One of Gap Filler's painted pianos painted by students at the University of Canterbury. A cat has been painted on the front of the piano, with the keys serving as the cat's teeth.
Members of the New Zealand police shifting a wooden beam from the ruins of the collapsed Canterbury Television Building in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. One of the New Zealand Police members has put on a bicycle helmet as protection. Around them, emergency personnel are searching the rubble for trapped people.
The shadow mural painted by Jeremy Sauzier on the side of the building facing Gap Filler's Dance-O-Mat.
A view across Worcester Street in Linwood to a block of shops showing severe damage after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The businesses include Talon Arms and Wick's Fish. Masonry and structural components from the buildings has collapsed onto the footpath and road. A sign in front of Talon Arms has been spray painted with the words, "Guns gone".
A sign on the furniture in the Words of Hope project. Words have been added to the sign so it now reads, "The vehicle of recovery is public assembly, together we will rise".
One of Gap Filler's painted pianos painted on the site of a demolished building. The piano has been painted in multicoloured squares.
People playing music to accompany a film at Gap Filler's first project at 832 Colombo Street.
A photograph of a trailer loaded with items from the Residential Access Project being driven down High Street. The project gave residents temporary access within the red-zone cordon in order to retrieve items from their homes.
Emergency personnel searching for people trapped in the collapsed Canterbury Television Building on Madras Street. On the right, a man is using a sheet of corrugated plastic to slide pieces of debris off the building. Smoke is billowing from the remains of the building and a jet of water can be seen in the background, attempting to extinguish the fire.
A volunteer painting the "Knit Happens" mural on the exposed brick wall of a building.
A photograph of street art on the back wall of the AJ Creative Glass building on Fitzgerald Avenue. The photographer believes that the artwork was created by the artist 'Saves'.
A photograph of a damaged building on the corner of Madras Street and Lichfield Street. Wire fences surround the building and Lichfield Street has also been closed off.
A photograph of street art on a shipping container in Battersea Street. The photographer believes that the artwork was created by the artist 'Saves'.
A photograph of the south side of the ChristChurch Cathedral, taken from the edge of Cathedral Square. Scaffolding has been set up against one of the walls and a turret has been removed from the building and is now situated in a secure holding on the grass in front.
Emergency personnel lifting a metal beam from the ruins of the Canterbury Television Building on Madras Street during their search for trapped people. Behind them smoke is billowing from the remains of the building.
A City Care worker sitting beside a water tank. A sign advices that water must be boiled before use.
One of Gap Filler's painted pianos on the site of the demolished TJ's Kazbah in New Brighton. A cat has been painted on the front of the piano, with the keys serving as the cat's teeth.
A photograph of a painted piano. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Gap Fillers, post earthquake. Woolston".
A photograph of structural engineers taking a lunch break outside the temporary Civil Defence headquarters at the Christchurch Art Gallery on Montreal Street.
Members of the public at the Words of Hope project, socialising and helping to decorate the furniture with words of hope.
Nick Draper playing one of Gap Filler's painted pianos on the site of a demolished building.
Nick Draper playing one of Gap Filler's painted pianos on the site of a demolished building.
Students from the University of Canterbury photographed in front of one of the pianos they painted for Gap Filler's Painted Piano project.
One of Gap Filler's painted pianos painted on the site of a demolished building. The piano has been painted in multicoloured squares.
A photograph of the partially-demolished Holiday Inn. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Central city, from Manchester Street".
Actor Tony Robinson at the "I hope Christchurch will..." blackboard, a mural on the corner of Colombo and Tuam Streets. Members of the public were invited to fill in the gaps with what they would like to see in the rebuilt city. Messages can be seen, such as, "I want sun!", "Embrace the new", "Retain its unique character", "Rise, and rise, and rise", "Rebuild to be better and stronger than before!" and "Environmentally friendly".
The Poet Tree", a Japanese-inspired poetry project on the corner of Liverpool and Cashel Streets. A poem by Matsuo Basho has been hand-written and displayed on a bamboo wall. Below is a bench dedicated to Japanese poet Matsuo Basho and a garden with corrugated iron flowers.
The Poet Tree", a Japanese-inspired poetry project on the corner of Liverpool and Cashel Streets. A poem by Matsuo Basho has been hand-written and displayed on a bamboo wall. Below is a bench dedicated to Japanese poet Matsuo Basho and a garden with corrugated iron flowers.
A bench dedicated to Japanese poet Matsuo Basho at "The Poet Tree", a Japanese-inspired poetry project on the corner of Liverpool and Cashel Streets. "Matsuo Basho, 1644-1694" has been painted on the bench.
Students from Rangi Ruru playing one of Gap Filler's painted pianos on the site of the demolished Crowne Plaza Hotel.