A photograph of street art between Brighton Mall and Hawke Street. The artwork shows a face with many patterns drawn on it. There are different characters drawn on either side of the face. On the left side, there is the Japanese character for "mother" and the letters DNB. On the right side of the face is the English word "love".
A photograph of section of a mural on the side of the Shoreline Fitness Centre on Hawke Street. This section contains a large bubble with the message, "Space. Occupy Equality Street", inside. Next to this is another bubble with the message, "Love", painted inside.
A photograph of street art on a building in New Brighton. The artwork includes the words, "We still love this place".
A photograph of street art on a building in New Brighton. The artwork includes the phrases "No one is superior, everyone is special", "Occupy Equality Street", and "Love is the child of freedom".
A photograph of a section of a piece of street art on a wall facing onto a car park off Hawke Street. This section is signed, "To Jessie, I love you baby, Merry Christmas".