Two diggers at the site of the CTV Building. In the background, the elevator shaft can still be seen.
Members of the Chinese Urban Search and Rescue team taking a break from working on the CTV Building site.
Two diggers at the site of the CTV Building. In the background, the elevator shaft can still be seen.
A truck fire fighter from the Christchurch City Council Rural Fire Authority spraying water on the road next to the CTV Building.
A member of the New Zealand Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) team working on the site of the CTV Building.
Members of the New Zealand and Japanese Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) teams working on the site of the CTV Building.
A member of the New Zealand Search and Rescue Team (USAR) guiding a digger on the site of the CTV Building.
Members of the New Zealand and Chinese Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) teams working on the site of the CTV Building.
Members of the New Zealand and Japanese Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) teams working on the site of the CTV Building.
Members of the Police and Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) teams digging through rubble on the site of the CTV Building.
Three members of the Chinese Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) team taking a break at the site of the CTV Building.
Members of the New Zealand and Chinese Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) teams clearing rubble on the site of the CTV Building.
Aerial image of the CTV Building site on Madras Street, taken by the Royal New Zealand Air Force for the Earthquake Commission.
An infographic explaining a possible scenario for the collapse of CTV building.
Looking across the street towards the site where the CTV building stood.
A member of the Chinese Urban Search and Rescue teamwatching as a digger clears rubble on the site of the CTV Building.
An image from a Army News March 2011 photo compilation titled, "All in a Days Work". The image is captioned, "USAR workers sift through the crumbled ruins of a building". The building they are working on is the CTV building which collapsed during the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A member of the Chinese Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) team clearing a piece of steel at the site of the CTV building.
An infographic describing problems with The Clinic, a tenant in the CTV building.
Qing Tang, a UC Masters student and survivor of the CTV building disaster.
Qing Tang, a UC Masters student and survivor of the CTV building disaster.
A member of the New Zealand Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) team clearing a piece of steel at the site of the CTV building.
Members of the New Zealand and Chinese Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) teams cutting through the steel at the site of the CTV building.
A member of the Chinese Urban Search and Rescue team using wire cutters to cut through steel at the site of the CTV building.
A tribute left on the cordon fence around the CTV Building site. The card shows a photograph of Donna Manning in front of the CTV "Let's Go Shopping" logo, and reads, "Miss you! Your sis, Pam".
A tribute left on the cordon fence around the CTV Building site. The card shows a photograph of rescuers working on the CTV site, and reads, "Some of the guys who found you!! Thank you!".
Members of the New Zealand and Chinese Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) teams watching a digger clear rubble on the site of the CTV Building.
Members of the New Zealand Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) team using a circular saw to cut through steel at the site of the CTV Building.
A member of the New Zealand Defence Force on the site of the CTV Building. In the background diggers are being used to clear the rubble.
An aerial photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "CTV site, IRD building and Latimer Square". Seats set up in Latimer Square in preparation for the commemoration of the anniversary of the 22 February 2011 earthquake can be seen on the left.