A photograph from the All Right? Start with A Smile campaign. Start with A Smile was led by Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce and supported by All Right?. The project encouraged Cantabrians to engage with the thousands of migrants who have moved to Canterbury since the earthquakes.
A photograph from the All Right? Start with A Smile campaign. Start with A Smile was led by Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce and supported by All Right?. The project encouraged Cantabrians to engage with the thousands of migrants who have moved to Canterbury since the earthquakes.
A photograph of a presentation slide with the title "Pacific wellbeing". The slide shows a poster from the All Right? I am ... Identity project featuring Sophia Leota. The title of the poster is "It's like a family. On and off the field, we look out for each other". The photograph was taken at the second annual Out of the Heart Pacific Women's Leadership Conference, held at Riccarton Racecourse on 21 May 2016. The conference was sponsored by All Right? and featured posters from the All Right? I am ... Identity project.
A photograph of conference leaders and presenters at the beginning of the conference, including Terisa Tagicakibau (Community and Public Health; third from left), Losana Korovulavula (Healthy Families New Zealand; middle), Edna Soli (Pacific Trust Canterbury; third from right) and Diane Fenika (Ministry of Pacific Peoples; second from right). The photograph was taken at the second annual Out of the Heart Pacific Women's Leadership Conference, held at Riccarton Racecourse on 21 May 2016. The conference was sponsored by All Right? and featured posters from the All Right? I am ... Identity project.
20161112_9961_7D2-70 The future face of Christchurch? Cultivate Christchurch is operating this urban farm in the city, about 5-10 minutes walk to Cathedral Square. Many of the buildings in this area were demolished after the earhquakes, and in the background is a new building on Kilmore Street.
A photograph of Tim Corry, Community Development Worker at the Christchurch Methodist Mission, taking part in #FiveYearsOn. Corry is from the Christchurch Methodist Mission's Wellbeing New Brighton Project, an All Right? Champion. Corry holds a sign which reads, "Five years on, I feel... that my glass is half full." All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook Timeline on 21 February 2016 at 9:27am. All Right? captioned the photograph, "Tim from the Christchurch City Mission is feeling that his glass is half full. #fiveyears on #5yearson #allrightnz". (This was later corrected in the comments to, "the magnificent Christchurch METHODIST Mission".)
A photograph an Anna Wilson, Physical Health Advisor for Sport Canterbury, taking part in #FiveYearsOn. Sport Canterbury was an All Right? Champion. Wilson holds a sign reading, 'Five years on, I feel... Upset as to what we have lost and what we have gone through but excited for what may come." All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook Timeline on 21 February 2016 at 9:11am. All Right? captioned the photograph: "Anna from Sport Canterbury is feeling upset as to what we have lost and what we have gone through but excited for what may come. #fiveyears on #5yearson #allrightnz".
A section of retaining wall that tilted in the Christchurch 2011 earthquake. At the Edmunds Band Rotunda sight. Still not repaired,
One of the most beautiful pieces of wall art (added to the blank walls after buildings were demolished following the earthquakes) in Christchurch, is now being hidden by a new building in front of it. www.flickr.com/photos/johnstewartnz/15499321681/in/...
The South New Brighton jetty was rebuilt a couple of years before the earthquakes wrecked it. Was closed to the public for about four years but is open now.
Pigeons sit on the remains of one of the tallest buildings in Christchurch that was 95% demolished two or three years ago. The basement (now filled with water) and the columns remain. Demolished due to damage from the Christchurch 2011 earthquake.
A view that was impossible six years ago. There was a group of buildings including another high-rise in the vacant area in the middle ground.
The Forsyth Barr building has stood silent and empty (except the occasional intruder and pigeons) since the February 2011 earthquake. It was sold "as is" and I understand that it is now going to be fitted out as a hotel. This is the building that had severe stairwell damage during the quake necessitating people being lowered via ropes etc on t...
The South New Brighton jetty has been closed for 3 or 4 years (fenced off) then the fence was removed and it was "open", but nothing has happened to it since the earthquakes, but it is closed again now, although it looks like a home made sign!
A poster created by Empowered Christchurch to advertise their submission to the CERA Draft Transition Recovery Plan on social media.The poster reads, "Submission. CERA Draft Transition Recovery Plan. After nearly five years of 'Emergency Response' where sustainability has been sacrificed in the interests of speed, we can assume that this phase is now behind us. We see no reason why this period should be extended until April 2016. Lessons must be learned from the past. It is time to move into the 'Restoration Phase'. Once seismic and building standards are corrected, and risks are notified, mapped and accepted, sustainability will be ensures. We need a city that is driven by the people that live in it, and enabled by a bureaucracy that accepts and mitigates risks, rather than transferring them to the most vulnerable residents. We support option 3+."
Porritt Park was, before the earthquakes, the headquarters of hockey in this region. Two astro-turf fields (the main one was to the left of the building), and corporate offices etc. The earthquakes buckled all the playing surfaces and damaged the buildings; a couple of smaller ones have been removed. Hockey shifted the other side of the cit...
The permanent closure (to motor vehicles) of the Bexley red zone streets has started. This was once the main south-north route just west of the Avon River in the New Brighton area, till an expressway (ring road) was built about 80m to the west (right) about 12-13 years ago. Then it became just another suburban street, but now all the houses ...
AMI Stadium (Lancaster Park), not used since the February 2011 earthquake. It was used predominantly for rugby and cricket. We are still waiting to see what the outcome is for this stadium. Government want a new one closer to the CBD, so there is talk of this being demolished, while others want it repaired. The concrete pad lower left is ...