Damage to Avonside Drive. The street is closed off with cones and a "Road closed" sign, and portaloos line the street. The banks of the Avon River have been built up with gravel.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A photograph of a pipe supplying water to residential properties on River Road in Richmond".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "The Johnson family of Avonside Drive. From top: Gary, Lisa, Danielle (6) and Blake (4) are thrilled after learning ANZ will cover the full value of their house".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "The Johnson family of Avonside Drive is at a loss to believe their home is only half insured. From left, Blake - 4, Lisa, Danielle - 6 and Gary Johnson".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "The Johnson family of Avonside Drive. From top: Gary, Lisa, Danielle (6) and Blake (4) are thrilled after learning ANZ will cover the full value of their house".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Senior Constable Stef Harris, left, and Constable Bruce Ward in Avonside, where the Booze Bus is being used as a patrol base for police in the earthquake-damaged area".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Senior Constable Stef Harris, left, and Constable Bruce Ward in Avonside, where the Booze Bus is being used as a patrol base for police in the earthquake-damaged area".
An image from the Let's Talk About Parenting project of the All Right? campaign. The caption reads, '"My son loves his kai so meals are a great time to catch up." - Petrina, Avonside'.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Septic tanks are being installed in front of properties in the Avonside area to allow residents to use their toilets again. A tank ready to be installed in Maling Street".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Septic tanks are being installed in front of properties in the Avonside area to allow residents to use their toilets again. A tank ready to be installed in Maling Street".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Kerrs Reach of the Avon River by the rowing clubs. Notice the fissures beyond the rowing clubs".
An aerial photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Cardrona Street and Avondale Road. The land between Avondale Road and the river is red zoned".
Damage to a bridge over the Avon River in Avonside. The bridge has pulled away from the bank, leaving large cracks between the concrete sides and the ground. The railing has also separated to the left.
Members of the Student Volunteer Army walking down Fleete Street in Dallington. Many of the students are holding shovels which they will use to dig liquefaction out of residents' properties. In the background, students can be seen digging as well as piles of liquefaction already placed on the road.
A concrete slab blocking access to the Medway Street footbridge. The footbridge was badly warped in the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Someone has spray painted graffiti on the concrete block. Behind the concrete is a section of safety fence further blocking access.
Sullivan Park in Avonside. Liquefaction can be seen running across the park. Two signs have slumped towards each other. Blue pipes carrying a temporary water supply to the neighbourhood have been placed across the park.
Photograph captioned by Neil Macbeth, "Members of the Student Volunteer Army clearing liquefaction in earthquake-ravaged Avonside. The Student Volunteer Army are mostly University of Canterbury students who are helping to clean up the liquefaction from Christchurch properties.
Photograph captioned by Neil Macbeth, "Members of the Student Volunteer Army clearing liquefaction in earthquake-ravaged Avonside. The Student Volunteer Army are mostly University of Canterbury students who are helping to clean up the liquefaction from Christchurch properties.
Photograph captioned by Neil Macbeth, "Members of the Student Volunteer Army clearing liquefaction in earthquake-ravaged Avonside. The Student Volunteer Army are mostly University of Canterbury students who are helping to clean up the liquefaction from Christchurch properties.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A photograph of a residential property on River Road in Richmond. A pipe over the fence is being used to supply water temporarily".
Photograph captioned by Neil Macbeth, "Members of the Student Volunteer Army clearing liquefaction in earthquake-ravaged Avonside. The Student Volunteer Army are mostly University of Canterbury students who are helping to clean up the liquefaction from Christchurch properties.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "An aerial photograph with Kerrs Reach in the middle of the picture".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Major earthquake hits Christchurch. Maling Street in Avonside. Charlie Tarawa is staying in a tent with his family on a neighbours lawn as they are too scared to go back into their house".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Major earthquake hits Christchurch. Maling Street in Avonside. Charlie Tarawa is staying in a tent with his family on a neighbours lawn as they are too scared to go back into their house".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Major earthquake hits Christchurch. Maling Street in Avonside. Paula Grant and Walton Briggs outside their make shift shelter. They are too scared to go in the house so are sleeping on the lawn".
A damaged house in Avonside. The front of the house has sunk due to subsidence in the ground caused by liquefaction. Codes have been spray painted on the front window by the North Shore City Council rescue team.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Major earthquake hits Christchurch. Maling Street in Avonside. From left: Tamatea Briggs (12), Ngarita Briggs (8) and Walton Briggs sit under a makeshift shelter while they wait for a wood fire to boil water".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Major earthquake hits Christchurch. Maling Street in Avonside. From left: Charlie Tarawa outside near their make shift shelter as they have become too scared to go in the house so are sleeping on the lawn".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch begins the slow recovery process after last weeks devastating 7.1 earthquake. Real estate agent Steve Langridge from First National waits hopefully for a couple to visit one of his open homes in Avonside".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch begins the slow recovery process after last weeks devastating 7.1 earthquake. Real estate agent Steve Langridge from First National waits hopefully for a couple to visit one of his open homes in Avonside".