More repairs to the infrastructure as a result of the 2010 & 2011 earthquakes. Hardy Street/Owles Terrace corner (beside the boat launching ramp), New Brighton
Only it is worse this time! As from Wednesday I won't have car access to the property, nor the street, nor one of the neighbouring streets - for a month at least! A second attempt to do a sewer repair after the earthquakes - yes I know they were 3 to 2½ years ago!
20130817_2457_1D3-400 The story of Christchurch (Day 229/365)
Many roads are closed all over eastern Christchurch as infra-structure repairs are carried out, whether it be water supplies, sewer repairs (as is the case here) or general road repairs, In just over two weeks it will be three years since the first earthquake happened (4th September...