A photograph of the seating area at the Samo Lyttelton cafe. In the background is a view of Lyttelton Harbour.
Lyttelton First World War memorial
A photograph of Coralie Winn standing next to a Lyttelton resident at the Lyttelton Petanque Club.
A graphic giving the status of Lyttelton Main School.
A graphic giving the status of Lyttelton West School.
A photograph of the outdoor seating area of the Samo Lyttelton cafe.
Much of the CBD will be cordoned off and without power (as you should be able to spot) for quite some time as a result of the damage caused by February's deadly earthquake.
Hopefully will be open again later this month - 25 months afer the February earthquake.
Obvious seeing why the Summit Road has been closed below Mt Cavendish since the February 22 2011 earthquake. There are some large rocks there!
The Old Lyttelton Post Office, opened in 1874, showing damage after a series of earthquakes hit Christchurch and Lyttelton over the last 9 months.
Processed to capture the "feel" of the sign "Now and Forever Images".
20130304_2852_G12-9 Rocks on Summit Road below Mt Cavendish
Much of the CBD will be cordoned off and without power (as you should be able to spot) for quite some time as a result of the damage caused by February's deadly earthquake.
This is the Summit Road below Mt Cavendish and shows a few remaining high buildings in the central city beyond (in setting sun). Just above centre is the doomed AMI Stadium (1) aka Lancaster Park, home to Canterbury cricket and rugby till the erathquakes.
Cordoned off after damage from the earthquakes.
Obvious seeing why the Summit Road has been closed below Mt Cavendish since the February 22 2011 earthquake. There are some large rocks there!
20130125_1749_1D3-400 Road Closed 1
The Lyttelton side of Evans Pass is closed (since the earthquake 23 months ago - 22/02/11). Prior to the road tunnel (through the Port Hills) opening in the early 1960s this was the main access road to the port of Lyttelton.
Went into this cafe a few times in years gone by (all on camera club field trips or photowalks). It was a nice two-storey building then. Not now after the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011.
The damage to Castle Rock, overlooking the Heathcote Valley from the 7.1 earthquake on September 4th.
A photograph of a staff member behind the counter at the Samo Lyttelton cafe.
A photograph of a customer reading a newspaper in the Samo Lyttelton cafe.
A photograph of a musician performing at the Lyttelton Petanque Club.