An image designed for use as a sticker for the All Right? Winter Survival Kit. The image reads, "Get your free Winter Survival Kit today! What makes you feel All Right in Winter? Sharing a little aroha!
An image designed for use as a sticker for the All Right? Winter Survival Kit. The image reads, "Get your free Winter Survival Kit today! What makes you feel All Right in Winter? Having a good boogie".
An image designed for use as a sticker for the All Right? Winter Survival Kit. The image reads, "Get your free Winter Survival Kit today! What makes you feel All Right in Winter? Enjoying little moments of wonder".
An image depicting the 'Canterbury Rollercoaster'. The image models how to best utilise the 'Canterbury Rollercoaster' poster and magnet set, with named carriages at different places on the roller coaster. The 'Canterbury Rollercoaster' was designed to raise awareness about emotional literacy in Canterbury.
An image designed for use as a web button. The image depicts two 'All Righties' flying a kite and accompanied by a dog. The image is usually accompanied by the text, "When did you last get caught up in the moment?".
A digital copy of a poster from the Te Waioratanga project of the All Right? campaign. The poster features a black and white photographic portrait of Ramon Pink. The caption reads, "Ko tōku reo: It's from my tupuna, it's personal, it's spiritual".
A photograph of a group of festival-goers. Two are wearing 'All Rightie' heads. The photograph was taken at the Summerz End Youth Festival 2014. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 7 April 2014 at 6.22pm.
An image designed for use as a web button. The image depicts an 'All Rightie' trimming a hedge and accompanied by a dog. The image is usually accompanied by the text, "When did you last show a little love?".
An image designed for use as a sticker for the All Right? Winter Survival Kit. The image reads, "Get your free Winter Survival Kit today! What makes you feel All Right in Winter? Looking out for others".
An image designed for use as a sticker for the All Right? Winter Survival Kit. The image reads, "Get your free Winter Survival Kit today! What makes you feel All Right in Winter? Sharing kai with the whanau".
A photograph of All Right? posters pasted onto a Phantom Billstickers board. The posters were part of the first phase of All Right?'s advertising campaign. Each poster contained a statement beginning with "It's all right".
An image designed for use as a sticker for the All Right? Winter Survival Kit. The image reads, "Get your free Winter Survival Kit today! What makes you feel All Right in Winter? Learning a new hobby".
A photograph of Ciaran Fox and Sue Turner of All Right? and an 'All Rightie' meeting with local superhero 'Flat Man'. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 26 May 2014 at 1:25pm.
A photograph of All Right? advertisements on the back of a bus at the Red Bus depot on Ferry Road. The advertisement depicts two 'All Righties' catching up over coffee and reads, "When was your last mate date?".
An image used as a cover photo on the All Right? Facebook page. The image reads, "Three years on... It's all right to remember." All Right? posted the image on their Facebook page on 21 February 2014 at 1:13pm.
An image designed for use as a downloadable screensaver. The image depicts 'All Righties' flying a kite accompanied by a dog. The image reads, "When did you last get caught up in the moment? It's the simple things that bring us joy".
A photograph of 'All Righties' posing with young festival-goers at the entrance to the 2014 SCIRT World Buskers Festival in Hagley Park. The 'All Righties' and young festival-goers are holding a festival timetable and All Right? Buskers Festival postcards.
A photograph of festival-goers wearing 'All Rightie' heads, including All Right?'s Sophie Leigh (left). The photograph was taken at the Summerz End Youth Festival 2014. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 7 April 2014 at 6.21pm.
A photograph of All Right? Campaign Manager Sue Turner at a media conference. Turner is releasing data from All Right?'s research findings. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 17 June 2014 at 10:09am.
A close-up photograph of a poster from the All Right? campaign. The image is from phase 2 of the All Right? campaign, which sought to promote the 'Five Ways To Wellbeing' by asking simple, open-ended questions related to wellbeing.
An image designed for use as a sticker for the All Right? Winter Survival Kit. The image reads, "Get your free Winter Survival Kit today! What makes you feel All Right in Winter? Catching up with friends".
A photograph of All Right? flags with different slogans along a grassy hill at the University of Canterbury. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 9 July 2013 at 4:26pm.
A photograph showing All Right? posters at the Central Library Peterborough. The posters feature images from phase 2 of the All Right? campaign, which sought to promote the 'Five Ways To Wellbeing' by asking simple, open-ended questions related to wellbeing.
An image designed for use as a profile picture and Timeline image on the All Right? Facebook page. The image reads, "Psst... We're giving away Tiny Adventures. Quick, fun family activity cards. Come and meet us to get yours!".
A photograph of festival-goers. One festival-goer wears an 'All Rightie' head. The photograph was taken at the Summerz End Youth Festival 2014. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 7 April 2014 at 6.22pm.
A photograph of four Chisnallwood Intermediate pupils painting a bench seat beside the Avon-Otakaro River. The pupils are preparing for the opening of the Chisnallwood Trail. The trail is part of the AWA Trails project.
A photograph of the tape art mural on the south wall of Community and Public Health. Erica Duthie from Tape Art NZ can be seen beginning a tape artwork for the mural. In the foreground a Greening the Rubble site is being planted. The photograph was taken at Street Talk, a Tape Art residency held from 6 - 9 March 2014. Street Talk was a collaborative project between All Right?, Healthy Christchurch and Tape Art NZ that had Christchurch communities create large tape art murals on the south wall of Community and Public Health.
A photograph of Anna Mowat, Health Promoter for All Right?, taking part in #FiveYearsOn. Mowat holds a sign which reads, "Five years on I feel... A mixture of optimism and worry. Anna, Lyttelton." All Right? posted to photograph on their Facebook Timeline on 21 February 2016 at 9:11am. All Right? captioned the photograph, "Anna from Lyttelton feels a mixture of optimism and worry. #fiveyearson #5yearson #canterburynz".
A photograph of a presentation slide with the title "Out of the Heart II". The photograph was taken at the second annual Out of the Heart Pacific Women's Leadership Conference, held at Riccarton Racecourse on 21 May 2016. The conference was sponsored by All Right? and featured posters from the All Right? I am ... Identity project.
An image featuring a quote by Anna Wilson, Physical Health Advisor for Sport Canterbury. The image reads, "Five years on I feel... Upset about what we've lost and gone through but excited for what may come// Anna Wilson, Sport Canterbury." All Right uploaded the image as a Facebook cover photo on 23 February 2016 at 9:37am.