A large crack between the road and a concrete slab in New Brighton. The photographer comments, "This is the gap that has been growing during all the Christchurch earthquakes. It is between Robbie's Restaurant and the car park in New Brighton".
A digitally manipulated image of a damaged building. The photographer comments, "Part of Christchurch City is out of bounds for the public and is called the red zone".
A broken window decorated with a lizard emblem on a building on Hereford Street. The photographer comments, "Many of the buildings are waiting to be demolished. As this one has been abandoned it is probably on the list".
A digitally manipulated image of a damaged building in Madras Street. The photographer comments, "After the 22 February earthquake in Christchurch there was a lot of damaged buildings. Sometimes there is the odd one where being unclothed or de-bricked let the world see their beauty".
Text reads 'What??... Is it another quake?.. No, it's just Gerry Brownlee rushing the CERA bill through'. The cartoon shows the huge back of Minister for Christchurch Recovery Gerry Brownlee moving energetically and forcefully to get the CERA bill past its third reading. Context - The bill establishes the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (Cera) and empowers it to lead reconstruction efforts in Christchurch. It gives Cera specific powers to get information from any source, to requisition and build on land and to carry out demolitions. It can also take over local authorities if they are not working effectively on recovery work. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Two huge wrestlers, one representing 'Port Hills fault' and the other 'Greendale fault' struggle together over a broken Christchurch. Another wrestler, representing 'Other faults' appears in the distance yelling 'Is it my turn yet?' Context - Christchurch has now had three major earthquakes and thousands of aftershocks. It now appears likely that the Christchurch quakes resulted from activity on a fault extending directly eastward from the Alpine fault that remained unknown until last year, says Roger Musson, a seismologist at the British Geological Survey in Edinburgh. The new fault first came to light last September (4th) when a stronger but less calamitous quake shook Darfield, 40 kilometres west of Christchurch. Musson says the latest quake (Feb 22, 2011) probably resulted from an eastward continuation of activity on the same fault. "It has probably not moved for tens of thousands of years, so lots of strain built up," says Musson. The third major quake happened on 13th June 2011. (New Scientist - February 22, 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A view down Victoria Street from the corner of Victoria Street and Bealey Avenue. On the left is the damaged Knox Church, where the brick has crumbled but the wooden roof frame is still intact. In front is a tent where the Army is guarding the cordon from.
A view down Victoria Street from the corner of Victoria Street and Bealey Avenue. On the left is the damaged Knox Church, where the brick has crumbled but the wooden roof frame is still intact. Behind is the the BDO building and on the left is an empty demolition site.
Tell me... Why This is the path I'll never tread These are the dreams I'll dream instead This is the joy that's seldom spread These are the tears... The tears we shed This is the fear This is the dread These are the contents of my head And these are the years that we have spent And this is what they represent And this is how I feel Do you know h...
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch Airport opened at 8am this morning to domestic flights. (L-R) Archie McBride is trying to fly to Hokitika, Laura Jolly is trying to book a flight to Wellington, Doug Jolly is staying in Christchurch and Ryan Jolly is flying to Hokitika".
A photograph of a residential street in Christchurch which is covered in liquefaction. In the distance a sign indicates that the speed limit is 30 kilometres an hour. To the left is a portaloo.
A photograph of looking west out a window of the PricewaterhouseCoopers Building on Armagh Street. To the left is the Victoria Apartments with a slight forward lean. Victoria Square is in the centre of the photograph and to the right is the Crowne Plaza Hotel. In the foreground is the Copthorne Hotel.
An aerial photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Victoria Square is at the centre of this picture with its green lawns and trees. The bare patch of earth in front s the demolition sites of the Allan McLean building, the Oxford on Avon, and Plunket House. The contract to demolish the Crowne Plaza Hotel has been let, while the fate of the Town Hall is still undecided. The Convention Centre is coming down. On the very bottom, slightly to the right is the Medlab building which is also to be demolished. In the bottom left corner is the PWC building which is also to be demolished".
The cartoon is headed 'Whitebait - How to spot the difference.' Below are two frames; the one on the left shows a brown fish wearing goggles and breathing apparatus, it is from the East Coast and is described as 'drab brown' and 'tastes like dung'; the one on the right is pink and wears a sun hat and sunglasses, it is from the West Coast and is described as 'lightly tanned' and 'tastes like coconut'. Context: The whitebait from the east coast has been contaminated by the Canterbury earthquakes. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Trees alongside the Avon River in Richmond. The river level is high, and the water is grey with silt. One of the trees is leaning towards the river. The photographer comments, "High river levels because of liquefaction in the Avon. Near 373 River Rd, Richmond".
An aerial photograph of the PricewaterhouseCoopers building. The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "PricewaterhouseCoopers building at 119 Armagh Street. Its status is uneconomic to repair, so it will be demolished. Copthorne Central is visible behind it and will be staying".
An aerial photograph of the Christchurch central city. The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "BDO Lumley House which is in the process of being demolished. Knox Church is visible on the right hand side of the photo".
A block of flats with carparks beneath is on a noticable lean. Liquefaction silt is piled around the base of the building.
Cement is piped from the trucks to the foundations where it is poured into the foundation posts when building the Ilam village.
A long line of cars on Shirley Road. While the centre of the road is clear, there is flooding and liquefaction along the edges.
Cement is piped from the trucks to the foundations where it is poured into the foundation posts when building the Ilam village.
A photograph looking south down Colombo Street from the intersection of Gloucester Street. In the distance a crane is hanging over Cathedral Square. Below the crane is the partially-demolished tower of the ChristChurch Cathedral. A pile of rubble is sitting in front.
A photograph of the collapsed PGC Building, taken from Oxford Terrace across the Avon River. An excavator is sitting on top of the rubble from the building and is working to demolish the part of the building which is still standing.
Damage to a building on Worcester Street. The brick wall is badly cracked and is bowing outwards.
A photograph of signs on a business indicating it is still open. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Maces Road, Bromley".
Damage to River Road in Richmond. The road is badly cracked and buckled, and is partly blocked off with road cones and warning tape. In the background is a truck carrying more road cones and signs. The photographer comments, "Major slumps and cracks along River Rd. Near 381 River Rd, looking towards the Banks Ave - Dallington Terrace corner".
In four frames a man watches the news on TV. He hears that 'Severe aftershocks continue as the demolition crew move into the red zone.. amidst the badly damaged infrastructure..' His wife offers him a cup of tea and assumes the report is about Christchurch but it is not, it is about 'Phil Goff & Labour' Context - Christchurch continues to have aftershocks following the February 22 earthquake and the Labour Party is suffering one bodyblow after another - the last being the Darren Hughes affair. This is disastrous for Labour because the 2011 election is in November. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Looking down Worcester Boulevard from Cathedral Square. The Claredon Tower is on the right with some windows boarded up and the Grant Thornton building is on the right.