The cartoon shows a row of gold statuettes of Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker smiling and holding a shovel; these are 'The Bob Awards - for supporting roles in Christchurch'. Context - on 22 February 2011 a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck in Christchurch, which has probably killed more than 200 people (at this point the number is still not known) and caused very severe damage. The courage, generosity and 'can do' attitude of the people has been wonderful and Bob Parker himself is showing himself a tireless and cheerful mayor in extraordinary circumstances.
Colour and black and white versions of this cartoon are available
Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
An MC announces at the 'Awards' ceremony a special ward 'For a REAL leading role - Bob Parker!' Context -the Mayor of Christchurch has provided calm measured encouragement and support to the people of Christchurch in an exemplary way since the earthquake of 22 February 2011.
Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
UC is awarded the 2011 Business and Industry Preparedness Award from the International Association of Emergency Managers (Oceania). Presented by Kristin Hoskin to Jeff Field and Sue McKnight.
UC is awarded the 2011 Business and Industry Preparedness Award from the International Association of Emergency Managers (Oceania). Presented by Kristin Hoskin to Jeff Field and Sue McKnight.
UC is awarded the 2011 Business and Industry Preparedness Award from the International Association of Emergency Managers (Oceania). Presented by Kristin Hoskin to Jeff Field and Sue McKnight.
UC is awarded the 2011 Business and Industry Preparedness Award from the International Association of Emergency Managers (Oceania). Presented by Kristin Hoskin to Jeff Field and Sue McKnight.
Ian Town speaks at the Community Engagement Awards.
Ian Town speaks at the Community Engagement Awards.
Vice-Chancellor Rod Carr speaks at the Community Engagement Awards.
Vice-Chancellor Rod Carr speaks at the Community Engagement Awards.
Members of the Senior Management team outside the Community Engagement Awards.
Prime Minister John Key speaks at the Community Engagement Awards 2011.
John Key arriving at the University for the Community Engagement Awards.
Prime Minister John Key speaks at the Community Engagement Awards 2011.
Staff and students in the NZI3 building for the Community Engagement Awards.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office at a graduation ceremony in the Wellington Town Hall. The volunteers were awarded certificates of appreciation at the ceremony, for their work in the emergency response to the 22 February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office at a graduation ceremony in the Wellington Town Hall. The volunteers were awarded certificates of appreciation at the ceremony, for their work in the emergency response to the 22 February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch.
Vice-Chancellor Rod Carr shaking hands with John Key before the Community Engagement Awards.
Bronze award presented to Alexandra Millen, from Christchurch. Pictured with Prime Minister John Key.
Bronze award presented to Hannah Duder, from Christchurch. Pictured here with Prime Minister John Key.
Bronze award presented to Claire Laredo, from Christchurch. Pictured here with Prime Minister John Key.
Vice-Chancellor Rod Carr talking to Prime Minister John Key before the Community Engagement Awards.
Bronze award presented to Jonathon Atkins, from Christchurch. Pictured here with Prime Minister John Key.
Bronze award presented to Chanel Harris, from Christchurch. Pictured here with Prime Minister John Key.
Silver Award presented to Henry Jenkins, originally from Blenheim. Pictured here with Prime Minister John Key.
Silver Award presented to Hamish Drake (from Palmerston North). Pictured here with Prime Minister John Key.
Leader of the Student Volunteer Army, Sam Johnson, in the audience at the Community Engagement Awards.
Bronze award recipients, Hannah Duder (second to the left) and Claire Laredo (middle). Both from Chch.
Prime Minister John Key holdsup the award for Sean Maskill who was unable to attend the ceremony.
Prime Minister John Key holdsup the award for Sean Maskill who was unable to attend the ceremony.