20140927_2219_1D3-24 Planting natives at Harold Henry Park
A planting of native bushes and trees in the old children's playground area in Bexley, Organised by the Facebook group Avon River Park and assisted by ex Bexley residents. This is right in the middle of the Bexley red zone with most houses removed or demolished now.
A photograph of a section of an artwork on the wall of a building between New Brighton Mall and Beresford Street. The section depicts a range of native birds.
A photograph of artworks on the wall of a building between New Brighton Mall and Beresford Street. The artwork in the middle depicts a range of native birds. To the left, a section of another artwork shows a hei matau and a jester holding a sign that reads, "Nothing about us without us!". To the right there is a landscape with a message written over it.
A photograph of a stepladder resting on a wall. Artwork on the wall shows kowhai flowers and other native plants. There are broken windows on the wall to the side of the ladder.