Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch begins the slow recovery process after last weeks devastating 7.1 earthquake. Malcolm and Erika MacLeod and kids Lachlan(5) and & Hannah(2) had recently sold their with plans to move to the Gold Coast one day before the earthquake struck".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Engineers from ECAN and other areas in New Zealand have been inspecting the Waimakariri River stop banks on the coast side of State Highway 1 after the September earthquake. Engineers huddle on the stop bank to discuss the situation".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Engineers from ECAN and other areas in NZ have been inspecting the Waimakariri River stop banks on the coast side of State Highway 1 after the September earthquake. The once level stop bank has lowered about 1.5 metres in place. Kaiapoi township is to the left of the frame".