A photograph of street art on the wall of a building near the Wunderbar in Lyttelton. The artwork depicts Stonehenge and a rising sun in red.
A photograph of a section of a piece of street art on the wall of a building between Brighton Mall and Hawke Street. This section of the artwork depicts Mickey Mouse.
A photograph of street art on a building outside Harrington's Beer Wine and Spirits in New Brighton. The artwork depicts scenes from Doctor Who.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Churchills Pub on the corner of Colombo and Battersea Streets. The top of the façade has crumbled into the street below, bringing the awnings down with it. Wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon.
A collection of wheelbarrows from the Student Volunteer Army in the car park of the USCA. The wheelbarrows have been returned by students after a day of clearing liquefaction from Christchurch properties. Behind them the UCSA's "Big Top" tent can be seen, which was erected to provide support for students at the University of Canterbury in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A view of Worcester Boulevard, looking east towards Christ Church Cathedral. Bricks from the front of the building and the tower can be seen on the ground. People are making their way down the street out of the central city. Members of the Emergency Management personnel, in high-visibility vests, can be seen.
A photograph of a section of a piece of street art on the side of the Funky Pumpkin building in New Brighton. This section of the artwork includes the Funky Pumpkin logo.
Members of the Student Volunteer Army registering new volunteers inside the UCSA's "Big Top" tent. The tent was erected to provide support for students at the University of Canterbury in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of a section of a piece of street art on the side of a building between Brighton Mall and Hawke Street. This section of the artwork depicts a baobab tree.
A photograph looking north up Durham Street from the Gloucester Street intersection. To the left, there is a large pile of rubble from a demolished building, to the right, the Canterbury Provincial Chambers. The Provincial Chambers building has been largely deconstructed and plastic sheeting has been placed over part of the roof. Wire fencing has been placed around the buildings.
A photograph of workers from the Residential Access Project sitting outside the Alice in Videoland Building on the corner of Tuam and High Streets. The project gave residents temporary access within the red-zone cordon in order to retrieve items from their homes.
A police officer directing traffic on the intersection of Worcester and Montreal Streets shortly after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. People can be seen on either side of the street, attempting to exit town and make their way home.
A photograph of the damaged former Lyttelton Borough Council Chambers on the north-east corner of the intersection between Sumner Road and Oxford Street. The top of the facade has crumbled onto the street below and wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon.
A photograph of the badly-damaged Edward Gibbon building on Tuam Street. The building has been cordoned off with wire fencing and road cones and the footpath behind the fence is covered in fallen bricks.
Students from the University of Canterbury heading back to work after enjoying a barbeque lunch in Burwood Park. The students have volunteered to clear liquefaction from Christchurch properties as part of the Student Volunteer Army.
A photograph of the north side of the ChristChurch Cathedral in Cathedral Square. The front of the building has been propped up with steel bracing but further earthquakes have caused more damage, leaving a gap between the bracing and the wall. The tower has been partially demolished, but the lower section is still visible. Wire fencing has been placed around the entire building. In the background, a crane is rising high above the square.
A photograph of an exhibition sign next to 'The Snapa Crapa', a bike with a toilet for a seat. 'The Snapa Crapa' was on display in the Canterbury Quakes exhibition at the Canterbury Museum.
A photograph of Colombo Street looking south from the bridge near Moorhouse Avenue. Road cones have been placed across the road as well as wire fencing beyond. In the distance, a cordon can also be seen near Brougham Street.
Members of the Student Volunteer Army registering new volunteers inside the UCSA's "Big Top" tent. The tent was erected to provide support for students at the University of Canterbury in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of a bookcase in the Civil Suite at the University of Canterbury after the 4 September 2010 earthquake. The photograph was taken on the day when the staff were allowed to return to the building. The shelves of the bookcase have been removed, exposing damage along the sides where they knocked against the back panel. Some books have been left on the bottom shelf.
A view across Worcester Street to a building housing Stunning Buns Italian Cafe and Bar. The building has been cordoned off by a security fence and several of its windows are broken.
A photograph of the site of a demolished building on the corner of Manchester and Hereford Streets. To the right, the Treehouse Bar can be seen. Bricks from the façade have crumbled and fallen onto the street. Road cones have been placed in front as a warning.
A photograph of Anna Mowat of SKIP (Strategies with Kids, Information for Parents - a project of the Ministry of Social Development) , Tracey Tuhi (Mental Health Foundation) and Sue Turner (All Right?) holding a cake in celebration of the Tiny Adventures campaign. The photograph was taken at the Tiny Adventures launch at Niu Early Learning Centre in Linwood. Niu Early Learning Centre is managed by the Tongan Canterbury Community Trust. The Tiny Adventure card packs and smartphone app offer ideas, games and quick fun ways for parents to spend time with their children. They are a project of the All Right? mental health campaign.
Members of the Lyttelton community lining up outside tents outside the Lyttelton Recreation Centre. The tents were set up by members of the New Zealand Defence Force who are handing out meals inside.
Sally Roome talking to members of the Sumner community outside the UC QuakeBox container in Sumner. Above, the damaged cliffs can be seen with a house at the edge on a lean.
Sally Roome talking to members of the Sumner community outside the UC QuakeBox container in Sumner. Above, the damaged cliffs can be seen with a house at the edge on a lean.
Parts of the facade of the Anglican Community of the Sacred Name building on Barbadoes Street ended on the street during the magnitude 7.1 earthquake in Christchurch on Saturday 4-9-2010.
Parts of the facade of the Anglican Community of the Sacred Name building on Barbadoes Street ended on the street during the magnitude 7.1 earthquake in Christchurch on Saturday 4-9-2010.
Plant beds made out of corrugated iron, greening the empty building sites along Colombo Street. These were placed here by Greening the Rubble, a community project in Christchurch to create temporary public parks and gardens on the sites of demolished buildings.
A Gap Filler mini-golf site made out of recycled materials. This hole was situated on Manchester Street on an empty demolition site. Gap Filler volunteers and community groups designed and installed mini-golf holes on vacant sites around the central business district.