A digitally manipulated image of a daffodil placed on the gates of QEII Stadium. The photographer comments, "Someone placed a daffodil on the gates to the QEII Stadium in Christchurch. The stadium is being razed to the ground after being very badly damaged in the Christchurch earthquakes. Besides being a Commonwealth Games stadium it was also housed one of the best swimming pools in the region".
Damaged seating in the QEII stadium. The photographer comments, "This is the QEII stadium in Christchurch. During the 22 February earthquake the stadium was severely damaged and looks like it will be demolished. Anyone in Bay 3 would have no need of the toilet after this happened".
The head of a digger resting on a pile of soil next to QEII Stadium. The photographer comments, "The deconstruction of the QEII stadium in Christchurch pauses on a Sunday".
Christchurch Earthquake 23 December 2011 - Magnitude 5.8 then a 6.0.
An illustration of a smartphone showing the location of AMI Stadium at Lancaster Park.
Photo of AMI Stadium and east of Christchurch taken by Paul Gofton, 6 September 2010.
An infographic describing damage to AMI Stadium.
A cartoon suggesting a combined hospital and stadium.
An infographic giving details of the temporary stadium.
An infographic showing the proposed Addington City Stadium.
An infographic showing the status of AMI Stadium.
An infographic showing the layout of AMI Stadium.
A digitally manipulated image of a fuse box. The photographer comments, "This is a fuse box that was in the middle of a field whilst the nearby stadium building was being demolished".
Corrogated roofing from the demolition of the QEII complex. The photographer comments, "This collection of galvanised roofing looks so photogenic as I walked around the partly demolished Queen Elizabeth stadium and swimming pool".
A page banner promoting an article titled, "Options for AMI Stadium".
An infographic showing the status of AMI Stadium and Rugby League Park.
Under the caption 'Best value for money?' is a football stadium displaying a red cross. From within a voice proclaims the advantages of having a combined covered stadium, hospital and blood bank.
Under CERA, the Christchurch Central Development Unit had planned for a covered sports stadium, with attached facilities and shops as one of the key sites in the Christchurch rebuild after the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes. The 'blood bin' refers to the recent practice in rugby of sending off players with flesh wounds. There were also plans for a new hospital.
Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A graphic promoting a poll asking for opinions on a proposed stadium design.
A graphic promoting a poll asking for opinions on a proposed stadium design.
AMI Stadium (Lancaster Park), not used since the February 2011 earthquake.
It was used predominantly for rugby and cricket.
We are still waiting to see what the outcome is for this stadium. Government want a new one closer to the CBD, so there is talk of this being demolished, while others want it repaired.
The concrete pad lower left is ...
Rugby World Cup 2011 (RWC 2011) Tournament partners have reluctantly announced that Christchurch will be unable to host the seven matches currently scheduled to be played at the AMI/Lancater Park Stadium in Christchurch. This follows a detailed assessing of damage to the Stadium, grounds and infrastructure caused by the 6.3 magnitude earthquake ...
The ticket office at Lancaster Park (AMI Stadium), not used since the February 2011 earthquake. Windows broken and door boarded up.
We are still waiting to see what the outcome is for this stadium. Government want a new one closer to the CBD, so there is talk of this being demolished, while others want it repaired.
A Press Box graphic, featuring an item on the proposal to roof the temporary stadium in Addington.
The layout for a Marshall Lore column featuring an item on the debate over the proposed stadium.
The top of the water slides in the QEII swimming pool, exposed by its demolition. The slides themselves have been broken off, leaving only the entry points. The photographer comments, "After assessment of the damage caused by the numerous earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand they decided to demolish the QEII stadium and it's swimming pool".
The contents page for the Your Weekend section of The Press, featuring a photograph of the damaged AMI Stadium.
A page banner promoting an article about the Christchurch City Council irrigating playing fields at the damaged AMI Stadium.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Pupils from quake-affected St Pauls School play football at AMI stadium with members of The Phoenix".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Chris Greenacre (Phoenix striker) referees a fun match at AMI Stadium with pupils from quake-affected St Pauls School".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Chris Greenacre (Phoenix striker) referees a fun match at AMI Stadium with pupils from quake-affected St Pauls School".