A photograph of street art on a wall in Sydenham. A message on the wall reads, "Christchurch, destined to rise".
The words 'Rise Up Chch' being flown over Hagley Park as part of the memorial service that was held there.
A view that was impossible six years ago. There was a group of buildings including another high-rise in the vacant area in the middle ground.
High-rise buildings in the CBD seen over a concrete wall. From the left are the Hotel Grand Chancellor, the Westpac building and the Holiday Inn City Centre.
A scanned copy of the cover page of an issue of Canta published on 3 August 1973. The cover features an article on a proposed rise in UCSA fees.
A photograph of a protest sign reading, "Oxymorons of the week: Sisters of Mercy, EQC helpdesk, pay rise, rebuild strategy". The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Woodham Road, Linwood".
A house undergoing renovations has exposed building frames and structures. Aprons hanging from the fence depict the Cathedral drawn in the style of the Edmonds Baking Powder logo, with the slogan "Christchurch, sure to rise".
A house undergoing renovations has exposed building frames and structures. Aprons hanging from the fence depict the Cathedral drawn in the style of the Edmonds Baking Powder logo, with the slogan "Christchurch, sure to rise".
A typical "sand volcano" caused by liquefaction where the soil loses its strength during the earthquake and the silt rises upwards, ejecting out of a hole like magma in a volcano.
A sign on the furniture in the Words of Hope project. Words have been added to the sign so it now reads, "The vehicle of recovery is public assembly, together we will rise".
A photograph of a silt volcano. Silt volcanoes are caused by liquefaction, when the soil loses its strength during the earthquake and the silt rises upwards, ejecting out of a hole like magma in a volcano.
The Forsyth Barr building stands alone, the buildings around it demolished. The photographer comments, "High-rise buildings look totally out of proportion when there's nothing around them to give them context. The jutting out part of this one makes it look unbalanced".
A sand volcano in the Halswell Primary School grounds. Sand volcanoes were caused by liquefaction where the soil loses its strength during the earthquake and the silt rises upwards, ejecting out of a hole like magma in a volcano.
Various walls on the street of Christchurch have become public art spaces. This work, "The Phoenix", by professional graffiti artists, Jacob, aka Yikes, Nick, aka Icarus and Wongi includes a fire Phoenix and the words "Christchurch destined to rise". Above it is an advertisement for Phonequip.
A sand volcano in the Halswell Primary School grounds near the playground. Sand volcanoes were caused by liquefaction where the soil loses its strength during the earthquake and the silt rises upwards, ejecting out of a hole like magma in a volcano.
Three people stand looking down at a small model of the 'Christchurch CBD'. One of the people says 'Love the safer low-rise plan What's the scale?' A second man says 'Scale? Er this is the actual size!' Context: Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker has dedicated the draft plan for a new-look Christchurch CBD to those lost in the February earthquake. The CBD will be about a quarter of its original size under the draft plan which was unanimously adopted by the council today. (TVNZ 11 August 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Santa Claus who represents the 'CCC' (Christchurch City Council) carries an enormous sack that represents 'Marryatt's pay rise' on his back. The hopes of a Christchurch earthquake victim who is trying to deal with a crack in his lawn are dashed when Santa says 'Sorry nuthin' for you... theres's no room left in the sack!' Context: Tony Marryatt is the Christchurch City Council's chief executive who has recently been given a controversial $68,000 pay rise for his performance during a year (because of the earthquakes) in which he has 'never worked so hard in my life'. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Text reads 'Cantabrians' spirit, two weeks on-' The cartoon shows the wrecked Christchurch Cathedral which is its true 'appearance' after the 19th February earthquake. Behind the devastation rises the ghost of the spire which is described as 'reality.' Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Furniture spray-painted with drawings and words by members of the public as part of the Words of Hope project. Messages can be seen, such as, "Oneness, lovingness, synchronised hearts", "Take it easy! Yay...words of hope!", "Think differently", "Happy, happy, happy", "Christchurch FTW", "Life is for loving", "Life is beautiful", "Plant and grow", "Rise up", and "Keep going Chch".
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 28 April 2012 looking south from Cunningham Terrace, Lyttelton. The photograph shows a homemade sign with the text "How Happy are Those Whose Walls Already Rise. Virgil" . The sign is attached to a temporary safety fence on top of a retaining wall awaiting repair. Quoted author The retaining wall...
The title is 'Gambling on the rise in Christchurch'. Several vignettes show two men running in the 'Porta-loo stakes (runs)'; people betting on the 'size of the next shake'; people betting on 'who will have the last chimney standing'; a man sitting over a pot on a little gas ring wondering 'How long will it take to boil a 3 minute egg... when it's minus 10 in the kitchen'; someone in a car wondering 'Whose street can wipe out the most engine sumps'; and someone wondering 'Which power company will be first to put people before profits'. Context: The way of things following the earthquakes of September 4 2010, 22 February 2011 and 13 June 2011. The Problem Gambling Foundation says it is concerned more Christchurch people are turning to gambling to combat stress from earthquakes. It says spending on pokie machines in Christchurch has risen by almost $4 million, going against a downward national trend. The foundation says the data released by the Department of Internal Affairs shows spending on gaming machines rose by more than $3,800,000 in Christchurch city to almost $23 million. (Radio NZ News 26 July 2011) Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
A photograph of a poster and picket signs in the window of the Earthquake Services building on the corner of Fitzgerald Avenue and Ferry Road. The poster depicts Gerry Brownlee in the style of Barack Obama's "Hope" campaign poster, and reads "Democracy nope". The picket signs read "Brownlee: rise, lies and pies" and "Overwrought, overdrawn, over EQC".
Furniture spray-painted with drawings and words by members of the public as part of the Words of Hope project. Messages can be seen, such as, "Hope", "Something for everyone", "Equality street", "Food garden", "Opportunity from disaster", "We can do this Chch", "Chch = home", "Love", "Share the land", "Always time for change", "Life is beautiful", and "Sorry folks, this one is too much high rise!".
A small house is shown on an enormous foundation block labelled 'Rate$'. The cartoonist's comment is 'Like for like for the house...Total dislike for the foundation!' In Christchurch there were prospects of large rises in householders' rate to help finance the Christchurch Rebuild project. In view of the damage to housing, rate increases may be badly disproportionate. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A wooden house in Wainoni has visibly bowed inwards towards its centre. The photographer comments, "During the numerous earthquakes in Christchurch the land which ran alongside the Avon river on Avonside Drive slumped towards the waterway. In a line parallel to the road the road, but around 20m away a ground movement occurred which caused some houses to rise up or sink down".
A graph shows an earthquake registering 7.1 on the Richter scale and $2 billion on the 'Wreckter' scale. An arrow shoots upwards from the $2 billion anticipating that the cost will rise higher. Text above reads 'SIZE-mic does matter'. Refers to the Christchurch earthquake of Saturday 4th September 2010 and the cost of the damage. No-one was killed. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A digitally manipulated photograph of twisted reinforcing rods amongst the rubble from the demolition of QEII. The photographer comments, "These rarely seen worms live in the pressurised earth under the foundations of buildings. They need a damp soil and be under at least 100 pounds of pressure per square inch. After the destructive force of an earthquake they swiftly rise to the surface through gaps in the rubble. Unfortunately they quickly die and then crystallise as hard as iron in the dry low pressure air".
An earthquake-damaged bridge, the approach to which has slumped. The photographer comments, "Due to lateral spread and the land slumping the road leading to this bridge has moved down greatly. Just imagine making the street lamps upright and how much that section of road would rise up at the end. When you go over bridges in the east side of Christchurch it is quite a climb up and a big drop down on the other side. The bridges in most cases coped very well, but not so the land leading to them".
Inside the Christchurch City Council building someone wonders what that noise is. Outside a gigantic wave of 'public discontent' rushes towards them. Context: Relates to anger and a protest of 4000 people at what they see as poor performance by the City Council in dealing with earthquake issues. The final straw was the Council's decision on the advice of its consultants to award the Council Chief Executive Tony Marryatt a $68,000 14% pay rise mid December 2011. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Dust rises from fallen buildings on Tuam Street shortly after the 22 February earthquake. The photographer comments, "Just after the aftershock settled on Tuesday afternoon, myself and colleagues fled our Tuam Street office to absolute devastation outside. We couldn't see more than a block in either direction due to the clouds of dust that had arisen from buildings that had just collapsed. Above is looking along Tuam Street to the corner of Manchester Street where a number of buildings have just collapsed. This is 1pm and the sky was previously reasonably clear - this is all dust. From here, we picked up our vehicles from the CCC car park and headed out to get out of the chaos to a position where we could check on loved ones".