith talks about how the road works have affected his business, decreasing the number of parks outside his shop and encouraging commuters to take alternative routes.
A video taken from a vehicle showing liquefaction and flooding on Breezes Road.
A video of an interview with Defence Counsel Jonathan Eaton about the police's refusal to allow diversion for alleged-looter Cornelius Arie Smith-Voorkamp. Smith-Voorkamp was arrested for allegedly taking light fittings from an earthquake-damaged property on Lincoln Road. Diversion was applied for on the basis that Smith-Voorkamp has autism, and his Asperger's syndrome involves a compulsion to take electrical fittings.
A video of the Christchurch central city covered in snow. The video includes footage of the ChristChurch Cathedral, Gloucester Street, New Regent Street, Manchester Street, Latimer Square, Centennial Pool, Armagh Street, McLeans Mansion, Hagley Park, Rolleston Avenue, Worcester Street, the Peacock Fountain in the Botanic Gardens, and Dyers Pass Road.
A video about Whare, a gift and homeware store which relocated several times after the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Whare originally had two stores, one in Beckenham, and another on Lichfield Street in the central city. Both stores were closed as a result of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The store reopened temporarily in a garage and then in the Snowride Store on Lincoln Road. This video was part of The Press's 'Up and Running' series which showcases businesses which have stayed up and running despite the challenges posed by the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes.
A video of the damage to central Christchurch after the 4 September earthquake. The video includes footage of car sirens going off, earthquake damage to the shops on the corner of Barbadoes Street and Edgeware Road, the Westende Jewellers building on the corner of Worcester and Manchester Streets, the Repertory Theatre on Kilmore Street, the Asko Design Store on Victoria Street, and a building on the corner of Colombo and Byron Streets. It also includes an interview with Christchurch resident Quentin Garlick.
A close-up video of liquefied soil on a farm near River Road in Lincoln. Contractor Tony Fisher, of Fisher Agricultural Ltd, is jumping lightly up and down to demonstrate the soil's jelly-like structure.
A video of a tractor on a farm near River Road in Lincoln. The tractor is pulling a power harrow over a liquefaction blister. This was one of several soil-remediation techniques tested on farms affected by the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A video of a tractor on a farm near River Road in Lincoln. The tractor is pulling a power harrow over a liquefaction blister. This was one of several soil-remediation techniques tested on farms affected by the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A video of a tractor on a farm near River Road in Lincoln. The tractor is making several passes over a liquefaction blister with a rotary hoe. This was one of several soil-remediation techniques tested on farms affected by the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A video of a tractor on a farm near River Road in Lincoln. The tractor is making a second pass over a liquefaction blister with a power harrow. This was one of several soil-remediation techniques tested on farms affected by the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A video of a tractor on a farm near River Road in Lincoln. The tractor is making a several passes over a sand volcano with a rotary hoe. This was one of several soil-remediation techniques tested on farms affected by the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A video of a tractor on a farm near River Road in Lincoln. The tractor is passing over a large sand volcano with a power harrow. This was one of several soil-remediation techniques tested on farms affected by the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A video of a dug-out soil pit on a farm near River Road in Lincoln. There is a thick layer of saturated sand between the topsoil and the subsoil where the grass roots end. The saturated soil is collapsing as a result of contractor Tony Fisher, of Fisher Agriculture Ltd, jumping lightly up and down on the edge of the pit.
A video of a dug-out soil pit on a farm near River Road in Lincoln. There is a thick layer of saturated sand between the topsoil and the subsoil where the grass roots end. The saturated soil is collapsing as a result of contractor Tony Fisher, of Fisher Agriculture Ltd, having jumped lightly up and down on the edge of the pit.
A video of contractor Tony Fisher, of Fisher Agricultural Ltd, jumping lightly up and down on the edge of a dug-out soil pit on a farm near River Road in Lincoln. There is a thick layer of saturated sand between the topsoil and the subsoil where the grass roots end. The saturated soil starts to collapse as a result of the movement.
A video taken from a vehicle driving through the CBD Red Zone inside the cordon. The video shows damage to roads and buildings, and workers clearing rubble and demolishing buildings. Mark says, "I took this video when a few of us from our office were escorted into the red zone to collect gear from our office (which is still inside a cordoned-off area today)".
A video taken from a vehicle driving through the CBD Red Zone inside the cordon. The video shows damage to roads and buildings, and workers clearing rubble and demolishing buildings. Mark says, "I took this video when a few of us from our office were escorted into the red zone to collect gear from our office (which is still inside a cordoned-off area today)".
A video showing part of the demolition of the Ozone Hotel in New Brighton. Steve Taylor comments "She put up a good fight. The Ozone in New Brighton was damaged in the February earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand. Here is the main corner of the structure being, as they say, deconstructed. At the end there is a reverent bow by the excavator. Just before this the claw had caught on the floor/ceiling and the whole building shook from side to side, but it still stayed in place."
A video of a protest against the merging of Phillipstown and Woolston Schools. Staff and students from Phillipstown School lead a march down Ferry Road to highlight the dangers children will face walking to school if Phillipstown is closed. The video also includes interviews with Phillipstown Principal Tony Simpson and Christchurch City Councillors Peter Beck and Makere Hubbard, about the protest and the merger.
A video examining the New Brighton Master Plan released by the Christchurch City Council. The plan proposes extending Oram Avenue through to the car park on Hawke Street and moving the supermarket to the back of the Hawke Street car park. The slow road through the top part of the mall will also be extended through the pedestrianized section, and a bus exchange will be built on Beresford Street.
A video of an interview with Mayor Bob Parker, recorded at the Civil Defence Headquarters in the Christchurch Art Gallery on the evening of the 22 February 2011. Parker talks about the fatalities and damage caused by the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A video showing customers at the Z Curletts Road petrol station being 'compliment bombed' by All Right? on 17th of December 2013. The video depicts 'All Right FM' (a fake radio station), setting up at Z and surprising customers with compliments as they filled up with petrol. Dancing 'All Righties' and All Right? staff members including Ciaran Fox emerge from the store, providing the customers with coffee, flowers and free petrol.
A video of a presentation by Haydn Read, Programme Director of Smart City Coalition, at the 2016 Seismics in the City Conference. The presentation is titled, "Smart City/Choice City".The abstract for the presentation reads, "'We want to get to the point where people can get amazing information in real-time that helps them make choices about where to swim or what road to take' (Vicki Buck, Deputy Mayor of Christchurch). Real time information and feedback via the Internet of Things. The CCC is now part of Land Information New Zealand's (LINZ) Smart City coalition which aims to test the value of smart city concepts through a series of projects in Christchurch, Auckland, and Wellington."Note that due to technical issues, the final part of this presentation was not recorded.