A photograph of the earthquake damage to a building in central Christchurch. The basement of the building has collapsed and the concrete blocks have broken away from each other. The left corner of the building has also suffered damage, with many of the concrete blocks shaking loose.
A photograph of the entrance to Gap Filler's temporary outdoor cinema on the corner of Madras and St Asaph Streets. The entranceway is made of lights on a steel frame, and leads to a painted "red carpet".
A photograph of 'We Won't Need Legs to Stand', an installation by Sam Eng. The installation was displayed in the window of the COCA gallery when the remainder of the building was yellow-stickered.
A photograph of an installation on the corner of Manchester Street and Gloucester Street. The installation is titled "60 Lights Market", and is part of the LUXCITY event.
A photograph of a paste-up from the Roger Sutton/Man About Town series, created by Nathan Ingram and Jemma Brown. The paste-up is titled "Hip Man", and is on a building on Madras Street.
A photograph of a paste-up on the cordon fence surrounding the Crowne Plaza demolition site. The paste-up is in the shape of an awards ribbon, and reads, "Voted Chch best demo 2012".
A magnitude 7.1 earthquake occurred at 4:35 am on September 4, 2010 here in Christchurch. There was damage and destruction to buildings but no loss of life. Five months later (22nd Feb, 2011) the city was struck by another quake. This time we weren't so lucky. 185 people lost their lives. Many people lost homes and businesses. The central b...
An aerial photograph of the Christchurch central city. The photograph has been captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "This photograph shows nearly all of the CBD. The two streets which are prominent in this photograph are Manchester Street on the left and Colombo Street on the right of the photograph. This photograph is from the north, looking towards the southern part of the city. Cathedral Square is about half way up, towards the right. It shows the extent of demolition that has happened already close to the river and near the Manchester/Gloucester Street intersection where there is a lot of bare land surrounding Radio Network House".
An aerial photograph of the IRD Building in the Christchurch central city and the surrounding area. The photograph has been captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "There are many empty sites in this part of the CBD. The street running up the photograph from the left to the right is Cashel Street. The empty site left of centre with the trees is where St John's Church has been demolished. To the left of the IRD building, is the site of the CTV Building".
A photograph of the earthquake damage to a block of buildings in central Christchurch. The basement of the buildings have collapsed and the concrete blocks have spilled into the car park. Large cracks have also formed in between the blocks in the walls of the building to the left.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to a building in central Christchurch. Broken glass and other rubble litters the courtyard in front of the building. There is a large crack in the brick wall to the right. A red sticker on the glass door indicates that the building is unsafe to enter.
An artist's impression of an installation that forms part of the '60 Lights Market' at the LUXCITY event. Coordinators: Daniele Abreu e Lima and Sam Stringlen; students: Chi Tran, Aria Jansen, Naomi Snelling, Rebecca Wyborn
An artist's impression of an installation that forms part of the '60 Lights Market' at the LUXCITY event. Coordinators: Daniele Abreu e Lima and Michael Smith; students: Alex Heperi, Gagan Saini, Shamal Nanji, Xavier Apelinga
A photograph of workers preparing breakfast for the emergency management personnel in Latimer Square. The workers are wearing high-visibility vests and hair nets. A sign on one of the tent poles reads, "Please wash hand before approaching the food tables, thank you".
A photograph of a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team lining up for breakfast in Latimer Square. To the right, members of the New South Wales USAR team are also getting breakfast.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The Christchurch Central Police Station. It has recently been announced that the Police will vacate this building, as it is not considered safe enough for Police headquarters. It is not clear what will happen to the building which may be strong enough for a less critical operation".
A member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team team attempting to enter the City Care building on Antigua Street. A green sticker on the door indicates that the building has been inspected and is safe to enter.
A photograph of a paste-up from the Roger Sutton/Man About Town series, created by Nathan Ingram and Jemma Brown. The paste-up is titled "Best Man", and is on the Crichton Cobbers building on Fitzgerald Avenue.
A photograph of a paste-up from the Roger Sutton/Man About Town series, created by Nathan Ingram and Jemma Brown. The paste-up is titled "Love Man", and is on the east side of the Victoria Mansions building.
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 1 March 2011 showing a band playing in the memorial service in Queenstown's central square. The 6.3 magnitude earthquake that struck Christchurch on 22 February 2011 shocked most New Zealanders. Memorial services were held around the country, many were held in conjunction with a fundraising initi...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 1 March 2011 showing the crowd gathered for a memorial service in Queenstown's central square. The 6.3 magnitude earthquake that struck Christchurch on 22 February 2011 shocked most New Zealanders. Memorial services were held around the country, many were held in conjunction with a fundraising in...
Shows Minister for Christchurch Earthquake Recovery Gerry Brownlee delighted with his plan to rebuild Christchurch and to have it paid for buy the PM's casino. Context: Refers to the Christchurch Central Development Unit that Minister for Christchurch Earthquake Recovery Gerry Brownlee has put in place. Refers also to the very controversial deal that Prime Minister John Key has made with Auckland's SkyCity to the effect that SkyCity will pay the full construction cost of a new convention centre - estimated at $350 million, in return for being allowed to add more gaming tables and machines, and extending its licence beyond 2021. Colour and black and white versions of this cartoon are available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
A photograph of two large signs that are part of Signs of Things to Come. This was a wayfinding project by Generation Zero and Diadem, for FESTA 2014. The signage gives directions to key central city and FESTA locations, and compares the current and future potential of transport in Christchurch.
A photograph of signs on High Street that are part of Signs of Things to Come. This was a wayfinding project by Generation Zero and Diadem, for FESTA 2014. The signage gives directions to key central city and FESTA locations, and compares the current and future potential of transport in Christchurch.
A photograph of signs on High Street that are part of Signs of Things to Come. This was a wayfinding project by Generation Zero and Diadem, for FESTA 2014. The signage gives directions to key central city and FESTA locations, and compares the current and future potential of transport in Christchurch.
A photograph of a group of tents set up in Latimer Square next to the Singapore Rescue Team's store and equipment area. Plastic mesh and tape has been placed around the tents as a fence. The tents were used as temporary accommodation for emergency management personnel after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
An image from a Army News March 2011 article titled, "Territorial Force". The image shows members of the Central and Lower North Island Territorial Units clearing silt from a resident's garden in east Christchurch. On the left is Private Quentin Chat of Taranaki, and Corporal Samuel Hatcher of Wellington is on the right.
A photograph of the interior of the partially-demolished Odeon Theatre. The top of the walls have been demolished and a nearby building on Manchester Street is visible in the background. Elephants have been painted on the wall of this building.
A photograph of the interior of the partially-demolished Odeon Theatre. The top of the walls have been demolished, and a nearby building on Manchester Street is visible in the background. Elephants have been painted on the closest wall of this building.
A photograph of installations being constructed on the corner of Gloucester Street and Colombo Street for the LUXCITY event. In the foreground is the installation titled "In Your Face", and to the right is the installation titled "Etch-a-Sketch".