A scanned copy of a handmade poster advertising the University Bookshop (UBS) on campus, and the Book Shop in the Arts Centre. The poster was produced in the 1970s and was sourced from archives held at Macmillan Brown Library.
Vice-Chancellor Andrew Hamilton of the University of Oxford and Vice-Chancellor Rod Carr of the University of Canterbury signing a Memorandum of Understanding between the two Universities.
Vice-Chancellor Andrew Hamilton of the University of Oxford and Vice-Chancellor Rod Carr of the University of Canterbury signing a Memorandum of Understanding between the two Universities.
Vice-Chancellor Andrew Hamilton of the University of Oxford and Vice-Chancellor Rod Carr of the University of Canterbury signing a Memorandum of Understanding between the two Universities.
Vice-Chancellor Andrew Hamilton of the University of Oxford and Vice-Chancellor Rod Carr of the University of Canterbury signing a Memorandum of Understanding between the two Universities.
A scanned copy of a page from an issue of Canta published in April 1971. The page features photographs of contestants in Miss University 1971.
A scanned copy of a photograph featured on page 11 of an issue of Canta published in April 1953. The photograph shows students in a bar during a boat race between Canterbury and Otago.
A photograph of University of Canterbury alumnus Babul Hasan dressed in graduation regalia inside the University central library.
A photograph showing All Right? flags lining a walkway towards the University Bookshop at the University of Canterbury.
University of Canterbury students walk along University Drive to get to lectures, after most pathways through campus were cordoned off while buildings were structurally tested. The photographer comments, "Lawns beside University Drive became main walkways".
A scanned copy of page 4 of an issue of Canta published in July 1975. The page features an advertisement for UBS.
A photograph of University of Canterbury alumnus Babul Hasan dressed in graduation regalia outside the Commerce building at the University of Canterbury.
A pathway through trees on the University of Canterbury campus, beside the Avon River. The photographer comments, "Path by the river, University Drive".
The University of Canterbury sign on University Drive. In the background, tents have been set up in the Arts car park to act as temporary lecture rooms while the buildings were being checked for damage.
Plastic road barriers along Arts Road at the University of Canterbury placed there while classes were being held in the car park.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "University of Canterbury".
A photograph of posters on a bollard. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Tuam Street and High Street shops, CBD. By Alice's".
A photograph of a vehicle with a University of Canterbury logo. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "University of Canterbury researchers in the Estuary".
A photograph of a vehicle with a University of Canterbury logo. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "University of Canterbury researchers in the Estuary".
Following the briefing for the University of Canterbury staff working bee, university staff and Urban Search and Rescue workers gather outside before the cleanup begins.
Minister Stephen Joyce visiting the University.
Minister Stephen Joyce visiting the University.
A scanned copy of the cover page of an issue of Canta published on Wednesday 5 July 1961.
A scanned copy of page 11 of an issue of Canta published on Monday 8 April 1968. The page features an article on student activism.
A scanned copy of the cover page of an issue of Canta published in 1999.
A scanned copy of the cover page of an issue of Canta published on 5 August 1998.
A scanned copy of the cover page of the Review capping magazine published in April 1993.
A scanned copy of the cover page of an issue of Canta published in 1970.
A scanned copy of the cover page of an issue of Canta published on 1 October 1990.
A scanned copy of the cover page of an issue of Canta published on 26 May 1992.