An All Right? infographic designed for use on Facebook. The infographic illustrates research carried out by All Right?.
An All Right? infographic designed for use on Facebook. The infographic illustrates research carried out by All Right?.
A digital copy of a poster from the Te Waioratanga project of the All Right? campaign. The poster features a black and white photographic portrait of Kaylee Mills. The caption reads, " Te reo Māori opens my mind to new concepts and gives me a sense of belonging".
A photograph of cards, pencils, stickers and other arts and crafts supplies at the All Right? stall. An All Right? poster and balloon can be seen beside a small flax kete. The photograph was taken at Rehua Marae during Matariki 2016.
A photograph Chris from St Albans taking part in #FiveYearsOn. Chris holds a sign which reads, "Five years on, I feel... I happy new ch// I New Building// I happy in Chch Art gallery been opened [sic] // Chris Farrow, St Albans Merivale".
An image desgined for use as a cover photo on the All Right? Facebook page. The image reads, "Painful or progress? Live Brighter." 'Live Brighter' was an All Right? campaign to encourage happier, healthier behaviours and lifestyles that began in 2016.
A photograph of Erica Duthie from Tape Art NZ (left) with Community and Public Health staff in front of the large tape art mural. The staff are modelling for the 'bubble maker' installation behind them. The photograph was taken at Street Talk, a Tape Art residency held from 6 - 9 March 2014. Street Talk was a collaborative project between All Right?, Healthy Christchurch and Tape Art NZ that had Christchurch communities create large tape art murals on the south wall of Community and Public Health.
A photograph of Erica Duthie from Tape Art NZ (left) with Community and Public Health staff in front of the large tape art mural. The staff were models for the 'bubble maker' installation behind them. The photograph was taken at Street Talk, a Tape Art residency held from 6 - 9 March 2014. Street Talk was a collaborative project between All Right?, Healthy Christchurch and Tape Art NZ that had Christchurch communities create large tape art murals on the south wall of Community and Public Health.
A photograph of Erica Duthie from Tape Art NZ (left) with Community and Public Health staff in front of the large tape art mural. The staff are modelling for the 'bubble maker' installation behind them. The photograph was taken at Street Talk, a Tape Art residency held from 6 - 9 March 2014. Street Talk was a collaborative project between All Right?, Healthy Christchurch and Tape Art NZ that had Christchurch communities create large tape art murals on the south wall of Community and Public Health.
A photograph of Sylvia from Linwood taking part in #FiveYearsOn. Sylvia holds a sign which reads, "Five years on, I feel... hopeful. Still get scared at jolts. Looking forward to more rebuild Sleeping better// Trying to be more on be positive// Sylvia, Linwood".
A photograph of an All Right? Canterbury Rollercoaster on a whiteboard in a school classroom. Children are putting their cab magnets on the rollercoaster to show how they are feeling. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 21 July 2014 at 11:00am.
A photograph of the front cover of a folded AWA Trails map. In the background are posters from phase 2 of the All Right? campaign. The photograph was taken at the launch of the AWA Trails. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 23 September 2015 at 9:09am. The Facebook image is captioned, "To download a free map visit today!".
A photograph of Amanda from Halswell taking part in #FiveYearsOn. Evans holds a sign which reads, "Amanda Evans, Halswell Lyttelton areas// Five years on, I feel... Waiting to hear and wats our city had to Rebuild and feel Better to see our New City because No more Sad City either. Wants to feels happy and sleeping Much Better [sic]".
An image advertising the All Right? Canterbury Rollercoaster fridge magnet set, which was designed to raise awareness around emotional literacy in Canterbury. The image was used as a profile picture on the All Right? Facebook page. The image was also posted to Facebook by All Right? on 21 July 2014 at 11:00am.
An image designed for use as a website banner. The image reads, "Life's full of ups and downs. Where are you, your friends, and whānau at? Visit". The image is based on the 'Canterbury Rollercoaster'. For more information, see 'All Right? Campaigns and Projects: Canterbury Rollercoaster':
An image used as a cover photo on the All Right? Facebook page to promote events held at Rehua Marae for Matariki 2014. The image reads, "Celebrate Matariki. Rehua Marae Whānau Day. 28 June, 10am - 3.30pm." All Right? posted the image on their Facebook page on 23 June 2014 at 7:48pm.
A photograph of an All Right? Canterbury Rollercoaster on a whiteboard in a school classroom. Children have written their initials on the cab magnets and placed them on the rollercoaster to show how they are feeling. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 21 July 2014 at 11:00am.
An image used as a profile picture on the All Right? Facebook page. The image reads, "All Right Winter Photo Competition. Win dinner at Gustav's! Share a picture of what's making you feel All Right this winter and be in to win a $100 voucher to Gustav's, the Tannery's hottest new kitchen and wine bar".
A photograph of an All Right? Canterbury Rollercoaster on a whiteboard in a school classroom. Children have written their initials on the cab magnets and placed them on the rollercoaster to show how they are feeling. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 21 July 2014 at 11:00am.
An image used as a cover photo on the All Right? Facebook page. The image reads, "Into it or over it? Live Brighter." 'Live Brighter' was an All Right? campaign to encourage happier, healthier behaviours and lifestyles that began in 2016. All Right? used the image as a Facebook cover photo on 11 March 2016 at 10:51am and 30 March 2016 at 1:06pm.
A photograph of an unfolded AWA Trails map, showing the different trails. The photograph was taken at the launch of the AWA Trails. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 23 September 2015 at 9:09am. The Facebook image is captioned, "To download a free map visit today!".
An image used as a cover photo on the All Right? Facebook page. The image depicts a family of 'All Righties' walking their dog. The image was used in different resources to promote The Walking Festival. All Right? posted the image on their Facebook page on 20 October 2014 at 1:35pm.
An image used as an ANZAC day profile picture on the All Right? Facebook page. The image reads, "It's all right to remember." All Right? posted the image on their Facebook page on 24 April 2014 at 6:42pm.
An image used as a cover photo on the All Right? Facebook page. The image reads, "What could you do to take notice this winter?" All Right? posted the image on their Facebook page on 31 July 2014 at 3:28pm.
A photograph of All Right? advertisements on the back of buses at the Red Bus depot on Ferry Road. The advertisements read, "When did you last really catch up?" and "When did you last show a little love?".
A photograph of Summerz End festival staff members. Two are wearing 'All Rightie' heads. The photograph was taken at the Summerz End Youth Festival 2014. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 7 April 2014 at 6.22pm.
A photograph of All Right? team member Donovan Ryan discovering large coloured signs and 'All Rightie' heads on his desk at CDHB. All Right? posted the image on their Facebook page on 15 May 2014 at 10:06am.
A close-up photograph of a poster from the All Right? campaign. The image is from phase 2 of the All Right? campaign, which sought to promote the 'Five Ways To Wellbeing' by asking simple, open-ended questions related to wellbeing.
A photograph of festival-goers wearing 'All Rightie' heads. Behind them is the Mai FM van. The photograph was taken at the Summerz End Youth Festival 2014. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 7 April 2014 at 6.22pm.
A photograph of an All Right? billboard on Moorhouse Avenue. The billboard reads, "Reasons we love Canterbury: 9999 x lots and lots. Share what makes you feel All Right:". The background of the billboard includes various responses by Canterbury residents.