Christchurch Sept 4th Earthquake
A digitally manipulated image of a broken window on Spicer House. The photographer comments, "One of the office blocks in Christchurch City, New Zealand. As the window has not been fixed I am presuming that this building will be slowly demolished at a later date".
Palmers Road, New Brighton
A digitally manipulated photograph looking through a broken window into a darkened room. Through windows opposite, an overgrown garden can be seen. The photographer comments, "This is a restaurant that was closed down and without any help the garden at the back has flourished".
A digitally manipulated photograph of broken windows on Shadbolt House. The photographer comments, "This was close to the start of the demolition of the earthquake damaged Shadbolt House building in the Port of Lyttelton, New Zealand. In the bright sun the glass reflected the blue sky, but the broken windows only reflected the blackness of the interior of the empty broken building".
Broken windows on Leicester House. Broken filing cabinets and other fittings lie on the ground in front of the building. The photographer comments, "As you can see the game did not last very long".
A broken concrete floor slab in a residential property. The photographer comments, "Now that our house is to be rebuilt some time in the distant future, I decided to relay the loose and broken tiles. I took some photos to show what lies beneath".
Christchurch Sept 4th Earthquake
Graphics describing Broken Heart Syndrome.
Broken crockery in a bucket.
Broken glass on Argosy House.
Broken windows on a house.
Broken windows on a building in Welles Street. The photographer comments, "Keep out of sight. The wind will cover our breathing. Is there anything to eat in here?".
A vehicle parked beside a broken streetlight in Parklands. The photographer comments, "This street light was shaken apart during the one of the double earthquakes on 23 December".
A digitally manipulated photograph of a letterbox lying on the ground in front of a red-stickered house. The photographer comments, "An abandoned red stickered house just outside the four avenues that surround Christchurch CBD. The letterbox came down when the wall it was attached to collapsed. The occupants would have had strict instructions to stay out as the property is too dangerous to enter in case there is another earthquake or big aftershock".
A wall clock with its glass broken. The photographer comments, "A very appropriate title as the numbers are not sequential and the clock has a very odd shape".
A digitally manipulated image of Latimer Square. The photographer comments, "It is so nice to stand in the middle of Latimer Square on a bright Winter's day and forget the havoc that is around you. The square has hardly been touched by the Christchurch earthquake, but it is surrounded by demolished and damaged buildings".
A broken window at ground level has building rubble behind it, some of which has been pushed out through the broken glass. The photographer comments, "The alternate title is 'Under Pressure'. A bulldozer must have pushed earthquake debris up against the internal wall not realising there was a glass reinforced window at ground level".
An infographic about Broken Heart Syndrome.
Exposed toilet in a broken building.
A digitally manipulated photograph of the sign for the Boulevarde restaurant. The photographer comments, "The title is very appropriate as this restaurant was closed after the February Christchurch earthquake. The area has been cordoned off for ages now and everything will probably be demolished.
A digitally manipulated image of broken objects. The photographer comments, "Digital painting of breakages and liquefaction after the February 22 earthquake in Christchurch".
Sadly the Chapel has been badly damaged in the magnitude 6.3 earthquake that hit Christchurch 22 February 2011. See below.
The Rose Historic Chapel formerly St Mary’s Convent Chapel is the sole survivor of a group of heritage buildings in Christchurch that once comprised the St Mary’s Convent complex for the Sisters of Mercy in North Colombo St...
Sadly the Chapel has been badly damaged in the magnitude 6.3 earthquake that hit Christchurch 22 February 2011. See below.
The Rose Historic Chapel formerly St Mary’s Convent Chapel is the sole survivor of a group of heritage buildings in Christchurch that once comprised the St Mary’s Convent complex for the Sisters of Mercy in North Colombo St...
Oxford Terrace Baptist Church on the corner of Madras St and Oxford Terrace, and alongside the Central City Fire Station on Kilmore St.
A broken television lies among other debris.
A digitally manipulated image of a damaged building. The photographer comments, "Part of Christchurch City is out of bounds for the public and is called the red zone".
Broken panelling on a building on Colombo Street has exposed the interior of the walls. The photographer comments, "Seen in the Christchurch Earthquake Red Zone. If you saw this anywhere else in the world you would have thought that it was a piece of modern art".