A photograph of Chris Paterson (left) and Helen Swain (right) at their former Kaiapoi residence. The photograph was taken by Cosmo Kentish-Barnes for Still Here, an artistic project supported by All Right?. Kentish-Barnes produced a series of photographs of exiled residents, accompanied with a first-person account of their life since the earthquakes.
A photograph of Barbara Townsend (right) and Jackson (left) at their former Kaiapoi residence. The photograph was taken by Cosmo Kentish-Barnes for Still Here, an artistic project supported by All Right?. Kentish-Barnes produced a series of photographs of exiled residents, accompanied with a first-person account of their life since the earthquakes.
A photograph of Gretta (left) and Brian Morris (right) at their former Kaiapoi residence. The photograph was taken by Cosmo Kentish-Barnes for Still Here, an artistic project supported by All Right?. Kentish-Barnes produced a series of photographs of exiled residents, accompanied with a first-person account of their life since the earthquakes.
A photograph of Willy (left) and Andrew Martin (right) at their former Kaiapoi residence. The photograph was taken by Cosmo Kentish-Barnes for Still Here, an artistic project supported by All Right?. Kentish-Barnes produced a series of photographs of exiled residents, accompanied with a first-person account of their life since the earthquakes.
A photograph of Mick (left) and Rose Mariner (right) in front of their former Kaiapoi residence. The photograph was taken by Cosmo Kentish-Barnes for Still Here, an artistic project supported by All Right?. Kentish-Barnes produced a series of photographs of exiled residents, accompanied with a first-person account of their life since the earthquakes.
A photograph of people walking the Chisnallwood walking trail, including Chisnallwood Intermediate pupils, Burwood-Pegasus Community Board Members Tim Baker (left) and Cr Glenn Livingstone (front right). The photograph was taken at the launch of the Chisnallwood AWA trail at Chisnallwood Intermediate. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 2 September 2015 at 3:55pm.
A web image of a poster from 'Local Colour'. The image features Kent, Sarah and Sophie, and reads, "I'm taking the girls for a scoot because they'd forgotten what the city looked like." 'Local Colour' was a campaign by All Right? in collaboration with photographer Neil Macbeth, which aimed to raise emotional literacy in Christchurch.
A photograph of Fay (left), Glen (middle) and Max Happer (right) at their former Kaiapoi residence. The photograph was taken by Cosmo Kentish-Barnes for Still Here, an artistic project supported by All Right?. Kentish-Barnes produced a series of photographs of exiled residents, accompanied with a first-person account of their life since the earthquakes.
A photograph of Fred (left) and Bev Evans (right) at their former Kaiapoi residence. The photograph was taken by Cosmo Kentish-Barnes for Still Here, an artistic project supported by All Right?. Kentish-Barnes produced a series of photographs of exiled residents, accompanied with a first-person account of their life since the earthquakes.
A photograph of Lyn (left) and Tyla Carroll (right) at their former Kaiapoi residence. The photograph was taken by Cosmo Kentish-Barnes for Still Here, an artistic project supported by All Right?. Kentish-Barnes produced a series of photographs of exiled residents, accompanied with a first-person account of their life since the earthquakes.
A photograph of five students from Christchurch Girls High School jumping in the air with two 'All Righties' at Re:START mall. The photograph was taken during the promotion of All Right?'s Winter Survival Kit. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 2 August 2014 at 5:00pm.
An image advertising a free writing workshop for children aged between 10 and 15. The writing workshop was part of the WORD Christchurch writers festival. The image was used as a profile picture on the All Right? Facebook page. The image was also posted to Facebook by All Right? on 15 July 2014 at 5:31pm.
A photograph of Shona Hickey standing next to a Adshel bus stop poster. The poster has an All Right? poster with her quote on it, in answer to the question, "What makes us feel all right?" "A jog along the beach. Shona, Mt Pleasant." All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 17 May 2013 at 9:25am.
A photograph of Jack standing next to a Adshel bus stop poster. The poster has an All Right? poster with his quote on it, in answer to the question, "What makes us feel all right?" "Playing my guitar. Jack (11), Woolston." All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 13 May 2013 at 4:03pm.
A photograph of an All Right? advertisement in The Press newspaper. The advertisement depicts two 'All Righties' carrying a couch together, and reads, "Shown a mate you care lately? Often the little things mean the most to our family and friends." All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 2 September 2013 at 5:23pm.
A photograph of Shirley (left) and Peter Jenkins (right) at their former Kaiapoi residence. The photograph was taken by Cosmo Kentish-Barnes for Still Here, an artistic project supported by All Right?. Kentish-Barnes produced a series of photographs of exiled residents, accompanied with a first-person account of their life since the earthquakes.
A photograph of Struan Ashby from Tape Art NZ creating the 'Dream Machine'. The 'Dream Machine' was a 9-day long creative project that used dream stories from the audience to turn a shipping container into a 40 foot mural. The photograph was taken at the 2014 SCIRT World Buskers Festival in Hagley Park.
A photograph of Erica Duthy and Struan Ashby from Tape Art NZ creating the 'Dream Machine'. The 'Dream Machine' was a 9-day long creative project that used dream stories from the audience to turn a shipping container into a 40-foot mural. The photograph was taken at the 2014 SCIRT World Buskers Festival in Hagley Park.
A photograph of the former Kaiapoi residence of Bob and Joan Cattermole (deceased). The photograph was taken by Cosmo Kentish-Barnes for Still Here, an artistic project supported by All Right?. Kentish-Barnes produced a series of photographs of exiled residents, accompanied with a first-person account of their life since the earthquakes.
A photograph of Bob (left) and Judy Hawker (right) at their former Kaiapoi residence. The photograph was taken by Cosmo Kentish-Barnes for Still Here, an artistic project supported by All Right?. Kentish-Barnes produced a series of photographs of exiled residents, accompanied with a first-person account of their life since the earthquakes.
A photograph of Jenny (back) and Pat Barker (front) at their former Kaiapoi residence. The photograph was taken by Cosmo Kentish-Barnes for Still Here, an artistic project supported by All Right?. Kentish-Barnes produced a series of photographs of exiled residents, accompanied with a first-person account of their life since the earthquakes.
A photograph of Wainoni School pupils presenting the AWA Trails at a school assembly. The pupils are holding 'Five Ways to Wellbeing posters and AWA Trails material. The photograph was taken at the launch of the Wainoni AWA trail at Wainoni School. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 2 September 2015 at 3:56pm.
A photograph of a large All Right? banner on a temporary hoarding around the McKenzie and Willis building in the central city. The photograph was used as a cover photo on the All Right? Facebook page. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 21 April 2014 at 10:18pm.
A photograph of a woman Carrie standing next to a Adshel bus stop poster. The poster has an All Right? poster with her quote on it, in answer to the question, "What makes us feel all right?" "Going for bike rides in the sun. Carrie, Hornby." All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 9 May 2013 at 5:03pm.
A photograph of Henrietta Hall standing next to an All Right? advertisement in a Adshel bus stop with her quote on it. The poster reads "What makes us feel all right? Gazing at the bright autumn leaves against the deep blue sky". All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 4 June 2013 at 5:08pm.
A photograph of Amanda from Christchurch Central standing next to an All Right? advertisement in a Adshel bus stop with her quote on it. The poster reads, "Biking to work on a frosty, sunny morning", in answer to the question "What makes us feel all right?". All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook Timeline on 27 May 2013 at 4.11pm.
A photograph of Claire (left) and Derek Woodward (right) at their former Kaiapoi residence. The photograph was taken by Cosmo Kentish-Barnes for Still Here, an artistic project supported by All Right?. Kentish-Barnes produced a series of photographs of exiled residents, accompanied with a first-person account of their life since the earthquakes.
A photograph of a presentation slide with the title "Why...Pacific women; The heartbeat of the family" . The slide shows a poster from the All Right? I am... Identity project featuring Sandy Otufangavalu with her daughter Arihadnah. The photograph was taken at the second annual Out of the Heart Pacific Women's Leadership Conference, held at Riccarton Racecourse on 21 May 2016. The conference was sponsored by All Right? and featured posters from the All Right? I am ... Identity project.
A photograph of Rachel Mullins from the Christchurch City Council taking part in #FiveYearsOn. The Christchurch City Council was an All Right? Champion. Mullins holds a sign which reads, "Five years on, I feel... more optimistic and capable." All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook Timeline on 21 February 2016 at 9:12am. All Right? captioned the photograph, "Rachel from the Christchurch City Council is feeling more optimistic and capable".
A photograph of students, staff and other community members at the lauch of the AWA Trails at St James School. In the photograph are St James School pupils, All Right? 'All Righties' mascots (back), Burwood-Pegasus Community Board member Tim Baker (centre-right) and other St James School community members. The photograph was taken at the launch of the St James AWA trail at St James School.