An aerial photograph of New Brighton with the pier visible in the distance.
Photos taken in New Brighton on March 31 following the February 22 earthquake.
File reference: CCL-2011-03-25-New Brighton-After-The-Earthquake-NB Parkland 007
From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
The Pier cafe and the New Brighton Public Library building at the start of the New Brighton Pier.
The Pier cafe and the New Brighton Public Library building at the start of the New Brighton Pier.
An aerial photograph of a residential area in New Brighton, with the New Brighton Mall and the pier in the distance.
People enjoying the nice weather on the grass field next to New Brighton Beach. In the background is the New Brighton Pier, the Salt on the Pier restaurant and the New Brighton Public Library.
The public enjoys the nice weather on the grass field next to New Brighton Beach. In the background is the New Brighton Pier, the Salt on the Pier restaurant and the New Brighton Public Library.
A photograph of the New Brighton pier.
An aerial photograph of New Brighton with the pier visible in the distance.
The New Brighton Pier still intact after the Canterbury earthquakes.
The New Brighton Pier still intact after the Canterbury earthquakes.
An aerial photograph of a residential area in Bexley. In the distance, the New Brighton pier can be seen as well as the Rawhiti Domain and Bottle Lake Forrest.