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Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

The Eastern Humps and Leader faults, situated in the Mount Stewart Range in North Canterbury, are two of the ≥17 faults which ruptured during the 2016 MW7.8 Kaikōura Earthquake. The earthquake produced complex, intersecting ground ruptures of these faults and the co-seismic uplift of the Mount Stewart Range. This thesis aims to determine how these two faults accommodated deformation during the 2016 earthquake and how they interact with each other and with pre-existing geological structures. In addition, it aims to establish the most likely subsurface geometry of the fault complex across the Mount Stewart Range, and to investigate the paleoseismic history of the Leader Fault. The Eastern Humps Fault strikes ~240° and dips 80° to 60° to the northwest and accommodated right- lateral – reverse-slip, with up to 4 m horizontal and 2 m vertical displacement in the 2016 earthquake. The strike of the Leader Fault varies from ~155 to ~300°, and dips ~30 to ~80° to the west/northwest, and mainly accommodated left-lateral – reverse-slip of up to 3.5 m horizontal and 3.5 m vertical slip in the 2016 earthquake. On both the Eastern Humps and Leader faults the slip is variable along strike, with areas of low total displacement and areas where horizontal and vertical displacement are negatively correlated. Fault traces with low total displacement reflect the presence of off-fault (distributed) displacement which is not being captured with field measurements. The negative correlation of horizontal and vertical displacement likely indicates a degree of slip partitioning during the 2016 earthquake on both the Eastern Humps and Leader faults. The Eastern Humps and Leader faults have a complex, interdependent relationship with the local bedrock geology. The Humps Fault appears to be a primary driver of ongoing folding and deformation of the local Mendip Syncline and folding of the Mount Stewart Range, which probably began prior to, or synchronous with, initial rupture of The Humps Fault. The Leader Fault appears to use existing lithological weaknesses in the Cretaceous-Cenozoic bedrock stratigraphy to rupture to the surface. This largely accounts for the strong variability on the strike and dip of the Leader Fault, as the geometry of the surface ruptures tend to reflect the strike and dip of the geological strata which it is rupturing through. The Leader Fault may also accommodate some degree of flexural slip in the Cenozoic cover sequence of the Mendip Syncline, contributing to the ongoing growth of the fold. The similarity between topography and uplift profiles from the 2016 earthquake suggest that growth of the Mount Stewart Range has been primarily driven by multiple (>500) discrete earthquakes that rupture The Humps and Leader faults. The spatial distribution of surface displacements across the Mount Stewart Range is more symmetrical than would be expected if uplift is driven primarily by The Humps and Leader faults alone. Elastic dislocation forward models were used to model potential sub-surface geometries and the resulting patterns of deformation compared to photogrammetry-derived surface displacements. Results show a slight preference for models with a steeply southeast-dipping blind fault, coincident with a zone of seismicity at depth, as a ‘backthrust’ to The Humps and Leader faults. This inferred Mount Stewart Fault accommodated contractional strain during the 2016 earthquake and contributes to the ongoing uplift of the Mount Stewart Range with a component of folding. Right-lateral and reverse shear stress change on the Hope Fault was also modelled using Coulomb 3.3 software to examine whether slip on The Humps and Leader faults could transfer enough stress onto the Hope Fault to trigger through-going rupture. Results indicate that during the 2016 earthquake right-lateral shear and reverse stress only increased on the Hope Fault in small areas to the west of the Leader Fault, and similar ruptures would be unlikely to trigger eastward propagating rupture unless the Hope Fault was close to failure prior to the earthquake. Paleoseismic trenches were excavated on the Leader Fault at four locations from 2018 to 2020, revealing near surface (< 4m depth) contractional deformation of Holocene stratigraphy. Three of the trench locations uncovered clear evidence for rupture of the Leader Fault prior to 2016, with fault displacement of near surface stratigraphy being greater than displacement recorded during the 2016 earthquake. Radiocarbon dating of in-situ organic material from two trenches indicate a date of the penultimate earthquake on the Leader Fault within the past 1000 years. This date is consistent with The Humps and Leader faults having ruptured simultaneously in the past, and with multi-fault ruptures involving The Humps, Leader, Hundalee and Stone Jug faults having occurred prior to the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake. Overall, the results contribute to an improved understanding of the Kaikōura earthquake and highlight the importance of detailed structural and paleoseismic investigations in determining controls on earthquake ‘complexity’.

Research papers, The University of Auckland Library

This thesis presents an assessment of historic seismic performance of the New Zealand stopbank network from the 1968 Inangahua earthquake through to the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake. An overview of the types of stopbanks and the main aspects of the design and construction of earthen stopbanks was presented. Stopbanks are structures that are widely used on the banks of rivers and other water bodies to protect against the impact of flood events. Earthen stopbanks are found to be the most used for such protection measures. Different stopbank damage or failure modes that may occur due to flooding or earthquake excitation were assessed with a focus on past earthquakes internationally, and examples of these damage and failure modes were presented. Stopbank damage and assessment reports were collated from available reconnaissance literature to develop the first geospatial database of stopbank damage observed in past earthquakes in New Zealand. Damage was observed in four earthquakes over the past 50 years, with a number of earthquakes resulting in no stopbank damage. The damage database therefore focussed on the Edgecumbe, Darfield, Christchurch and Kaikōura earthquakes. Cracking of the crest and liquefaction-induced settlement were the most common forms of damage observed. To understand the seismic demand on the stopbank network in past earthquakes, geospatial analyses were undertaken to approximate the peak ground acceleration (PGA) across the stopbank network for ten large earthquakes that have occurred in New Zealand over the past 50 years. The relationship between the demand, represented by the peak ground acceleration (PGA) and damage is discussed and key trends identified. Comparison of the seismic demand and the distribution of damage suggested that the seismic performance of the New Zealand stopbank network has been generally good across all events considered. Although a significant length of the stopbank networks were exposed to high levels of shaking in past events, the overall damage length was a small percentage of this. The key aspect controlling performance was the performance of the underlying foundation soils and the effect of this on the stopbank structure and stability.

Research papers, The University of Auckland Library

This thesis investigates life-safety risk in earthquakes. The first component of the thesis utilises a dataset of earthquake injuries and deaths from recent earthquakes in New Zealand to identify cause, context, and risk factors of injury and death in the 2011 MW6.3 Christchurch earthquake and 2016 MW7.8 Kaikōura earthquake. Results show that nearly all deaths occurred from being hit by structural elements from buildings, while most injuries were caused by falls, strains and being hit by contents or non-structural elements. Statistical analysis of injured cases compared to an uninjured control group found that age, gender, building damage, shaking intensity, and behaviour during shaking were the most significant risk factors for injury during these earthquakes. The second part of the thesis uses the empirical findings from the first section to develop two tools for managing life-safety risk in earthquakes. The first tool is a casualty estimation model for health system and emergency response planning. An existing casualty model used in New Zealand was validated against observed data from the 2011 Christchurch earthquake and found to underestimate moderate and severe injuries by an order of magnitude. The model was then updated to include human behaviour such as protective actions, falls and strain type injuries that are dependent on shaking intensity, as well as injuries and deaths outside buildings. These improvements resulted in a closer fit to observed casualties for the 2011 Christchurch earthquake. The second tool that was developed is a framework to set seismic loading standards for design based on fatality risk targets. The proposed framework extends the risk-targeted hazard method, by moving beyond collapse risk targets, to fatality risk targets for individuals in buildings and societal risk in cities. The framework also includes treatment of epistemic uncertainty in seismic hazard to allow this uncertainty to be used in risk-based decision making. The framework is demonstrated by showing how the current New Zealand loading standards could be revised to achieve uniform life-safety risk across the country and how the introduction of a new loading factor can reduce risk aggregation in cities. Not on Alma, moved and emailed. 1/02/2023 ce

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Ongoing climate change triggers increasing temperature and more frequent extreme events which could limit optimal performance of haliotids, affect their physiology and biochemistry as well as influencing their population structure. Haliotids are a valuable nearshore fishery in a number of countries and many are showing a collapse of stocks because of overexploitation, environmental changes, loss of habitat, and disease. The haliotid in New Zealand commonly referred to as the blackfoot pāua (Haliotis iris) contribute a large and critical cultural, recreational and economic resource. Little was known about pāua responses to increasing temperature and acute environmental factors, as well as information about population size structure in Kaikoura after the earthquake 2016 and in Banks Peninsula. The aims of this study were to investigate the effects of temperature on scope for growth (SfG); physiological and biochemical responses of pāua subjected to different combined stressors including acute temperature, acute salinity and progressive hypoxia; and describe population size structure and shell morphology in different environments in Kaikoura and Banks Peninsula. The main findings of the present study found that population size structures of pāua were site-specific, and the shell length and shell height ratio of 3.25 could distinguish between stunted and non-stunted populations. The study found that high water temperature resulted in a reduction in absorbed energy from food, an increase in respiration energy, and ammonia excretion energy. Surveys were conducted at six study sites around the Canterbury Region over three years in order to better understand the population size structure and shell morphology of pāua. The findings found that the population size structure at 6 sites differed. Both juveniles and adults were found in intertidal areas at five sites. However, at Cape Three Points, pāua were found only in subtidal zones. One of the sites, Little Port Cooper, had a stunted population where only two pāua reached 125 mm in length over three years. In addition, most pāua in Little Port Cooper and Cape Three Points were adults, while Seal Reef had mostly juveniles. Wakatu Quay and Omihi had a full size range of pāua. Oaro population was dominated with juveniles and sub-adults. Recruitment and growth of pāua were successful after the earthquake in 2016. Research into pāua shell morphologies also determined that shell dimensions differed between sites. The relationships of shell length to shell width were linear and the relationship of shell length to shell height was curvilinear. Interestingly, SL:SH ratio of 3.25 is able to be used to identify stunted and non-stunted populations for pāua larger than 90 mm in length. Little Port Cooper was a stunted population with mean SL:SH ratio being 3.16. In the laboratory, scope for growth of pāua was investigated at four different temperatures of 12oC, 15oC, 18oC and 21oC over four weeks’ acclimation. The current study has found that SfG of pāua highly depended on temperature. Absorbed energy and respiration energy accounted for the highest proportion of the SfG of pāua. The respiration energy of pāua accounted for approximately 36%, 40%, 49% and 69% of the absorbed energy at 12°C, 15°C, 18°C and 21°C, respectively. The pāua at all acclimation temperatures had a positive scope for growth. The study suggested that the SfG was highest at 15°C, while the value at 21°C was the lowest. However, SfG at 18°C and 21°C decreased after 14 days of acclimation. Because of maintaining almost unchanged oxygen consumption over four weeks’ acclimation, pāua showed their poor abilities to acclimate to an increase in temperature. Therefore, they may be more vulnerable in future warming scenarios. The physiological and biochemical responses of pāua toward different combined stressors included three experiments. In terms of the acute temperature experiment, pāua were acclimated at 12oC, 15oC, 18oC or 21oC for two weeks before stepwise exposure to four temperatures of 12oC, 15oC, 18oC and 21oC every 4 hours. The acute salinity change, pāua were acclimated at 12oC, 15oC or 18oC over two weeks. Pāua were then exposed to a stepwise decrease of salinity of 2‰ every two hours from 34 – 22‰. Regarding the declining oxygen level, pāua were acclimated at 15 oC or 18oC for two weeks before exposure to one of four temperatures at 12oC, 15oC, 18oC or 21oC in one hour. After that acute progressive hypoxia was studied in closed respirometers for around six hours. The findings showed that there were interactions between combined stressors, affecting physiology of pāua (metabolism and heart rate). This suggests that environmental factors do not have a separate effect, but they also have interactions that enhance negative effects on pāua. Also, both oxygen uptake and heart rate responded quickly to temperature change and increased with rising temperature. On the other hand, oxygen uptake and heart rate decreased with reducing salinity and progressive hypoxia (before critical oxygen tension - Pcrit). Pcrit over four acute temperature exposures, ranged between 30.2 and 80.0 mmHg, depending on the exposure temperature. Acclimation temperature, combined with acute temperature, salinity or hypoxia stress affected the biochemistry of pāua. Pāua are osmoconformers so decreased salinity resulted in reducing haemolymph ionic concentration and increasing body volume. They were hypo-ionic with respect to sodium and potassium over the salinity ranges of 34 - 22‰. Haemocyanin accounts for a large pecentage of haemolymph protein, so trends of protein followed haemocyanin. Pāua tended to store oxygen in haemocyanin under extreme salinity stress at 22‰ and extreme hypoxia around 10 mmHg, rather than in oxygen transport. In conclusion, pāua at different sites had different population structures and morphologies. Pāua are sensitive to environmental stressors. They consumed more oxygen at high temperatures because they do not have thermal acclimation capacity. They are also osmoconformers with haemolymph sodium and potassium decreasing with salinity medium. Under progressive hypoxia, pāua could regulate oxygen and heart rate until Pcrit depending on temperature. Acute environmental changes also disturbed haemolyph parameters. 12°C and 15°C could be in the range of optimal temperature with higher SfG and less stress when exposed to acute environmental changes. Meanwhile long term exposure to 21°C is likely to be outside of the optimal range for the pāua. With ongoing climate change, pāua populations are more vulnerable so conservation is necessary. The research contributes to improving fishery management, providing insights into different environmental stressors affecting the energy demand and physiological and biochemical responses of pāua. It also allow to predicting the growth patterns and responses of pāua to adapt to climate change.