A graphic giving the status of South New Brighton School.
Liquefaction silt on a grassed area in New Brighton.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Sightseeing, South Brighton bridge".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "South Brighton Bridge sightseeing ".
20130211_2645_1D3-840 South New Brighton bridge damage (under repair)
Earthquake damage (that right hand abutment should be vertical with the bridge and the hand rail level). Bridge is closed to eastbound traffic (to left) and has a 3500kg weight limit as well.
The eastern approach is the same. Damage caused mainly in the 04/09/10 and 22/02/11...
73 months after the earthquake that damaged it, the jetty at South New Brighton Domain is still not repaired. Seven years ago it was straight and level.
Dull, flat and orrible (horrible) light meant this image was destined to become monochrome!
The South Brighton bridge abutment (city side). Bridge looks fine, just both approaches have moved A LOT!
20130312_4425_1D3-150 South New Brighton boardwalk track [Explored]
Damaged in the earthquakes, now with more bends and not level as it was before.
Selected for Explore. #306 12/05/13
The South New Brighton jetty has been closed for 3 or 4 years (fenced off) then the fence was removed and it was "open", but nothing has happened to it since the earthquakes, but it is closed again now, although it looks like a home made sign!
When I was a kid this bit of land in the foreground was level and extended at least three times further out, but after the earthquakes you can see the angle that land near the river slumped. We used to catch a lot of herrings (yellow -eyed mullet) here when I was a kid, hence the local name of Herring Bay. Across the river is the Bexley Wetlands.
The city side of the South Brighton bridge. Approaches on both sides will need extensive work before this bridge can re-open.
Went for a drive down to South New Brighton/Southshore after work today to see what interesting birds I could find on the Estuary (godwits, skuas, terns etc), but passing Jellico Street, I saw this. T-Rex the seismic survey truck from the University of Texas that is visiting the city (first time out of USA). Weighs 30 tonne and from the marks o...
Went for a drive down to South New Brighton/Southshore after work today to see what interesting birds I could find on the Estuary (godwits, skuas, terns etc), but passing Jellico Street, I saw this. T-Rex the seismic survey truck from the University of Texas that is visiting the city (first time out of USA). Weighs 30 tonne and from the marks o...
The flooded Bexley Wetlands, now about 1 - 1.5metre below pre earthquake level. The short length of fence (mid ground) was on the "river track" that the council closed about three years ago. The whole track in this view is now under about 500mm water at high tide.
The main track in front of the houses was, prior to earthquakes, below the leve...
Went for a drive down to South New Brighton/Southshore after work today to see what interesting birds I could find on the Estuary (godwits, skuas, terns etc), but passing Jellico Street, I saw this. T-Rex the seismic survey truck from the University of Texas that is visiting the city (first time out of USA). Weighs 30 tonne and from the marks o...
The jetty in the South New Brighton Domain was rebuilt a few years ago. It was straight and level till the earthquakes. Has been closed for 2½ years now.
The jetty in the South New Brighton Domain was rebuilt a few years ago. It was straight and level till the earthquakes. Has been closed for 2½ years now. The shags like it though!
The jetty in the South New Brighton Domain was rebuilt a few years ago. It was straight and level till the earthquakes. Has been closed for 2½ years now.
Went for a drive down to South New Brighton/Southshore after work today to see what interesting birds I could find on the Estuary (godwits, skuas, terns etc), but passing Jellico Street, I saw this. T-Rex the seismic survey truck from the University of Texas that is visiting the city (first time out of USA). Weighs 30 tonne and from the marks o...
20100904_3322_1D3-200 Bridge Street bridge, Christchurch earthquake
South Brighton Bridge. See the gap between the abutment and the bridge itself (just to right of lower person).
The city side of the South Brighton bridge. Approaches on both sides will need extensive work before this bridge can re-open.
Bridge opened for traffic less than a week later, but still (23/09) has 30kmh speed restriction.
The South New Brighton jetty was rebuilt a couple of years before the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes wrecked it. Then, it was straight, level and all railings on left side were intact. Was closed to the public for about four years but is open now.
The South New Brighton jetty was rebuilt a couple of years before the earthquakes wrecked it. Was closed to the public for about four years but is open now.
Work is continuing on the earthquake damaged South New Brighton bridge. Avon River to the left, Avon-Heathcote Estuary the other side of the bridge.
A photograph of volunteers preparing the site for Foamapalooza.
The South New Brighton Domain jetty into the Avon-Heathcote Estuary. A new jetty replaced an older one about 6-8 years ago, then the earthquakes happened! Before the earthquakes it was straight and level and open!
The small wharf area of the now gone Pleasant Point Yacht Club has already been taken over by the Pied Shags (cormorants).
It is under water now except for low tide. Note the dead pine tree in background. Many have died because of the salt water their roots are in.
A photograph of volunteers holding the foam blocks which will be used to create Foamapalooza.
A photograph of foam blocks and tires stacked on wooden pallets on the site of Foamapalooza.