Text reads 'AFTERSHOCK$$$$$$$$$$$ $2 billion $4 billion'. Refers to the estimated costs resulting from the Canterbury earthquake of 4th September 2010 - The '2' is crossed out and the 'Treasury' pen writes '4' in its place.
Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A man and woman clutch each other in terror as their house rocks in an aftershake; the man grabs his phone and offers his land for sale adding that 'foreigners are welcome'. Refers to the Canterbury earthquake of 4th September 2010 which continues to experience aftershakes, some of them quite significant. Refers also to the debate about whether New Zealand should be selling land, particularly farms, to foreigners; one side of the debate considers the sale of land to foreigners to make economic sense while others feel that our heritage is being lost.
Both colour and black and white versions of this cartoon are available
Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
The word 'AFTERSHOCKS' appears printed across the Canterbury landscape. Text reads 'Canterbury from the air...' Refers to the earthquake of 4th September and the frequent aftershocks that continued for at least two weeks.
Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Horrible earthquake on the morning of 4 SEP 2010. Felt throughout New Zealand... Aftershocks still ongoing weeks after the 7.1M earthquake.
A map showing the epicentres of the 4 September earthquake and aftershocks.
A map showing the epicentres of the 4 September earthquake and aftershocks.
A map of earthquake events in Canterbury.
waiting for assessment
the pattern of the aftershock since Saturday the 04/09/2010
A Lotto game called 'Tremor Strike' invites people to 'Simply guess the magnitude of the next four consecutive aftershocks and WIN BIG!' Four differently coloured balls each with a tremor magnitude number bounce across the shaking ground. Refers to the earthquake of 4th September and the continuing aftershocks.
Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
After September 2010 earthquake.
Was demolished after extensive damage from February 22nd 2011 6.3 aftershock.
Earthquake Minister Gerry Brownlee trundles heavily through debris left after the Canterbury earthquake of 4th September 2010. An engineer tells him to 'Tread lightly' as they 'don't want any more aftershocks..' Gerry Brownlee is not a slight man.
Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A graph comparing the total energy released during the September 4 earthquake and the aftershocks.
Selwyn CD off to check out the damage after the 40+ aftershocks overnight.
Selwyn CD off to check out the damage after the 40+ aftershocks overnight.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "People run out of Cashel Mall during an aftershock. Earthquake damage in central Christchurch after a 6.3 earthquake".
The cartoon is drawn as a game of 'Quakeopoly' in which earthquakes, aftershocks, assessment waits, stress etc. allow one to move from one square to the next but players are always forced backwards and can never win. Context - The Canterbury earthquakes of 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011 and the continuing aftershocks.
Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A man gets a phonecall from the Earthquake Commission (EQC) informing him that he can 'remediate and build here again!' The call comes just as another aftershock happens causing the family and pets to huddle in a terrified crowd as the house collapses around them and they find themselves waist-deep in mud and water. Refers to the Canterbury earthquake of 4th September and its continuing aftershocks as well as the problems surrounding rebuilding.
Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
The cartoon shows a mobile CBD (central business district) which is mounted on tractor tracks and will be great for dodging aftershocks. Refers to problems and questions about the rebuilding of the Christchurch CBD after the earthquakes and while aftershocks continue.
Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
The Press masthead with a seismograph trace superimposed, showing the 26 December 2010 earthquake and aftershocks.
A graph titled, 'What you have lived through', showing aftershocks since the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch Earthquake. Christchurch was rocked by a large aftershock shortly after 8am this morning. The city was filled with the sounds of sirens after the large aftershock".
Graffiti of an angel clutching a bottle, accompanied by the text "Chritchurch (sic) living make a good man drink." The photographer comments, "Living in Christchurch during the earthquakes was hard on all of us. Some people got drunk to forget or blot out the aftershocks, whilst others dare not drink so that they would be in full control just in case another big earthquake/aftershock occurred. As of today 24 September 2011 there has been 8660 earthquakes/aftershocks in the Christchurch area".
Now a heap of rubble. It didn't stand up to the bigger aftershocks
Shows two visitors to Christchurch who can enjoy the excitement of the danger of earthquakes without car bombings. Context: refers to the Christchurch earthquakes and continuing aftershocks.
Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Maps showing the location of the 26 December 2010 earthquake and aftershocks, and the location of damaged buildings.
A house rocks in the night but the occupants are reassured that it is not 'another quake', only an aftershock, which although it causes the walls to crumble is nothing to worry about. Refers to the Canterbury earthquake of 4th September and the dozens of aftershocks that cause continuing tension and anxiety.
Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Shows a hand lifting a house up from the ground, as the earth shakes and rumbles around it. A voice in the earth says, 'I'm still here'. Refers to ongoing earthquakes and aftershocks following the devastating 2010 and 2011 earthquakes in Canterbury.
Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A few older Christchurch Earthquake Pics from after the 6.3 last Feb (2011).
And yes the aftershocks are still happening..
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A few older Christchurch Earthquake Pics from after the 6.3 last Feb (2011).
And yes the aftershocks are still happening..
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A few older Christchurch Earthquake Pics from after the 6.3 last Feb (2011).
And yes the aftershocks are still happening..
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