A photograph of the exterior of Smash Palace. Scaffolding and plastic sheeting has been used to create walls around the site.
A photograph of the exterior of Smash Palace. Scaffolding and plastic sheeting has been used to create walls around the site.
A building on Victoria Street, housing the Chinwag Eathai restaurant, that has been give a yellow placard. This was a building assessment system used following the February earthquake indicating that there should be limited access and that the building needs further evaluation.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Aftermath of the earthquake in Christchurch where the clean-up has begun. Carol Williams (not pictured) of Jane Daniels in Victoria Street emptied her shop as the buildings next door were demolished, with help from surrounding volunteers.
An aerial photograph of the Christchurch central city. The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "BDO Lumley House which is in the process of being demolished. Knox Church is visible on the right hand side of the photo".
A photograph of the interior of Smash Palace. A bus parked in the centre of the site is being used as a bar.
A photograph of the interior of Smash Palace. A bus parked in the centre of the site is being used as a bar.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "The Collins family who lived above and owned the Fishmongers which stood on the site at the rear on Victoria Street. They now have lost both their home and work. From left, Mandy, Richard and Bailey 7".
Working at getting things out of the Victoria Square before it is demolished.
What I found on my walk around the city January 15, 2014 Ch...
An artist's impression of an installation that forms part of the '60 Lights Market' at the LUXCITY event. Coordinators: Daniele Abreu e Lima and Sam Stringlen; students: Chi Tran, Aria Jansen, Naomi Snelling, Rebecca Wyborn
An artist's impression of an installation that forms part of the '60 Lights Market' at the LUXCITY event. Coordinators: Daniele Abreu e Lima and Michael Smith; students: Alex Heperi, Gagan Saini, Shamal Nanji, Xavier Apelinga
A photograph of the interior of Smash Palace. A bus parked in the centre of the site is being used as a bar, and tarpaulins provide a roof over a seating area.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A series of bandaid images appeared across the city on badly damaged buildings. This one is at Knox Church".
A view after the 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch 04 September 2010.
Victoria Street. So sad to see history die - both buildings and business.
Given a bit of a HDR process to add some of what I was "feeling" at the time.
The damaged clock tower on Victoria Street, wrapped and braced to prevent further damage. The photographer comments, "Diamond Jubilee Clock Tower in Christchurch. Its legs wrapped up for protection. Volcanic stone and limestone clock tower with ornate wrought iron work with coloured glass around part of the tower and four clock faces. Clock Tower built in this location to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria. Has two white marble plaques and one bronze plaque set on stone work above arches".
An aerial photograph of the Christchurch Art Gallery, Christchurch City Council Civic Offices and surrounding buildings.
A sign outside the Chinwag Eathai restaurant on Victoria Street reads "To all our valued customers. We are sorry to inform you as of Tuesday 17th January 2012 our building has been red stickered. Don't worry we will be back at a new location!! Yet to be confirmed".
Demolition of Robertson's Bakery building, Victoria Street, Christchurch.
The Chandelier rescue ...
Walking into work I saw the building I always wanted to buy (and run as a bookshop, perfumery, shoe shop) - the old Robertson's Bakery getting demolished.
But the bigass digger gently reached into the wreckage and saved this chandelier, bringing...
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "214 Oxford Terrace. This building was integral with the one on the north-east corner of Colombo and Armagh Streets".
A view after the 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch.
Victoria Street. So sad to see history die - both buildings and business. Sign on the back wall says, "You gotta be there Christchurch" - sadly ironic!
Given a bit of a HDR process to add some of what I was "feeling" at the time.
On a walk around the neighbourhood, December 3, 2013, Christchurch New Zealand.
I think all the National Banks in the country have been either closed or rebranded ANZ, but this one on the corner of Colombo and Armagh Streets is still inside the CBD red zone and has yet to be touched. I have heard that this building is staying so whether it becomes an ANZ or not time will tell.
This was one of the top five busiest pedest...