Defence Force personnel during an operational tour of Lyttelton taken by Commander Joint Forces New Zealand, Air Vice Marshal Peter Stockwell and Chief of Army Tim Keating to view the aftermath of the Christchurch Earthquake.
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 25 February 2011 showing earthquake damage on Norwich Quay. The photograph is taken from approximately the intersection of Sutton and Norwich Quays looking east along Norwich Quay. The photograph also shows the eastern slope of Lyttelton and the damaged Timeball Station. Norwich Quay’s streetscap...
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch Earthquake.The RNZN Rhys Heaven-Smith Able Marine Tech 2nd Class at work in Lyttelton".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Band Together in Christchurch's Hagley Park as a post-earthquake party. Singer from Lyttelton's The Eastern performing".
A photograph submitted by Gaynor James to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "London Street, Lyttelton. Taken 19 July 2011".
A photograph submitted by Francis Vallance to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "The last service at Lyttelton Anglican Church".
Members of the public listening to The Eastern, a Lyttelton band, playing at Gap Filler's first project at 832 Colombo Street.
Members of the public listening to The Eastern, a Lyttelton band, playing at Gap Filler's first project at 832 Colombo Street.
A chair covered in flowers outside the Lyttelton Borough Council Chambers Building on the Corner of Oxford Street and Sumner Road.
A photograph submitted by Bettina Evans to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "A memorial blanket in creation, depicting some of the buildings lost in the earthquake in Lyttelton. Dozens of people are helping with the sewing – this is a follow on from the heart stitching which happened spontaneously in Lyttelton on London street after the February earthquake.".
The Old Lyttelton Post Office, opened in 1874, showing damage after a series of earthquakes hit Christchurch and Lyttelton over the last 9 months.
In the shadow of a broken house,
Down a deserted street,
Propt walls, cold hearths, and phantom stairs,
And the silence of dead feet —
Locked wildly in one another's arms
I saw two lovers meet.
A photograph submitted by Bettina Evans to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "Harbour Light Theatre, London Street, Lyttelton, March 2011".
A photograph submitted by Bettina Evans to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "Church in Lyttelton after 22-2-11 EQ".
A photograph submitted by Andy Palmer to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "Shop window, London St, Lyttelton. 25 Feb 2012.".
A digger and two workers on top of demolition rubble from the Volcano Cafe and Lava Bar on London Street in Lyttelton.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Lyttelton Port CEO, Peter Davie, right explains the earthquake damage to transport minister, Steven Joyce, at Gladstone Pier".
A digger and two workers on top of demolition rubble from the Volcano Cafe and Lava Bar on London Street in Lyttelton.
A digger and two workers on top of demolition rubble from the Volcano Cafe and Lava Bar on London Street in Lyttelton.
Damage to Lyttelton following the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Forbes' Store on Norwich Quay with a broken awning and damage visible on the brick walls. Scaffolding placed around the building since the 4 September 2010 earthquake has tumbled during the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
Damage to Lyttelton following the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Forbes' Store on Norwich Quay with a broken awning and damage visible on the brick walls. Scaffolding placed around the building since the 4 September 2010 earthquake has tumbled during the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
Defence Force personnel during an operational tour of Lyttelton taken by Commander Joint Forces New Zealand, Air Vice Marshal Peter Stockwell and Chief of Army Tim Keating to view the aftermath of the Christchurch Earthquake.
Defence Force personnel walking down Norwich Quay during an operational tour of Lyttelton taken by Commander Joint Forces New Zealand, Air Vice Marshal Peter Stockwell and Chief of Army Tim Keating to view the aftermath of the Christchurch Earthquake.
A photograph of the installation 'Upon the Upland Road' on the former site of the Harbour Light in Lyttelton. The installation shows the last three lines of James K Baxter's poem, 'High Country Weather', written in the nautical flag alphabet.
Defence Force personnel during an operational tour of Lyttelton taken by Commander Joint Forces New Zealand, Air Vice Marshal Peter Stockwell and Chief of Army Tim Keating to view the aftermath of the Christchurch Earthquake.
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 25 February 2011 showing earthquake damage to houses on the western side of Canterbury Street between London and Winchester Streets. The photograph shows large sections of a brick firewall which have fallen onto the roof of the neighbouring house. The close proximity of buildings in Lyttelton led...
One portrait colour digital photograph taken on 25 February 2011 showing earthquake damage to the Catholic Church of St Joseph the Worker in Winchester Street Lyttelton. Photograph shows the main doors and roof at southern end of church. Nineteenth century stone buildings are particularly vulnerable to earthquake damage as the individual compon...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 26 May 2013 off Godley Head looking north to Boulder Bay and Taylors Mistake. Rock which fell from the cliffs is heaped at the waters edge. Volcanic banding is visible in the face of the cliffs. There were several major rock falls along the coastal cliffs near Christchurch and Lyttelton Harbour....
Damage to buildings along London Street in Lyttelton. Wire fencing has been used to cordon off the entire north side of the street.
The Ground Culinary Centre in Lyttelton with a collapsed facade above. The bricks have fallen onto the street below where they still lie.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "The Lyttelton road tunnel closed after they found cracks after this morning's aftershocks, seen from the Heathcote valley end".