Jessica Peterson, from Research and Innovation and has now taken on the role as the Earthquake Research Coordinator.
An infographic describing research into historic earthquakes on the Greendale Fault.
A map showing the location of a study dating historic earthquakes on the Alpine Fault.
Te Maire Tay, Director of the Ngai Tahu Research Centre, speaks at the UC CEISMIC digital archive launch.
Researchers Liz Toomey and Jeremy Finn, School of Law, in front of a damaged building in central Christchurch.
Nikki Evans, Department of Social Work and Human Services, who has been researching human-animal relationships after the earthquakes.
Nikki Evans, Department of Social Work and Human Services, who has been researching human-animal relationships after the earthquakes.
A scanned copy of a photograph of the He-Ne Continuous Gas Laser used in David Lockwood's MSc research at the University of Canterbury. David explains that the photograph shows "the complete experimental system, including the horn-shaped acoustic chamber in front and the operating laser in the rear".
Erosion scarp along North New Brighton Beach.
Damaged road around the Avon-Heathcote Estuary.
A map of the coastlines changes around Christchurch 6900 BC till present.
Infrastructure damage in Lyttelton.
Erosion scarp along North New Brighton Beach.
Container wall protecting road from rock falls.
Damaged road in Brooklands.
Damaged road in Bexley.
Liquefaction In Brooklands.
Stopbanks around Bexley Wetland.
Infrastructure damage in Lyttelton.
Damaged footpath in Lyttelton.
Landslides around Lytteton Harbour.
Liquefaction flooding in Travis Country.
Landslides around Lytteton Harbour.
Erosion scarp along North New Brighton Beach.
Stopbanks around Bexley Wetland.
Damaged road around the Avon-Heathcote Estuary.
Stopbanks around the lower Avon River.
Damage to houses in Bexley.
Container wall protecting road from rock falls.
Rock falls in redcliffs.