Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The church of St Michaels and All Angels is undamaged after the two earthquakes. The pipe organ suffered significant but reparable damage. This church is now the only operational church within the city centre".
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 25 February 2011 showing earthquake damage to the Catholic Church of St Joseph the Worker in Winchester Street Lyttelton. Photograph shows the eastern side of the church. Photograph taken from St Davids Street. The earthquake damaged eastern wall of the Catholic Church of St Joseph the Worker sho...
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Church of St Michael and All Angels centre and Bridge of Remembrance lower left".
The St Michael and All Angels Anglican Church and School, with some cracking on the footpath in front of the church.
Road cones on the street beside the St Michael and All Angels Anglican Church and School.
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 25 February 2011 showing earthquake damage to the Presbyterian Church of St John in Winchester Street Lyttelton. Photograph shows the main doors, roof and collapsed tower at southern end of church. Architect St John's Lyttelton was one of the oldest Presbyterian Churches in Canterbury. The New Ze...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 15 June 2011 showing earthquake damage to the Presbyterian Church of St John in Winchester Street, Lyttelton. Photograph shows the collapsed roof and tower. The photograph is taken from the southeast corner of the church. Architect St John's Lyttelton was one of the oldest Presbyterian Churches in...
One portrait colour digital photograph taken on 19 April 2011 showing earthquake damage to the Catholic Church of St Joseph the Worker in Winchester Street Lyttelton. Photograph shows the southern end of church. The fencing erected around the Catholic Church of St Joseph the Worker shows the emphasis which was placed on public safety in the mon...
One portrait colour digital photograph taken on 25 September 2011 showing the demolition of the Catholic Church of St Joseph the Worker in Winchester Street Lyttelton. Photograph shows the Transepts, Sanctuary. The damage from the June 2011 aftershocks led to the demolition of the St Joseph Church 146 years after its opening in June 1865. The L...
One portrait colour digital photograph taken on 25 February 2011 showing earthquake damage to the Catholic Church of St Joseph the Worker in Winchester Street Lyttelton. Photograph shows the main doors and roof at southern end of church. Nineteenth century stone buildings are particularly vulnerable to earthquake damage as the individual compon...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 15 June 2011 showing earthquake damage to the Presbyterian Church of St John in Winchester Street, Lyttelton. Photograph shows the collapsed roof and tower. The photograph is taken from the southern side of the church. Architect The destructive force of the 14 June 2011 earthquakes on buildings in...
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Looking north along Cambridge Terrace and Durham Street from St Michael and All Angels Church".
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 30 June 2011 showing earthquake damage to the former Convent of Our Lady of Mercy and to the Catholic Church of St Joseph the Worker. Photograph taken from St. Davids Street The sense of loss felt when confronted with the collapse or demolition of an historic building is compounded when that bui...
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Looking north along Cambridge Terrace and Durham Street from St Michael and All Angels Church. New Cashel Mall is at centre right".
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 26 May 2013 on Winchester Street, Lyttelton. The photograph is taken looking south from the site of the Catholic Church of St Joseph the Worker to the site of the Anglican Church of the Most Holy Trinity. Visible are the removed top of the bell tower and porch. The damaged vicarage is at the weste...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 13 May 2011 looking northwest from the Gaol Steps. In the foreground is the edge of the Lyttelton Rose Garden, the safety fencing around the Upham Clock is visible. Below this is the intersection of Winchester and Oxford Streets. Prominent in the mid ground are the Catholic Church of St Joseph the...
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "City Council admin building (centre), Cathedral Square (lower left), Arts Centre (centre right) and public hospital (upper right)".
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 6 September 2011 showing demolition of the former Convent of Our Lady of Mercy. St Mary's School, run by the Sisters of Mercy, was also housed in this building. At the time of the 4 September 2010 earthquake the building was a private residence. Three years after the 2010-2011 earthquakes there a...