HITLab NZ's Andreas Dunser and UC clinical psychologists Dr Janet Carter, Dr Eileen Britt and Associate Professor Martin Dorahy, who are creating an earthquake simulator at the University of Canterbury to investigate ways to help Cantabrians overcome post-traumatic stress disorders caused by ongoing seismic activity.
HITLab NZ's Andreas Dunser and UC clinical psychologists Dr Janet Carter, Dr Eileen Britt and Associate Professor Martin Dorahy, who are creating an earthquake simulator at the University of Canterbury to investigate ways to help Cantabrians overcome post-traumatic stress disorders caused by ongoing seismic activity.
Shows as asterisks, stars etc a list of curses and swear words used to describe the EQC, delays, Roger Sutton, Gerry Brownlee and insurance companies. Context: The words describe the frustration and stress being experienced by many people in Canterbury post earthquake.
Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Shows Minister for Christchurch Earthquake Recovery Gerry Brownlee as Pontius Pilate washing his hands of the rental crisis in Christchurch. In the background is Jesus burdened with the cross and representing the 'rental crisis'. Context: The rental housing situation in Christchurch is at crisis point and is causing huge stress for people unable to find suitable accommodation. Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee said last month that the rental housing crisis was best left to the market, but Gatonyi said his stance was "totally flawed". (Press 12 April 2012)
Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).