A photograph of an SPCA Field Officer carrying a dog to safety after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of SPCA Canterbury Education Officer Jasmine Lewis and an animal attendant sorting through paperwork for animals which are being relocated after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A graffiti-style recruitment advertisement for the NZ Police, depicting police officer Spence Kingi pulling a woman from the rubble.
A graffiti-style recruitment advertisement for the NZ Police, depicting police officer Spence Kingi pulling a woman from the rubble.
A photograph of SPCA Field Officer Vanessa Hampton releasing a pigeon at SPCA Canterbury as a symbol of love, hope and renewal. The pigeon was named Barney Rubble due to the fact that it was found amongst the rubble and debris of the ChristChurch Cathedral.
A police officer stepping over camera equipment in front of the damaged Repertory Theatre building.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Volunteer Ambulance officers Sean Lester and Kerry Mitchell work at the Linwood welfare centre
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Volunteer Ambulance officers Sean Lester and Kerry Mitchell work at the Linwood welfare centre
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Volunteer Ambulance officers Sean Lester and Kerry Mitchell work at the Linwood welfare centre".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Volunteer Ambulance officers Sean Lester and Kerry Mitchell work at the Linwood Welfare centre".
A photograph of a veterinarian and SPCA Field Officer preparing a pigeon before the two minutes of silence held in respect for those who lost their lives in the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The pigeon was to be released as a symbol of love, hope and renewal after the two minutes of silence. It was found amongst the rubble and debris of the ChristChurch Cathedral and named Barney Rubble.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Safe distance. A police officer patrols Colombo Street in Sydenham, by the devastated Ascot Electronics Service Centre".
A police officer giving assistance to members of the public while guarding the CBD cordon. A couple of other people are looking into the city cordon.
A graffiti-style recruitment advertisement for the NZ Police, depicting police officer Nao Yoshimizu comforting the grieving relative of an earthquake victim. The image has been further graffitied to hide the officer's uniform, and the original advertisement text ("You too can do something extraordinary. Become a cop.") altered to read "You too can do something ordinary. Become a human".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "MDC Senior Building Control Officers Bill East and Jeff Atkinson survey a historic homestead in Cass Road, Kaiapoi".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "MDC Senior Building Control Officers Bill East and Jeff Atkinson survey a historic homestead in Cass Road, Kaiapoi".
A police officer inspects a damaged building on Barbadoes street. The brick facade has collapsed, and the building is cordoned off with police tape.
A photograph of SPCA Field Officer Vanessa Hampton recording details of an owned cat whose family had to vacate their home after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Damage control. Urban Search and Rescue team members liaise with safety officers in front of Blackwells department store in Kaiapoi".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Xavier Gonzalez, Chief Executive Officer of the International Paralympic Committee, inspecting QE2 after the quake for the upcoming IPC Athletics World Champs".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Xavier Gonzalez, Chief Executive Officer of the International Paralympic Committee, inspecting QE2 after the quake for the upcoming IPC Athletics World Champs".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Xavier Gonzalez, Chief Executive Officer of the International Paralympic Committee, inspecting QE2 after the quake for the upcoming IPC Athletics World Champs".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Xavier Gonzalez, Chief Executive Officer of the International Paralympic Committee, inspecting QE2 after the quake for the upcoming IPC Athletics World Champs".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "MP Amy Adam, left, chief financial officer, Kathy Meads, Lyttelton Port CEO, Peter Davie, and transport minister, Steven Joyce, right, with earthquake damage to Cashin Quay".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Lyttelton Port CEO, Peter Davie, right, explains the earthquake damage to transport minister, Steven Joyce, and MP Amy Adams, centre, at Gladstone Pier. Left is company chief financial officer, Kathy Meads".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Vandals broke into and damaged the 1885 historic Church of the Good Shepherd in Phillips Street after the September earthquake. Constable Geoff McLean (crime scene officer) dusts for prints".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Vandals broke into and damaged the 1885 historic Church of the Good Shepherd in Phillips Street after the September earthquake. Constable Geoff McLean (crime scene officer) lifts clear prints where the vandals gained access".
A scanned copy of a black and white photograph depicting a line of police officers at a protest against the Springbok Tour in 1981. The photograph was taken on the National Day of Shame, 22 July 1981.