A photograph an Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team standing next to car inside a building in the Christchurch city centre. The car is a 1968 Plymouth Road Runner Super Bee.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team inside a building in the Christchurch central city. Silt and water from liquefaction has covered large sections of the concrete floor.
A photograph of a sign outside a property in Christchurch. The sign reads, "Thanks for helping our city". Sandcastles have been made out of liquefaction silt on the footpath in front of the sign.
A photograph an Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team pretending to break into a car inside a building in the Christchurch city centre. The car is a 1968 Plymouth Road Runner Super Bee.
Debbie says brightly that Christchurch has 'demonstrated the classic Kiwi quality of stoicism and behaving decently towards each other!' Jaimee replies that it's the same stoicism that means we complain a lot about our problems but never really do anything and Debbie tells her that applies just to her. Refers to the Christchurch earthquake of 4th September. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A photograph of a Christchurch City Council red sticker. The sticker was used by the Civil Defence after the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes to indicate that a building had been inspected and that serious structural damage had been found. The sticker states that there should be no entry to the building. It also states that 'entry may result in death or injury'.
A photograph looking east down Dundas Street. Piles of twisted steel reinforcement have been placed on both sides of the street. Several earthquake-damaged cars, recovered from the Smiths City car park, have been stacked on the left. On the other side of the street is an excavator grapple and bucket. In the distance two excavators are sorting through the rubble.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Iconic Bar and the former Christchurch City Council offices on Manchester Street. The outer walls of the Council offices and the top storey of Iconic have collapsed, exposing the insides of the buildings. The bricks and other rubble have been cleared from the footpath in front. USAR codes have been spray-painted next to the entrance of Iconic.
A photograph of the photocopy template for the Christchurch City Council's yellow sticker. The sticker was used by the Civil Defence after the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes to indicate that a building had been inspected and that structural damage or other safety hazards had been found. The sticker states that there should be no entry to the building, 'except on essential business'. It also states that 'earthquake aftershocks present danger' and that people who enter must do so at their own risk.
A photograph of a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team standing in a car park in the Christchurch central city. In the background is the Hotel Grand Chancellor. The hotel has a noticeable slump on the left side.
A photograph of a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team standing in a car park in the Christchurch central city. In the background is the Hotel Grand Chancellor. The hotel has a noticeable slump on the left side.
A photograph of a large crack in the pavement of New Regent Street, near the tram tracks. Many of the pavement tiles have fallen into the crack.
A photograph of Celia Wade-Brown, Mayor of Wellington, speaking at a graduation ceremony for more than 40 new civil defence volunteers in the Wellington Town Hall. Members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office team were presented certificates of appreciation during this event. The certificates were presented to the members to honour their involvement in the emergency response to the 22 February 2011 earthquakes in Christchurch.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "City Care workers. From left, Donny Haenga, Mafutga and David Henry enjoying a BBQ put on by City Care for their staff. The trio, from Wellington have work over 100 hours between them since Tuesday when they arrived. 35 specialists from Tauranga, Wellington, Dunedin and Timaru have joined the Christchurch staff with trucks and equipment from around NZ to help with the quake repairs".
A photograph of a SPCA Wellington vehicle driving through the Christchurch central city after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. In the background, a group of shops has been damaged by the earthquakes. A portaloo can be seen to the left.
A photograph of a volunteer from the Wellington Emergency Management Office ordering at a temporary café. The café was set up in a house in the Christchurch central city.
A photograph of a volunteer from the Wellington Emergency Management Office ordering at a temporary café. The café was set up in a house in the Christchurch central city.
A photograph of the back page of a Christchurch City Council form. The form allowed contractors to apply for the authorisation to enter the Christchurch Red Zone after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Information on the back reads, "What does this authorisation mean for me? I am wearing appropriate personal protection clothing and equipment. At all times DO NOT enter any red placarded building. You may enter a yellow placarded building for a period of time (no longer than 30 minutes) and follow the instruction of the escorts. A green placarded building may be accessed for longer periods. Please note: do not enter any buildings which are not for the purpose of your authorisation".
A photograph of the earthquake-damaged Our City O-Tautahi Building on the corner of Worcester Street and Oxford Terrace. Steel bracing has been placed against the building to secure the brick walls. The bracing is supported by large concrete blocks. Wire fences have also been placed around the bottom of the building as a cordon. Scaffolding has been erected around the tower to the right.
A photograph of Gimme Shelter, a cardboard-box city-building workshop for children aged 10 and older. The workshop was led by Wellington-based artist Simon Gray. Gimme Shelter was held at The Commons and was part of FESTA 2014.
A photograph of Gimme Shelter, a cardboard-box city-building workshop for children aged 10 and older. The workshop was led by Wellington-based artist Simon Gray. Gimme Shelter was held at The Commons and was part of FESTA 2014.
A photograph of Gimme Shelter, a cardboard-box city-building workshop for children aged 10 and older. The workshop was led by Wellington-based artist Simon Gray. Gimme Shelter was held at The Commons and was part of FESTA 2014.
A photograph of a pile of books in an office in the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering at the University of Canterbury after the 4 September 2010 earthquake. The book at the top is called, "Wellington After the 'Quake: The Challenge of Rebuilding Cities".
A photograph of a sign taped to a window. The sign includes a bullet pointed list of humorous observations about Christchurch following the February 2011 earthquake. The sign reads, "You know you're from Christchurch when: you use the term 'liquefaction' and 'seismic design' in casual conversation; digging a hole and shitting in your garden is no longer weird; your mayor describes the city as munted. If he means FUBARed, you agree; weaving through car size potholes on the street is no longer weird; a shower is heaven; you have a preference of which kind of silt you'd rather shovel, dry or wet; you see tanks...driving around town; you are always noting what you are under; due to frequent aftershocks during the night, you sleep like a baby - every 10 minutes you wake up and shit yourself".