The public memorial service held at Hagley Park to mark the first anniversary of the 2011 Christchurch earthquake.
Cars stuck in liquefaction in the Woolston area.
Liquefaction and road damage around properties on Ferry Road in Woolston.
The crowd at the Band Together concert, a concert that was put on at Hagley Park for the people of Canterbury following the September earthquake.
The crowd at the Band Together concert, a concert that was put on at Hagley Park for the people of Canterbury following the September earthquake.
Silt from liquefaction and road damage around businesses on Ferry Road in Woolston.
Silt from liquefaction and road damage around businesses on Ferry Road in Woolston.
A motorcycle embedded in liquefaction and floods that cover the road in a residential area.
Cars stuck in liquefaction in the Woolston area.
Briefing for a University of Canterbury Staff Working Bee held in a lecture theatre before the cleanup begins on campus.
USAR workers overseeing a building demolition on Kilmore Street.
Residents and workers preparing for cleanup. Some are wearing face masks to protect themselves from the dust from liquefaction silt.
People looking into the City cordon where a building demolition is taking place on Kilmore Street.
Damage to a building where the brick wall has crumbled onto the foot path.
Residents filling plastic containers with water as many people have been left without water since the February earthquake.
Residents filling plastic containers with water as many people have been left without water since the February earthquake.
Residents outside a closed New World supermarket.
A resident filling plastic containers with water as many people have been left without water since the February earthquake.
Residents shoveling silt in back yard that has been entirely covered in silt from liquefaction.
Residents cleaning up following the February earthquake.
Two residents take a break from their cleanup.
Two residents take a break from their cleanup.
Heart shaped fabric and a note that reads "Farewell Sweet Volcano" have been woven on the fence around site where the Volcano Cafe was located, on the corner of London and Canterbury Streets.
Heart shaped fabric and a note that reads "Farewell Sweet Volcano" have been woven on the fence around site where the Volcano Cafe was located, on the corner of London and Canterbury Streets.
Signs posted the fence cordoning off High Street. They read "Welcome to Limboland, just waiting!", "Christchurch Economic Recovery Abandoned", and "We're raising $50,000 for our City C96 FM".
A sign on the fence cordoning off High Street. It reads "Month 1, Month 2, Month 3, Month 4, Month 5, Month 6. When is the recovery starting?
Street cordon in Lyttelton where heart shaped fabric has been woven on to the fence.
Heart shaped fabric has been woven on the cordon fence in Lyttelton. It reads 'Live Love Life'.
The backs of buildings on High Street, seen from St Asaph Street.
A heart shaped fabric has been woven on the cordon fence in Lyttelton. It reads 'Kia Kaha London Street'.