The seismic survey truck T-Rex (from University of Texas) was in Bexley and Pacific Park a few days ago and may have left this calling card on the front lawn of my old "red zone" house. Obviously the geotechs will know what it means.
Another city walk around, this time with my brother-in-law from Auckland. Also went to the Quake City exhibition in the city organised by the Canterbury Museum. First fine day for a while.
My house (bought in March 2004) till the government procured it in October 2012, is finally being demolished. It will be an empty section in a couple of days, once they rip up the concrete base.
Note the rainbow on right.
What was one of the busier intersection pre earthquakes!
20110821_1708_1D3-280 Six months on
A house in Bexley damaged in the February earthquake still looks like this six months later.
Obvious seeing why the Summit Road has been closed below Mt Cavendish since the February 22 2011 earthquake. There are some large rocks there!
Eighty years and then the damage was done. Result of the earthquake on 22/02/11.
Two relatively new town houses in the Bexley "Red Zone". Awaiting demolition due to severe land problems. Have been vandalised.
Due to earthquake damage.
Former Salvation Army Citadel on Durham Street.
CD racks and bookshelf in lounge. Amazing that the glass vase on the glass topped coffee table didn't move!
One of many disabled carparks outside what used to be one of the great sporting complexes in New Zealand. The Queen Elizabeth II Park complex in north-east Christchurch was built initially for the 1974 Commonwealth Games and was used for track and field and the adjoining pool complex had swimming and diving. It was built on an area that was used...
20130817_2457_1D3-400 The story of Christchurch (Day 229/365)
Many roads are closed all over eastern Christchurch as infra-structure repairs are carried out, whether it be water supplies, sewer repairs (as is the case here) or general road repairs, In just over two weeks it will be three years since the first earthquake happened (4th September...
Another city walk around, this time with my brother-in-law from Auckland. Also went to the Quake City exhibition in the city organised by the Canterbury Museum. First fine day for a while.
One of the most beautiful pieces of wall art (added to the blank walls after buildings were demolished following the earthquakes) in Christchurch, is now being hidden by a new building in front of it.
Today (04/09/14) marks the fourth anniversary since the first earthquake rocked the city and greater Christchurch area. That first quake was magnitude 7.1, and luckily there was only one fatality (possible a heart attack).
Since then we have had over 14,000 quakes, most very small in magnitude, but well over 500 of magnitude 4 or greater. 5...
20140522_8951_EOS M-22 Demolition
Of what many in Christchurch know as the Millers building, but for many recent years was the home to the Christchurch City Council, till just a week or two before the first earthquake of 2010. Now, in mid-2014 it is finally being demolished after nearly 45 months empty. A bus is leaving the new (temporary) bu...
Another city walk around, this time with my brother-in-law from Auckland. Also went to the Quake City exhibition in the city organised by the Canterbury Museum. First fine day for a while.
This bus is used as a chocolate restaurant, and is parked next to the Pallet Pavilion on the site of the old Park Royal Hotel.
According to the sign it can take about 30 minutes to walk from the entry point (near the small statue) to the centre and out again. What you can do with a few thousand old bricks and gravel. See next photo for more detail.
A month after the 1st anniversary of the deadly Christchurch earthquake (22/02/11) a road cone lies on New Brighton Road, alongside the Avon River.
Part of the earthquake 1st anniversary remembrance was for people to place flowers in road cones (and there are hundreds of thousands in the city). Many had flowers in them, as this one did.
Photo ...
These have been thrown in the Avon River