A photograph of the earthquake damage to The Daily Bagel and Covent Fruit Centre on Victoria Street. The front wall of the second storey has collapsed, exposing the rooms inside.
A flowering fruit tree provides spring colour after the September earthquake.
A dairy in a shipping container on Colombo Street. This is the tented section on the outside for fruit and vegetables.
A stall selling fruit at Gap Filler's Fun Fair in Addington. A recipe for 'Simple Jelly' has been taped to a basket of quinces.
View of the corner of Montreal and Victoria Street. In the background is a vacant lot left by buildings that has been demolished, and on the right is Gordon Smith & Sons fruit and vegetable shop.
The walls from the flats above the Daily Bagel and the Covent Fruit Centre have crumbled, exposing the interior of the rooms above. The walls have toppled onto the footpath leaving a pile of building rubble.
The facade of the building housing the Daily Bagel and the Covent Fruit Centre has fallen away, leaving the building unstable and dangerous. The front wall has toppled onto the footpath leaving a pile of bricks. The front windows of this and surrounding buildings have been spray-painted with USAR codes 'No Go' and the times they were checked.
This is what my lunch looked like after spending a month in my office, post-quake. The banana had liquefied in its skin but there wasn't any mould or anything else. The banana absolutely reeked, though; I ended up tossing everything that had been in the lunch box.