At a time when the public needs an excellent service from their city council because of earthquake problems an independent government representative has been appointed to help get the dysfunctional [Christchurch] council back on track. Includes the news that chief executive Tony Marryatt has announced he has turned down a controversial $68,000 pay rise. Problems in the council have been apparent for several months, and in the last week there have been calls for the councillors to be sacked and replaced by commissioners. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Inside the Christchurch City Council building someone wonders what that noise is. Outside a gigantic wave of 'public discontent' rushes towards them. Context: Relates to anger and a protest of 4000 people at what they see as poor performance by the City Council in dealing with earthquake issues. The final straw was the Council's decision on the advice of its consultants to award the Council Chief Executive Tony Marryatt a $68,000 14% pay rise mid December 2011. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Shows a huge glass bell representing a 'Cone of silence' over the City Council. Context: Refers to ructions in the City Council. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A graph showing changes in the Christchurch City Council's investment in Christchurch City Holdings Limited.
An infographic showing estimated repair costs for major Christchurch City Council facilities.
Two cowboys representing the CCC (Christchurch City Council) and 'protesters' are about to have a gun battle in a deserted street. Context: Relates to anger and a protest of 4000 people at what they see as poor performance by the City Council in dealing with earthquake issues. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A graph showing Christchurch City Council's projected debt.
An infographic giving details of Christchurch City Council spending.
Chief executive of the Christchurch City Council, Tony Marryatt, has announced he has turned down a controversial $68,000 pay rise. The pay rise is particularly controversial in the face of widespread hardship in Christchurch because of the earthquakes that began in September 2010 and continue still. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Shows flowers at the Ellerslie Flowershow that represent various politicians. They are (from left) Mayor Bob Parker, Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (Cera) chief executive Roger Sutton, Gerry Brownlee Minister of Earthquake recovery, Tony Marryatt, the Christchurch council chief executive, former Nelson mayor Kerry Marshall appointed Crown observer to oversee city council issues, Christchurch City Councillor Aaron Keown, and Deputy Mayor Ngaire Button. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A graphic illustrating quotes from city leaders responding to criticism of the Christchurch City Council.
The cartoon shows the mayor of Christchurch, Bob Parker being targeted by someone with a gun. He is told that this lesson one of relationship counselling. Context: The Christchurch City Council has been having severe relationship problems which has resulted in a demonstration of 4000 people demanding that the council step aside and that new elections be called. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
An infographic showing the salaries of Christchurch City Council managers.
A graphic showing proposed pay increases for Christchurch City Councillers.
The scene shows a tract of land with a jagged crack running through it. An arm representing the 'Council' reaches out of the crack and points a finger. Someone from the 'Tibetan Community' whose head cannot be seen says 'Surely you can lift finger higher than that?' Context: The Dalai Lama visited Christchurch after the earthquakes but The Dalai Lama's New Zealand representative is accusing the Christchurch City Council of snubbing the spiritual leader during his visit, suggesting ties with China are to blame. In a letter to Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker, New Zealand Tibetan community representative Thuten Kesang said he was disappointed the council "did not lift a finger to help" the Dalai Lama during his visit to the earthquake-hit city in June. Christchurch has a sister-city relationship with the Chinese Gansu Province and Wuhan City. Kesang said he believed this relationship made the council reluctant to engage with the exiled Tibetan leader. (Press - 10 August 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A graphic showing the shortfall in Christchurch City Council's insurance cover.
Shows an earthquake in Christchurch. A large notice reads 'Bob's wishlist to justify Chch rates hike'. 'Bob' is Bob Parker the Mayor of Christchurch. Context: Refers to an Order in Council to give Christchurch City Council more flexibility in setting rates. Cr Yani Johanson sought to grant 100 per cent rates relief for residents who had been unable to occupy their homes during the 2011-12 financial year because of the city's earthquakes - a proposal which staff said would cost $4.9 million - this proposal was voted down. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Front facade to Christchurch City Council's Civic Offices.
An infographic illustrating an accountability scorecard given to the Christchurch City Council.
An infographic showing key projects in the Christchurch City Council's recovery plan.
A graphic to accompany an article titled, "City Council business divide".
A graphic for a story about the Christchurch City Council's decision whether to extend a period of free parking in the central city.
Santa Claus who represents the 'CCC' (Christchurch City Council) carries an enormous sack that represents 'Marryatt's pay rise' on his back. The hopes of a Christchurch earthquake victim who is trying to deal with a crack in his lawn are dashed when Santa says 'Sorry nuthin' for you... theres's no room left in the sack!' Context: Tony Marryatt is the Christchurch City Council's chief executive who has recently been given a controversial $68,000 pay rise for his performance during a year (because of the earthquakes) in which he has 'never worked so hard in my life'. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A chart giving costs for repair or rebuild of Christchurch City Council facilities.
A graphic listing major facilities planned to be built by Christchurch City Council.
A table showing the results of Christchurch City Council's Detailed Engineering Evaluation assessments.
A small boy proudly tells his father 'Next month our class is donating all our pocket money to the quake fund'. His father, who is sitting in an armchair reading a newspaper with a headline that says 'Brownlee lavishes top dollar pay on quake panel' is so furious that steam pours out of his head. Context - The public has been very generous with donations to victims of the Christchurch earthquakes. Questions are now being asked about the Christchurch City Council's handling of consultants' contracts (to do with the rebuilding of the city after the earthquakes). City councillors have been questioning the council's awarding of more than $2.8 million of contracts to consultants. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A page banner promoting an article about damage to the City Council offices.
The three versions of this cartoon show words reading 'rumble' and 'crack' and refer to problems in relationships between the Christchurch City Council and the government about how to manage the rebuilding of Christchurch after the second most damaging earthquake that occured one year ago today (22 February 2011) Quantity: 3 digital cartoon(s).
A graphic for an article about the proposed sale of Christchurch City Council assets.