An artwork in the walls of the Gap Filler Headquarters office building in Sydenham. The wall is made out of perspex which reveals recycled materials underneath.
An artwork in the walls of the Gap Filler Headquarters office building in Sydenham. The wall is made out of perspex which reveals recycled materials underneath.
A photograph of the house at 58 Bangor Street. A green sticker on the door indicates that it has been inspected and is safe to enter.
A photograph of the house at 58 Bangor Street. A green sticker on the door indicates that it has been inspected and is safe to enter.
A photograph of a block of apartments at 2 Rees Street. The numbers of the apartments have been spray-painted on the walls in front.
A photograph of the house at 396 Oxford Terrace. The hedges at the front have begun to overgrow. Plastic sheeting is lying over the path.
A photograph of the house at 428 Oxford Terrace. Plywood has been placed over the door. The house number has been spray-painted on the plywood.
The memorial blanket in progress. This blanket was created by members of the Lyttelton community, with the iconic felt hearts that were created after the earthquake as well as depictions of some of the buildings lost during the earthquake in Lytteton.
A photograph of street art at the YMCA Adventure Centre on Waltham Road. The artist is Dcypher.
An image from a Navy Today April 2011 article titled, "Earthquake!". The image is of the HMNZS Otago New Zealand Navy team serving meals to the Lyttelton Community on 26 February 2011.
A photograph of street art on the public toilets on Shaw Avenue. The artwork is signed by 'Minx'.
A photograph of an office in the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering at the University of Canterbury after the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A photograph of a section of a piece of street art on a wall of the Southcore Limited building on Isabella Place.
The memorial blanket in progress. This blanket was created by members of the Lyttelton community, with the iconic felt hearts that were created after the earthquake as well as depictions of some of the buildings lost during the earthquake in Lytteton.
The memorial blanket in progress. This blanket was created by members of the Lyttelton community, with the iconic felt hearts that were created after the earthquake as well as depictions of some of the buildings lost during the earthquake in Lytteton.
The completed memorial blanket. This blanket was created by members of the Lyttelton community, with the iconic felt hearts that were created after the earthquake as well as depictions of some of the buildings lost during the earthquake in Lytteton.
The completed memorial blanket. This blanket was created by members of the Lyttelton community, with the iconic felt hearts that were created after the earthquake as well as depictions of some of the buildings lost during the earthquake in Lytteton.
A photograph of street art on the sports pavilion at Waltham Park. The artwork shows a cartoon pukeko and the words "Waltham Park".
A photograph of a section of a piece of street art on a wall of the Southcore Limited building on Isabella Place.
A photograph of a marquee in the car park of the Moorhouse Avenue PAK'nSAVE. In the distance, the Holiday Inn can be seen with a crane behind it.
A photograph of street art on Norwich Quay in Lyttelton. The artist is Fat - HRA. There are building materials in the foreground.
The finished mural on the side of a building in Sydenham. The mural reads, "The things which I have seen I now can see no more - William".
A photograph of street art on Norwich Quay in Lyttelton. The artist is Fat - HRA. There are building materials in the foreground.
A photograph of the former site of Donna Allfrey's house at 406 Oxford Terrace. Allfrey's house was demolished after her land was zoned Red.
Mayor Bob Parker being interviewed by the media in the foyer of the Christchurch Art Gallery, the temporary headquarters for Civil Defence after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
Prince William speaking with Prime Minister John Key at the Christchurch Earthquake Memorial Service. The service was held in Hagley Park on 18 March 2011.
The construction of the 10 square metre office building which is to serve as Gap Filler Headquarters. A volunteer drills a hole in the roof for the solar panels.
Reverend Peter Beck speaking at the Christchurch Earthquake Memorial Service. A sign language interpreter is standing to the right. The service was held in Hagley Park on 18 March 2011.
A photograph of street art at the YMCA Adventure Centre on Waltham Road. The artist is Dcypher.
Reverend Peter Beck speaking at the Christchurch Earthquake Memorial Service. A sign language interpreter is standing to the right. The service was held in Hagley Park on 18 March 2011.