Canterbury Earthquakes.
Other, National Library of New Zealand
Advice from the Earthquake Commission for insured residential property owners recovering from the Canterbury earthquakes in 2010 and 2011.
Advice from the Earthquake Commission for insured residential property owners recovering from the Canterbury earthquakes in 2010 and 2011.
Provides health information to Christchurch residents in the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquakes of September 4, 2010 and February 22, 2011.
Information about Canterbury's regional council and the services it provides, including plans, policies, reports, and resource consent information. Earthquake related information can be found in the archived instances from September 2010-
Information and advice from official sources for Christchurch residents in the aftermath of the 22 February earthquake (aftershock).
New Zealand government website which acts as a gateway to central and local government resources, news and services pertinent to the Canterbury Earthquake.
Site is managed on behalf of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Building Failure Caused by the Canterbury Earthquakes by the Department of Internal Affairs.
Information on damage caused by the Canterbury earthquakes of 2010 and 2011, for homeowners, tenants, insurers, lawyers, realtors, builders, developers, engineers and building consent authorities.
Site of the Canterbury Development Corporation (CDC), part of Christchurch City Council. When viewed May 2011 the focus of the site was to assist businesses affected by the 2011 Christchurch earthquake.
Digital 'basket' for collecting the community's stories, photos, and experiences of the Canterbury earthquake on Sept. 4, 2010, and the Christchurch earthquake on February 22, 2011.
Blog by Debbie Roome
Includes terms of reference, information about the commissioners and information about the commission which was established after the September 2010 Canterbury Earthquake.
Coverage of the February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake on the Fairfax New Zealand news and information web site. Archived versions of the site cover the 2010 Canterbury earthquake and its aftermath.
News from the New Zealand herald site about the February 2011 Christchurch earthquake. Archived versions of the site cover the Canterbury earthquake of Sept. 4, 2010 and its aftermath.
Describes what you might feel and experience after going through the quake, and what you can do to help yourself and others.
Site of government-owned company responsible for settling AMI policy-holders' claims for Canterbury earthquake damage.
Site of a fund that exists to provide financial assistance to owners of earthquake damaged qualifying heritage buildings so that the buildings can be saved if they are repairable.
The Waimakariri District Libraries site. Collects material about the damaged landmarks in Kaiapoi - their history and future and a collection of stories about the earthquake and share memories and photos.
Government initiative providing a temporary accommodation service to people displaced by the Canterbury or Christchurch earthquakes. Contains information about the service, and online registration forms for property owners and applicants.
slightly different from Christchurch Earthquake (
A public wiki where schools, students and experts from around the world can share thoughts and experiences around earthquakes, with a particular focus on the Canterbury 2010 earthquake. Website content has been archived, but is not currently viewing in the browser.
Blog of Christchurch vet Fi. Archived instances cover the Canterbury Earthquake.
Site of the official New Zealand Government appeal to help the people of Christchurch and the Canterbury region following the Feb. 22 earthquake.
Website provides practical advice and information for business recovery following the Canterbury earthquake.
Radio New Zealand National documentary about the Canterbury earthquake, focusing on the personal experiences of those affected. Use Internet Explorer to listen to the MP3 (streaming sound Ogg Vorbis not archived)
Blog of New Zealander Helen Leggatt who is researching church headstones in Canterbury. In 2012 she photographed headstones damaged during the Canterbury earthquake.
CERA is the public service department established by the Government to work with the people of Canterbury to rebuild Christchurch.
Website of the EQR (Earthquake Recovery) Project Management Office, established by the EQC and managed by Fletcher Construction, that responds to claims for the repair and rebuilding of houses damaged in the Feb. 2011 Canterbury earthquake.
Information about the EQC's work to provide natural disaster insurance to residential property owners. Canterbury earthquake related information can be found in the archived instances from September 2010-
A blog by an ex-employee of the Earthquake Commission discussing flaws in its handling of insurance claims made as the result of the Canterbury earthquakes of 2010 and 2011.
Website of ICNZ, industry organisation representing fire and general insurers. Includes information relating to the Canterbury earthquakes.