Rebuilding Christchurch.
Other, National Library of New Zealand
Blog of James Dann on Sept. 2010 Christchurch earthquake and rebuilding Christchurch.
Blog of James Dann on Sept. 2010 Christchurch earthquake and rebuilding Christchurch.
Christchurch City Council website on the infrastructure rebuild of Christchurch following the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes. Includes news; information on SMART building; projects related to rebuilding of facilities, transport, suburban centres and the central city.
The Foundation facilitates community engagement and communication through their website, providing service delivery, volunteer co-ordination and service to assist with the rebuild of Christchurch and Canterbury following the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011.
Blog by Debbie Roome
A forum created by Jeremy McManus to discuss ideas for rebuilding Christchurch following the February 22, 2011 earthquake. Topics discussed include housing, transportation, and urban design.
A large scale interactive art installation that seeks to provide a mechanism for emotional healing alongside the physical rebuilding of the city.
After the shock and dust settled from the earthquakes, two friends, Helen Solomons and Wendy Riley, felt so strongly over the loss of the city's historic heart, they decided to put their skills to use and create this living tribute to it on the web.
Blog in which Sarah Miles comments on the post-earthquake reconstruction of Christchurch, critiquing the profit-driven model of private insurance and how it fails to protect citizens in times of disaster. Includes comment on the political situation and some guest posts.
Promotes health and wellbeing for people living in Christchurch, N.Z. Site includes Healthy Christchurch Charter, Winter Warmth and Wellbeing Information Sheet and Service Directory, City health profile etc.
Information on events, weekly services, music, history and architecture, news and newsletters and current and archived sermons. Includes both pre-earthquake information, and current life of the cathedral.
Coverage of the February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake on the Fairfax New Zealand news and information web site. Archived versions of the site cover the 2010 Canterbury earthquake and its aftermath.
News from the New Zealand herald site about the February 2011 Christchurch earthquake. Archived versions of the site cover the Canterbury earthquake of Sept. 4, 2010 and its aftermath.
Provides news and information to residents of Canterbury after the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes. Includes ideas discussion page, blog, services directory, list of damaged suburbs, geological information including recent aftershocks, and photos.
Site of the National Party MP for Christchurch Central. Communicates her political activities and parliamentary speeches. Includes updates about Christchurch earthquake recovery and rebuild.
Site of CCDU, the Government agency responsible for rebuilding Christchurch after the earthquakes and resulting demolition. Includes vision for the city, profile of the director, reasons to invest in Christchurch central, work programme for the unit, and video file.
Site set up to market Christchurch businesses after the Christchurch earthquake. Directory entries of Christchurch businesses arranged by business type.
Provides a map, the geological background, describes the effects, both in Christchurch and its surrounding areas, the damage to notable buildings, the financial exposure, the emergency response and relief efforts and the media coverage of the earthquake.
Site of the official New Zealand Government appeal to help the people of Christchurch and the Canterbury region following the Feb. 22 earthquake.
An urban regeneration initiative which aims to temporarily fill sites left vacant after the September 4, 2010 Canterbury Earthquake and the February 22, 2011 Christchurch Earthquake with creative projects for community benefit.
Blog from Christchurch business-owner Nicky Arts detailing the rebuild of the Christchurch CBD following the earthquakles of 2010 and 2011.
slightly different from Christchurch Earthquake (
Describes what you might feel and experience after going through the quake, and what you can do to help yourself and others.
Blog of Action for Christchurch East, a group campaigning for the rights of residents in the Eastern suburbs of Christchurch. Includes discussion of political and social issues, delays to insurance payments and repairs, and protest actions in response.
A community based blog/journal made up of contributions from the people of Christchurch, sharing their experiences from the two major Canterbury quakes.
A blog by Christchurch journalist Philip Matthews. Includes posts about the Christchurch earthquake.
Provides feedback to CERA for input into planning cycle ways in the redesign of Christchurch following the earthquakes.
Christchurch-based social enterprise transforms wood waste from residential demolition in Christchurch into useful objects.
Blog of freelance journalist Adrienne Rewi who lives in Christchurch. She highlights Christchurch's historic cemeteries and covers the Christchurch earthquake among other things.
Showcases creative long drop toilets that Christchurch residents have installed following the February 2011 Christchurch earthquake.
People share messages of thanks for help received after the Christchurch earthquake on February 22, 2011.