A photograph of a sewage pumping truck on Avonside Drive.
Maps showing remediation plans for Avonside, Dallington, and Kaiapoi North.
A photograph of a worker pumping sewage on Avonside Drive.
A photograph of trucks and machinery parked on Avonside Drive.
A photograph of trucks and machinery parked on Avonside Drive.
A photograph of cracks in the road on Avonside Drive.
A photograph of severe earthquake damage at 938 Avonside Drive.
A photograph of street art in Avonside. The artworks are on the walls of a derelict toilet block. The photographer believes that the artworks were created by the artist 'SGC'.
Students from Avonside Girls High School giving BeckerFraserPhotos the thumbs up. The photograph has been captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Once these girls noticed the large camera, we got an enthusiastic reaction from them".
A view over the Avon River to the Medway Street footbridge linking Avonside Drive and River Road. The bridge has been badly warped as a result of the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A police officer and two soldiers inspects a property on Avonside Drive. The awning above the door has collapsed, taking some of the brick wall with it. It still lies on the front steps of the house.
An earthquake-damaged house on Acland Avenue in Avonside. Its chimneys have collapsed and have been weather proofed with tarpaulins. The overgrown garden suggests the house has been unoccupied since the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
An earthquake-damaged house on Acland Avenue in Avonside. Its chimneys have collapsed and have been weather proofed with tarpaulins. The overgrown garden suggests the house has been unoccupied since the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
Cracks in the concrete foundation and wooden walls of a house on Avonside Drive. The photograph shows where the metal frame of the house's conservatory has come apart, and shards of glass from it can be seen on the footpath.
A woman looking in though the window of an empty house on Avonside Drive. The overgrown lawn indicates that the house has been unoccupied for some time as a result of the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
Bare patches of ground at Sullivan Park in Avonside. The bare patches mark where liquefaction covered the grass after the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Damage to the footpath and road on Galbraith Avenue can also be seen.
A house on Avonside Drive with cracks in its foundations and the interior wall of its porch as a result of the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Cracks can also be seen in the asphalt of its driveway.
Members of the Student Volunteer Army carting liquefaction in wheelbarrows out of a resident's property in Avonside. The liquefaction will be transported to the street and left in piles for the City Council to pick up.
The brick chimney section of a house on Avonside Drive. Cracks can be seen between the bricks and the whole chimney has moved away from the rest of the house. It has been strengthened with timber bracing.
A large crack in the ground at Sullivan Park in Avonside which has resulted from the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Remnants of liquefaction silt can be seen around the edges of the crack.
A photograph of street art in Avonside. The artworks are on the walls of a derelict toilet block. The photographer believes that the artworks were created by the artist 'SGC'.
A photograph of street art in Avonside. The artwork is on the walls of a derelict toilet block. The photographer believes that the artworks were created by the artist 'SGC'.
A photograph of street art in Avonside. The artworks are on the walls of a derelict toilet block. The photographer believes that the artworks were created by the artist 'SGC'.
A photograph of street art in Avonside. The artworks are on the walls of a derelict toilet block. The photographer believes that the artworks were created by the artist 'SGC'.
A view of the Medway Street footbridge through a safety fence that is blocking access to it. The bridge links Avonside Drive and River Road. It was damaged in the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A photograph of street art in Avonside. The artworks are on the walls of a derelict toilet block. The photographer believes that the artworks were created by the artist 'SGC'.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "1116 Avonside Drive. When I took this photo I made sure that the shadow of the fence was in the photo so you know it's the house that's dramatically skewed".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The bridge from Locksley Avenue to Avonside Drive, viewed from Snell Place. A sign at the entrance to the bridge reads, "Extreme Dangers, keep out".
A large crack in the ground at Sullivan Park in Avonside which has resulted from the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Remnants of liquefaction silt can be seen around the edges of the crack.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The River Avon close to the gate of Avonside Girls High School. The river forms part of the lovely setting for the school, along with the mature trees".