A Transfield Services worker entering a manhole in north-east Christchurch. Piles of liquefaction are around the man hole. In the background, is one of the portable toilets set up after the 22 February 2011 earthquake to service areas of the city without operational sewers.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Makana Chocolate Factory. From left pastry chef/chocolatier Mel Chen, Marlborough Red Cross vice president Edity McKay and Makana retail manager Heloise Shand. Edith accepted a cheque for $4,000 from Makana to go to the Christchurch earthquake fund".
A digitally manipulated image of a recruitment advertisement for the NZ Police, which depicted police officer Spence Kingi pulling a woman from the rubble. The photographer comments, "Using Scribbler Too I created my interperation of the police rescue during the 22 February earthquake in Christchurch".
A notice on the cordon fence around the site where the CTV building once was. It says 'Please respect this site. In recognition of the special significance this site holds for the people of our city and all those affect by the earthquakes, the Christchurch City Council is working with Canterbury Museum to preserve aspects of our remembering. Tributes may be left at this site. Older tributes will be removed from archiving by the Canterbury Museum to become part of the city's memory of the Canterbury Earthquakes. Organic materials will be composted and used in the city's gardens'.
Awaiting demolition. Blue pipes are water supply to anyone still living on Hulverstone Drive.
The word 'faith' has been formed by flowers on the cordon fence beside St John the Baptist Church on Latimer Square. The photographer comments, "If I remember correctly this has been on the fence surrounding the Christchurch earthquake red zone for quite a while and looks remarkably pristine".
Members of the public view the damaged tower of Christ Church Cathedral. Bracing has been placed on the front wall to the right to limit further damage. In the centre of the crowd stands a wire cage filled with stones. After the earthquake, love notes to Christchurch were written on the stones.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Iconic Bar and the former Christchurch City Council offices on Manchester Street. The outer walls of the Council offices and the top storey of Iconic have collapsed, exposing the insides of the buildings. The bricks and other rubble have been cleared from the footpath in front. USAR codes have been spray-painted next to the entrance of Iconic.
According to the sign it can take about 30 minutes to walk from the entry point (near the small statue) to the centre and out again. What you can do with a few thousand old bricks and gravel. See next photo for more detail.
According to the sign it can take about 30 minutes to walk from the entry point (here) to the centre and out again. That is without stepping across the gaps between bricks. What you can do with a few thousand old bricks and gravel!
Two images of a house, taken before and after the earthquakes. In the after photograph the chimneys are gone, a column supporting the car port has partly collapsed, windows are broken, and the previously neat lawn and driveway are overgrown. The photographer comments, "This was a house that I was selling up to the September 2010 earthquake in Christchurch. It was on Avonside Drive, which was an area that has been badly hit in every earthquake that has hit the area. In the September quake parts of the house moved in different directions and one of the upstairs doors had to be smashed open to release one of the sons from his bedroom. This occurred in the dark with numerous aftershocks shaking the house. Liquefaction poured up through the floor and flowed down the drive. Everyone got out OK, but soon after the house was red stickered meaning it was dangerous to enter. The house was looted many times even though there was constant police patrols. When the most violent earthquake occurred on 22 February 2012 both the tall heavy chimneys came crashing through into the living areas. Subsequent earthquakes and aftershocks have caused one of the brick fence pillars to fall and the front garage pillar to break up and twist. The family's troubles did not end there. They moved into the home of one of their parents and this mansion of a home was so badly affected by the February earthquake that no one could enter to collect any of their or their parents' belongings. They now own a new home, which they are fond of except when the ground shakes yet again. There has been to date 10,712 earthquakes and aftershocks since 4 September 2010".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Gina Guthrie gets her present from Santa (played by Peter Leitch, the Mad Butcher, after he arrived in the police helicopter on Motuihe Island where Gina and 30 other disadvantaged earthquake victims from Christchurch spent the day courtesy of Westpac)".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Gina Guthrie gets her present from Santa (played by Peter Leitch, the Mad Butcher, after he arrived in the police helicopter on Motuihe Island where Gina and 30 other disadvantaged earthquake victims from Christchurch spent the day courtesy of Westpac)".
A photograph of a portable shower unit set up in Hagley Park for the emergency management personnel who travelled to Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. A clothes line has been set up by tying ropes to the shower unit and a digger.
A digitally manipulated photograph of the sign for the Boulevarde restaurant. The photographer comments, "The title is very appropriate as this restaurant was closed after the February Christchurch earthquake. The area has been cordoned off for ages now and everything will probably be demolished.
Maori Party MP for Te Tai Tonga, Rahui Katene' is buried up to her neck in earthquake rubble as she reads a newspaper headline referring to her statement that the aftermath of the earthquake has demonstrated 'racism and ethnic profiling'. Rahui Katene's head is disintegrating and two engineers who are examining the damage decide that 'This can't be repaired, it needs to be condemned'. Rahui Katene says the authorities, who kicked a Christchurch family out of a welfare centre that was set up after the Christchurch earthquake that struck on the 4th September, should apologise for judging them too early and shaming them publicly. Mrs Katene was also concerned about claims that Maori youth were being targeted by police. "I've heard from whanau that in one particular area rangatahi who were volunteering in their community and helping their whanau were accused by police of theft. The whanau are trying to work these issues through with the police, but I'm growing concerned about what appears to be ethnic profiling." Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A photograph of the north side of the ChristChurch Cathedral in Cathedral Square. The front of the building has been propped up with steel bracing but further earthquakes have caused more damage, leaving a gap between the bracing and the wall. The tower has been partially demolished, but the lower section is still visible. Wire fencing has been placed around the entire building. In the background, a crane is rising high above the square.
A photograph of the north side of the ChristChurch Cathedral in Cathedral Square. The front of the building has been propped up with steel bracing but further earthquakes have caused more damage, leaving a gap between the bracing and the wall. The tower has been partially demolished, but the lower section is still visible. Wire fencing has been placed around the entire building. In the background, a crane is rising high above the square.
A photograph of the rubble of the Observatory tower in the South Quad of the Christchurch Arts Centre. The tower collapsed during the 22 February 2011 earthquake. A digger was used to clear the rubble away from the building. Scaffolding constructed around the tower has also collapsed and is amongst the rubble. In the background is a shipping container. A red sticker has been placed on the door to the Physics Building.
A photograph of the north side of the ChristChurch Cathedral in Cathedral Square. The front of the building has been propped up with steel bracing but further earthquakes have caused more damage, leaving a gap between the bracing and the wall. The tower has been partially demolished, but the lower section is still visible. Wire fencing has been placed around the entire building. In the background, a crane is rising high above the square.
Woolston Community Library, 1871-2011, was one of the earliest suburban libraries to open in Christchurch. Almost from the beginning, the library’s committees have fought a never-ending battle against failing finances, falling membership, unsuitable and disintegrating buildings, and threats of closure from the City Council, but somehow, the volu...
A photograph of volunteers from the Wellington Emergency Management Office being photographed in front of a truck. The volunteers are preparing to travel to Christchurch to help out after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. In the background is the Wellington Emergency Management Office building.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office at a graduation ceremony in the Wellington Town Hall. The volunteers were awarded certificates of appreciation at the ceremony, for their work in the emergency response to the 22 February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch.
A digitally manipulated photograph of the car parking building on the corner of Manchester and Gloucester Streets. The photographer comments, "Whilst on a tour of the Christchurch earthquake red zone we passed this car park, which I always liked due to its American outgoing feel
A photograph of volunteers from the Wellington Emergency Management Office being photographed in front of a truck. The volunteers are preparing to travel to Christchurch to help out after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. In the background is the Wellington Emergency Management Office building.
A photograph of volunteers from the Wellington Emergency Management Office being photographed in front of a truck. The volunteers are preparing to travel to Christchurch to help out after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. In the background is the Wellington Emergency Management Office building.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office at a graduation ceremony in the Wellington Town Hall. The volunteers were awarded certificates of appreciation at the ceremony, for their work in the emergency response to the 22 February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch.
A photograph of components of a model of the ChristChurch Cathedral being built from LEGO by Sam Butcher. Sam comments "Fixing a large variety of bits that were wrong/annoying/cheating (not purist) about the last model. The new one is set AFTER the Feb 22 earthquake. This newer, and much stronger model is also completely modular for easier transport. Obviously still a WIP, I'm currently waiting for a pretty large bricklink order at the moment, and will probably need to place a couple more after that to".
A member of the Los Angeles County Fire Department Search and Rescue Team with an Australian Police Officer outside the US Aid tent in Latimer Square. After the 22 February 2011 earthquake, emergency service agencies set up their headquarters in Latimer Square.
The flooded Bexley Wetlands, now about 1 - 1.5metre below pre earthquake level. The short length of fence (mid ground) was on the "river track" that the council closed about three years ago. The whole track in this view is now under about 500mm water at high tide. The main track in front of the houses was, prior to earthquakes, below the leve...