A photograph of people dancing at the Gap Filler Dance-O-Mat.
A photograph of people dancing at the Gap Filler Dance-O-Mat.
A photograph of people dancing at the Gap Filler Dance-O-Mat.
A photograph of people exercising at the Gap Filler Dance-O-Mat.
A photograph of the empty site where Gap Filler's Dance-O-Mat will be constructed.
A photograph of a refreshments table at the opening of Gap Filler's Dance-O-Mat.
A photograph of banners hung from a rotary washing line, advertising the opening night of Gap Filler's Dance-O-Mat.
Member of the public using the Dance-O-Mat, a dance floor on a vacant site with coin operated light and music player. This was a project by Gap Filler who wanted to give the Christchurch community a unique dance experience whilst bringing life to our broken city.