A photograph of the earthquake damage to a house on Major Hornbrook Drive. The chimney has collapsed and many of the tiles have been lifted on the roof. Tarpaulins have been laid over the holes in the roof as waterproofing, but the closest has shredded. Gaps can be seen between the bricks in the wall and the wall to the left has crumbled.
Messages on the "I hope Christchurch will..." blackboard on the corner of Tuam and Colombo Streets. Members of the public were invited to fill in the gaps with what they would like to see in the rebuilt city. Messages can be seen, such as, "Smile!", "Be filled with art and culture!", "Cater and be fun for all ages", "Always be positive" and "Wake up".
A photograph of students at the University of Canterbury attending an earthquake memorial service on the C Block Lawn on the anniversary of the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of street art on the side wall of Canterbury Museum. The artwork was created by Belgian street artist 'ROA' as part of the RISE Festival.
A photograph of a section of a piece of street art on the wall of a building between Brighton Mall and Hawke Street.
A photograph of two workers standing in the site of a demolished building on Tuam Street which is being used as a car park. The photograph was taken during the Residential Access Project which gave residents temporary access within the red-zone cordon in order to retrieve items from their homes after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph looking north along the footpath of Bangor Street. To the right there are the former sites of several houses. The houses were demolished after the land was zoned Red.
A photograph looking west down Cashel Street towards the intersection with Manchester. On the right is a severely damaged building. Rubble from the top storey has fallen onto the street. In the distance, the Grand Chancellor can be seen, with the slump in the left side noticeable.
A damaged building on the corner of Wilmer Street and Durham Street South. The outer wall of the property has crumbled, exposing the inside of the building. Wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon.
A photograph of people walking through Press Lane, between Gloucester Street and Worcester Street. In the background, the Heritage Hotel can be seen.
A photograph of a bow tied around a tree on Hagley Park as part of the National Memorial Service for the victims of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The service was held on 18 March 2011.
A photograph looking east down Gloucester Street, from the Gloucester Street bridge. The Farmers and Novotel buildings can be seen in the distance.
A damaged footpath along Worcester Boulevard outside the Christchurch Art Gallery. In several places along the footpath, the tiles have lifted, leaving an uneven surface. In the distance are crowds of people leaving the central city.
A photograph of a section of a piece of street art on the wall of a building between Brighton Mall and Hawke Street. This section of the artwork depicts a woman in a doorway.
A photograph of the north side of the ChristChurch Cathedral. The tower has been partially demolished leaving a large pile of rubble in front. The Citizens' War Memorial can be seen to the left.
A photograph of street art on the side of the public toilets at Waltham Park. The artwork depicts a frog. The word "Happy" has been spray-painted over top of the frog.
A photograph looking down Poplar Lane from behind the cordon on Tuam Street. Fallen bricks and building rubble litter the footpaths. To the left the earthquake damage to Plume can be seen. The front wall of the corner has crumbled, taking the awning with it. Mannequins can still be seen hanging in the window.
A photograph of a broken brick wall beside the Amuri Courts car park building on Armagh Street. USAR codes have been spray painted in yellow on the wall.
A photograph of street art on the wall of a building in Sydenham. The photographer believes that the artwork was created by the artist 'Misery'.
A trailer loaded with wheelbarrows and shovels belonging to the Student Volunteer Army. The equipment has been returned by students after a day of clearing liquefaction from Christchurch properties.
A photograph of the earthquake-damaged Tower Chambers building on the corner of High and Lichfield Streets. The front wall of the top storey has crumbled, taking the awning with it. Crowds of people stand below.
A photograph of Worcester Street looking west from a cordon on Manchester Street towards the back of ChristChurch Cathedral. Cordon fencing has been placed along both sides of the street.
A photograph of street art on the wall of a building in Sydenham. The photographer believes that the artwork was created by the artist 'Misery'.
Former Chancellor Rex Williams addressing students inside the UCSA's "Big Top" tent. The tent was erected in the UCSA car park to provide support for students in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The students have spent the day clearing liquefaction from Christchurch properties as part of the Student Volunteer Army.
Members of the Student Volunteer Army pulling up weeds in front of Wayne Youle's mural, 'I Seem to Have Temporary Misplaced my Sense of Humour'.
A photograph of street art on the side of Les Mills in Cashel Street. The artist is Anthony Lister.
A photograph of an earthquake-damaged building on the corner of Montreal Street and Moorhouse Avenue. The top of the brick facade has crumbled onto the footpath below. Wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon.
Members of the Student Volunteer Army pulling up weeds in front of Wayne Youle's mural, 'I Seem to Have Temporary Misplaced my Sense of Humour'.
The Royal Hotel on the corner of Canterbury Street and Norwich Quay in Lyttelton. Wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon.
A photograph of a child's painting attached to a cordon fence. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Manchester and Tuam Streets, botanical preservation site".