Furniture spray-painted with drawings and words by members of the public as part of the Words of Hope project. Messages can be seen, such as, "Oneness, lovingness, synchronised hearts", "Take it easy! Yay...words of hope!", "Think differently", "Happy, happy, happy", "Christchurch FTW", "Life is for loving", "Life is beautiful", "Plant and grow", "Rise up", and "Keep going Chch".
Emergency personnel searching for people trapped in the collapsed Canterbury Television Building on Madras Street. Their efforts include using a piece of corrugated plastic as a slide to remove objects from the rubble. Smoke can be seen rising from the building.
People socialising at Gap Filler's first project at 832 Colombo Street. A mobile coffee vender can be seen as well as a garden seat.
Emergency management personnel outside the Christchurch Art Gallery. The Art Gallery was used as the headquarters for Civil Defence after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
Emergency management personnel, in hard hats and high-visibility vests, making phone calls outside the Christchurch Art Gallery shortly after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The Arts Gallery was used as Civil Defence Headquarters after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
One of Gap Filler's painted pianos painted by students at the University of Canterbury. The piano has been painted in multicoloured squares.
Volunteers delivering one of the painted pianos to the site of a demolished building in town.
A photograph of the earthquake damaged M J Knowles Building on Tuam Street. The wall has either collapsed or been removed leaving the inside of the building exposed. Loose bricks from the wall cover the footpath.
A photograph of a sign on a painted piano. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Gap Fillers, post earthquake. Woolston".
A photograph of street art at the corner of Dublin Street and London Street in Lyttelton.
A photograph of a painted piano. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Gap Fillers, post earthquake. Woolston".
People playing music to accompany a film at Gap Filler's first project at 832 Colombo Street.
The furniture for the Words of Hope project, recycled or found by CPIT students. The furniture has been painted white and will serve as a canvas for words of hope written by the Christchurch public.
A sign on one of Gap Filler's painted pianos in New Brighton. The sign reads, "The Painted Piano Project. This piano has been donated by the Christchurch School of Music and painted by students from the University of Canterbury. Please feel free to play the piano to you heart's content".
Director of Gap Filler, Coralie Winn, playing one of Gap Filler's painted pianos with a member of the Student Volunteer Army.
A boy playing one of Gap Filler's painted pianos. This has been placed on the site of a demolished building in New Brighton.
A woman playing one of Gap Filler's painted pianos on the site of a demolished building.
A photograph of a map showing the Clyde Precinct at the University of Canterbury. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Canterbury University temporary lecture tents".
A photograph of street art at the Addington Saleyards, taken before the Canterbury earthquakes. One of the art works depicts an intoxicated Mickey Mouse.
A photograph of a red-stickered house on Avoca Valley Road. Weeds have began to grow in the driveway. The stickers indicate that the building is no longer safe to enter.
A photograph of a painted piano. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Gap Fillers, post earthquake. Woolston".
A photograph of street art on Ferry Road. The photographer attributes the work to APEK and JFK.
A photograph of street art on the back of the AJ Glass building on Fitzgerald Avenue. The artist is Freak.
A photograph of street art on Fitzgerald Avenue near Telfer Electrical. The artist is DRYPNZ.
A photograph of a detail of street art on Beresford Street in New Brighton. The photographer attributes the work to DRYPNZ.
A photograph of street art at the Addington Saleyards, taken before the Canterbury earthquakes. The artwork is signed by "ZM Clan".
A photograph of street art at the Addington Saleyards, taken before the Canterbury earthquakes. The artwork is signed by "ZM Clan".
A photograph of street art at the Addington Saleyards, taken before the Canterbury earthquakes. The artwork is signed by "ZM Clan".
A photograph of street art at the Addington Saleyards, taken before the Canterbury earthquakes. The photographer attributes the work to Font.
A photograph of the Isaac Theatre Royal building on Gloucester Street with part of the building fenced off.