A photograph of cranes and excavators on an empty section between Cashel Street and Hereford Street.
A photograph looking across a cleared building site in Cathedral Square towards the old Post Office building. A crane can be seen on the right.
A photograph of the Avon River taken from Cambridge Terrace. A crane can be seen in front of the Forsyth Barr building across the river.
Multiple cranes viewed through a cordon fence. The Novotel Hotel building stands in the foreground and the Rendezvous Hotel building in background.
A photograph looking east down Armagh Street, from the corner of Oxford Terrace and Armagh Street. The road has been fenced off and a crane can be seen in the distance.
A large crane on the Ferrymead bridge, viewed from Tidal View road.
A photograph of the remaining walls of the Copthorne Hotel, taken from beside the Avon River on Cambridge Terrace. The Forsyth Barr building and a crane can also be seen in the distance.
A photograph of the remaining walls of the Copthorne Hotel, taken from beside the Avon River on Cambridge Terrace. The Forsyth Barr building and a crane can also be seen in the distance.
A photograph of the remaining walls of the Copthorne Hotel, taken from beside the Avon River on Cambridge Terrace. The Forsyth Barr building and a crane can also be seen in the distance.
A photograph of the remaining walls of the Copthorne Hotel, taken from beside the Avon River on Cambridge Terrace. The Forsyth Barr building and a crane can also be seen in the distance.
A photograph of a hydraulic crane arm placing a tall wooden post in Cathedral Square. The post is part of an installation titled Urban RefleXion, designed by Architectural Studies students from CPIT for Canterbury Tales.
A photograph of a building on Lichfield Street, seen from Manchester Street.
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Demolition of Ferrymead Bridge".
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Demolition of Ferrymead Bridge".
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Demolition of Ferrymead Bridge".
A photograph of central city buildings, seen from Latimer Square.
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Opawa Bridge remediation".
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Opawa Bridge remediation".
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Cardboard Cathedral construction, corner Madras and Cashel Streets".
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Cardboard Cathedral construction, corner Madras and Cashel Streets".
Christchurch CBD earthquake rebuild lit in the last fading golden glow of the day - taken with 70-200 F4 IS from Mt Pleasant.
I count at least three big cranes!
An aerial photograph looking south over the Arts Centre on Worcester Boulevard. Scaffolding and cranes can be seen around the building which is having extensive repairs done to it after the earthquakes.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The Telecom building, the Old Exchange Building and the Old Post Office are all in this photo as well as the Millennium Hotel and a few cranes".
A digitally manipulated image of demolition machinery, with the Hotel So in the background. The photographer comments, "Strange things happen when you use technicolor film".
Work is continuing on the earthquake damaged South New Brighton bridge. Avon River to the left, Avon-Heathcote Estuary the other side of the bridge.
A photograph of a cleared building site between Hereford Street and Cashel Street. Part of the site has been fenced off. In the distance there is an excavator behind a partially-demolished brick building, and there is a crane across the road on Hereford Street.
What I found on a walk around the city Christchurch November 20, 2013 New Zealand.
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 26 May 2013 on Winchester Street, Lyttelton. The photograph is taken looking southeast over the site of the Anglican Church of the Most Holy Trinity. On the church site are the removed top of the bell tower and porch. Beyond the empty church site the container cranes on Cashin Quay, and Diamond Ha...