Two cardboard coffee cups in a takeaway tray sit on a wooden counter. The photographer comments, "What is the story of these coffees and that sad muffin? Were these an order when the earthquake struck Christchurch on 22 February 2011? Were these a workman's and a colleague's having a quick coffee break when a later aftershock caused them to leave everything behind when they fled the red zoned building, or were they just forgotten when the building was cleared out and abandoned?".
Part of a house left sticking out over empty space after the cliff below it collapsed. The photographer comments, "Kinsey Terrace, Clifton, Christchurch viewed from Main Road".
A compliation of aerial photographs of Christchurch and Lyttelton showing damage caused by the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
Page banners with images from the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A page banner for a feature titled, "The land report".
A page banner for a feature on visions for Christchurch.
A timeline of Gerald Shirtcliff's career.
A page layout for a Zone Life feature on the history and demolition of one red-zoned house.
A 'Breaking news' page banner for stories about the 2011 earthquakes.
An infographic showing the status of buildings in central Christchurch.
A graphic illustrating the findings of the Royal Commission enquiry into the CTV building collapse.
A page banner for a feature on the anniversary of the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A page layout for a feature titled, "The land report".
The left-hand section of a timeline of the CTV building.
View down Colombo Street, to the left is a vacant lot left by the demolition of a building.
Ongoing repair and deconstruction work on Victoria Street. The car park to the left of the image was left after the demolition of a building.
A page banner for a feature on school closures.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "A group of seven civil defence volunteers have just returned from four days helping in earthquake-affected Christchurch, in the welfare sector. Front row, from left: Paula Burke and Rodney Trainor. Middle from left: Kathie Scobie and Jo O'Connor. Back row from left: Marita Soper, Ian Withers and Andrae Gold".
The intersection of Montreal and Kilmore Streets, with the Cranmer Courts on the right and on the left is a vacant lot left by the demolition of a building.
Looking over the cordon fence towards the intesection of Latimer Square and Hereford Street. The vacant site was left after the demolition of Avonmore House, and a digger is seen on a demolition site on the left.
Looking across several properties to a yet to demolished (or possibly removed) house on Seabreeze Close, Pacific Park, Bexley.
Only two of 20 houses left in the Rawhiti Earthquake Village.
This from the sign on perimeter fence:
"Since 2011, Rawhiti Domain has been used to provide temporary accommodation for those affected by the Canterbury earthquakes.
Over 200 households have used the 20 houses while their own homes have been repaired or rebuilt. The demand for acco...
Detail of the front entrance to the Croydon House B&B Hotel. The front door has been removed and left in front. On the door are spray paint markings left by USAR after the building was checked. Cordon tape restricting access to the buildings can be seen.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Tom McBrearty (second from left) along with the dean of the Christ Church Cathedral Reverend Peter Beck (left), and residents Leanne Curtis and Evan Smith right) have formed a grass roots community group for earthquake-hit suburbs".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Tom McBrearty (second from left) along with the dean of the Christ Church Cathedral Reverend Peter Beck (left), and residents Leanne Curtis and Evan Smith right) have formed a grass roots community group for earthquake-hit suburbs".