Dead potplants abandoned on the balconies of a building in Victoria Square.
Weeds growing between the paving stones in Chancery Lane, seen through the cordon fencing.
Looking through the gutted building on Gloucester Street which formerly housed the On the Spot dairy, with the Police kiosk in Cathedral Square visible in the background.
Rubble from the demolition of the Farmers car park.
Rubble from the demolition of the Farmers car park, with the public library in the background.
Rubble from the demolition of the Farmers car park.
The soon-to-be demolished ANZ building in Cathedral Square. A walkway from Gloucester Street to the Square was opened up for a few days to allow the public a closer look at the Cathedral.
A road cone warns of exposed reinforcing from a demolished building on the walkway from Gloucester Street to the Square which was opened up for a few days to allow the public a closer look at the Cathedral.
An empty space where a building once stood on Gloucester Street.
A large banner advertising Pace Project Management hangs on the side of a cordoned-off building on Hereford Street.
A digger demolishes the ANZ building in Cathedral Square. The partially demolished BNZ building is also visible. Photograph taken from upstairs in the Re:Start mall.
A Christmas tree erected on the building site for the temporary "cardboard cathedral". The base of the support framework for the cathedral is visible behind the tree.
A "Welcome to Christchurch" sign on the cordon fence near the Re:Start mall provides a map of the red zone and information for tourists.
Looking east down Cashel Street from the Colombo Street intersection. On the left is the empty section where Dawsons Jewellers used to stand, and on the right is the Crossing building.
An empty section where a building has been demolished on Colombo Street, seen through the cordon fencing.
The west face of the former Christchurch City Council building, seen from Colombo Street.
Te Waipounamu House, seen from Re:Start mall.
Seen through the cordon fence, the exposed wall of the Rangiora Bakery where the the building to the right has been demolished.
Looking west down Lichfield street from Colombo Street. Two lanes are barricaded off with fencing and road cones.
A digger parked on top of a pile of demolition rubble on Lichfield Street, seen through the cordon fence.
The mirrors from Sergio's Menswear are still intact on the wall of the adjoining building after the demolition of Sergio's.
A digger parked on a pile of demolition rubble behind the former Christchurch City Council building.
A digger parked on a pile of demolition rubble behind the former Christchurch City Council building.
The bus entry to the former Bus Exchange, seen from the carpark on the corner of Colombo and Tuam Streets.
Part of the roof of the Odeon Theatre sits on the ground in an empty section on the corner of Manchester and Tuam Streets.
The facade of Victoria Black on High Street is supported by a stack of shipping containers.
A sculpture on Poplar Lane visible from High Street after the surrounding buildings were demolished.
Wildflowers growing around a road cone in an empty section where a building has been removed.
One wall is all that remains of this building on Madras Street.
Graffiti on the side of a damaged building on Lichfield Street