Photos taken in Lyttelton showing the demolition of various buildings following the February 22 earthquake.
File reference: CCL-2011-04-29-Lyttelton-Demolition-P1120223
From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Photos taken in Lyttelton showing the demolition at various locations following the February 22 earthquake.
File reference: CCL-2011-05-20-Lyttelton-Demolition-P1120445
From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Lyttelton Service centre is boarded up and partially fenced off.
A sign on the Kaiapoi Public Library and District Council Centre explaining that the temporary library and service centre has relocated. The sign reads "We have moved. The temporary library has moved to the Swim Club rooms beside the Kaiapoi Aquatic Centre corner of Cass and Davie Streets opposite Danley Square. The Kaiapoi Service Centre has move to the Kaiapoi Community Centre, 24 Sewell Street. Waiamakariri District Council.
A photograph of a plaque in the foyer of the new Kaiapoi Library and Civic Centre. The plaque reads, "Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre. Opened by Mayor David Ayers on the 17th of January 2015. Architects: Warren and Mahoney".
A photograph of Ruataniwha, the new Kaiapoi Library and Civic Centre on the corner of Williams Street and Raven Quay in Kaiapoi.
A photograph of Ruataniwha, the new Kaiapoi Library and Civic Centre on the corner of Williams Street and Raven Quay in Kaiapoi.
A photograph of the boarded-up Lyttelton Service Centre on London Street in Lyttelton.
A photograph of the boarded-up Lyttelton Service Centre on London Street in Lyttelton.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A sign in the front doors of the Lyttelton Library on London Street, reading 'Lyttelton Service Centre now open'".
The TimeBank book swap in front of the library. As the library has been closed since the earthquake, members of the community put together a book swap service which was later continued in the information centre.
The On-Site Operations Coordination Centre (OSOCC) in Latimer Square. After the 22 February 2011 earthquake, emergency service agencies set up their headquarters in Latimer Square. The OSOCC is set up by the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator. It helps to coordinate the local emergency response as well as advocate for humanitarian issue in political bodies such as the United National Security Council.
Photograph captioned by the New Zealand Defence Force, "The NZ Defence Force helps out after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Army and Air Force Medics as well as Hercules crew and Air Security transfer elderly patients from NZDF ambulances to the Air Force's C-130 Hercules for transport to other parts of NZ. LAC Russell Cowling (left) and SGT Marian Anderson (centre) help transfer a patient to the Hercules".