A Civil Defence staff member completing a Level 1 Rapid Assessment inspection on a damaged house.
A photograph of workers standing on Gloucester Street. Two of the workers are filling out EQ Rapid Assessment Forms as their peers watch on.
A Civil Defence staff member completing a Level 1 Rapid Assessment inspection on a damaged house. The brickwork on the outer walls have collapsed.
A Civil Defence staff member completing a Level 1 Rapid Assessment inspection on a damaged house. The brickwork and window have collapsed from the outer wall of the property.
A Civil Defence staff member completing a Level 1 Rapid Assessment inspection on a damaged house. The brickwork has crumbled and the broken windows have been boarded up.
A Civil Defence staff member completing a Level 1 Rapid Assessment inspection on a damaged house. The brickwork on the outer walls have collapsed. The window on the left hand side has been broken.
A Civil Defence staff member completing a Level 1 Rapid Assessment inspection form for a damaged house. Some of the brickwork has collapsed from the outer wall and the awnings over the windows have collapsed.
A Civil Defence staff member completing a Level 1 Rapid Assessment inspection form for a damaged house. Some of the brickwork has collapsed from the outer wall of the house and the awnings over the windows have collapsed.
A photograph of a rapid assessment lecture being presented to workers.
A Civil Defence staff member talking on his cell phone, he is holding clipboard with a form titled 'Christchurch Eq rapid assessment form level 1'. The brickwork of the house has crumbled and the broken windows have been boarded up.
A photograph of the first page of a copy of a Level 1 Rapid Assessment Form. The form was used by the Civil Defence to document the earthquake damage to buildings in central Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of the second page of a copy of a Level 2 Rapid Assessment Form. The form was used by the Civil Defence to document the earthquake damage to buildings in central Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of the third page of a copy of a Level 2 Rapid Assessment Form. The form was used by the Civil Defence to document the earthquake damage to buildings in central Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of the first page of a copy of a Level 2 Rapid Assessment Form. The form was used by the Civil Defence to document the earthquake damage to buildings in central Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A yellow sticker on the fence of a property in Armagh Street restricting entry for emergency purposes, damage assessments, and essential business.
Structural Engineers from the New Zealand and Los Angeles County Fire Department Urban Search and Rescue teams performing assessments of buildings on High Street near Manchester Street.
Structural Engineers from the New Zealand and Los Angeles County Fire Department Urban Search and Rescue teams performing an assessment of the Kenton Chambers Building on Hereford Street.
Structural Engineers from the New Zealand and Los Angeles County Fire Department Urban Search and Rescue teams performing an assessment of the Kenton Chambers Building on Hereford Street.
The Asko Design store on Victoria Street has been given a yellow sticker. This was a building assessment system used following the February earthquake and indicates that this building has limited access and needs further evaluation.
The Surreal Hair & Beauty store on Victoria Street has been given a yellow sticker. This was a building assessment system used following the February earthquake and indicates that this building has limited access and needs further evaluation.
The Surreal Hair & Beauty store on Victoria Street has been given a yellow sticker. This was a building assessment system used following the February earthquake and indicates that this building has limited access and needs further evaluation.
The Ozone Dressing Sheds on Marine Parade. The photographer comments, "A bike ride to New Brighton and the beach 3 weeks after the Feb 22 quake. Roads were still very rough and under reconstruction. In New Brighton, EQC assessments look a lot like tagging".
An interested passerby assumes that a builder will be keen to get some EQC work fixing up Christchurch but the builder replies 'Are you kidding?! Not while EQC is paying us $4500 a week to do its assessments!' Context - The Earthquake Commission (EQC) has employed 414 contractors to carry out the assessments on its behalf, Radio New Zealand reported. Contractors carrying out property inspections of quake-damaged Christchurch homes are being paid about $4000 a week. Contractors are paid $75 an hour, while the builders, who inspect the damage, receive $60 an hour, the broadcaster said. (8 June 2011) Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
The cartoon is drawn as a game of 'Quakeopoly' in which earthquakes, aftershocks, assessment waits, stress etc. allow one to move from one square to the next but players are always forced backwards and can never win. Context - The Canterbury earthquakes of 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011 and the continuing aftershocks. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A faded yellow sticker stuck to the window of a house on Avonside Drive. It has been issued by the Christchurch City Council and reads, "Restricted Use. No entry except on essential business. Warning: This building has been damaged and its structural safety is questionable. Enter only at own risk. Subsequent aftershocks or other events may result in increased damage and danger, changing this assessment. Re-inspection may be required. The damage observed from external inspection is as described below." It goes on to set out the conditions for entry to the building and information about the inspector. The sign is so faded that the handwritten information is almost illegible.
A yellow sticker on the door of a house in Worcester Street reading, "Restricted use. No entry except on essential business. Warning: This building has been damaged and its structural safety is questionable. Earthquake aftershocks present danger. Enter only at own risk. Subsequent events may result in increased damage and danger, changing this assessment. Reinspection may be required. The damage is as described below: partial collapse of longitudinal walls". Following on from this are the specific conditions that must be complied with to enable entry into the property, the inspector's identification details, and the date and time the building was inspected. At the bottom the form reads, "Do not remove this placard. Placed by order of the territorial authority Christchurch City Council".
Someone in a car full of passengers who represent '10,000 residents' says 'For Pete's sake... Are they ever going to change?' Spider webs have been spun between the car and the road as the car waits at a traffic light that represents the 'land report' and is stuck on orange. Context - Context - On Thursday 23 June Prime Minister John Key, Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee and representatives from engineering consultants Tonkin & Taylor announced the first part of the Government's long-awaited land report that revealed the fate of up to 5000 quake-damaged homes. These homes were in the 'red zone'. But 10,500 owners in the orange zone were left in limbo, with their properties requiring further assessment. The areas included Kaiapoi, Pines Beach, Brooklands, Spencerville, Parklands and Queenspark (www.rebuildchristchurch.co.nz 6 July 2011)) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
The cartoon shows Christchurch obscured by ash. Text reads 'Christchurch recovery package' and below are the words 'Cash cloud'. Context - Beginning on the 6th of June the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano has been erupting for more than a week. Drifting ash clouds have been interupting flights. On Thursday 23 June Prime Minister John Key, Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee and representatives from engineering consultants Tonkin & Taylor announced the first part of the Government's long-awaited land report that revealed the fate of up to 5000 quake-damaged homes. These homes were in the 'red zone'. But 10,500 owners in the orange zone were left in limbo, with their properties requiring further assessment. One of the options presented to residents in the red zone, ideal for people with replacement policies, was the government bought your land, and you dealt directly with your insurers about your house. However they got a shock when insurers told them they won't replace their homes, they'll only repair them, even though they're earmarked for certain demolition. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).