Sign on the cordon fence ouside the Crowne Plaza Hotel. It says "Cafe Decadence Victoria Street open now!".
Damaged buildings on Madras Street seen through cordon fencing.
A sign attached to a building reads "Danger. Your building has a red placard. Do not enter".
Damaged double-brick wall.
A man wades down a flooded street in a residential area.
Flooding in a residential area.
A sign on the side of one of the containers in Re:Start mall reads, "Re:Start, proudly supported by Christchurch Earthquake Appeal. Tomorrow starts here".
Damage to the Knox Church. On the ground is the word 'Danger' spray-painted on the footpath.
Detail of liquefaction that has seeped onto the road and footpath.
A brick fence has been spray painted after the building was cleared by a USAR team. This system was used following the February earthquake to mark buildings that have been checked.
Damage to the Provincial Chambers, with fallen scaffolding in the background.
Looking over the cordon fence towards the demolition work on the Manchester Securities House on Gloucester Street.
The public at the Memorial Service in Hagley Park to commemorate the one year anniversary of the 22nd February earthquake.
The mirrors from Sergio's Menswear are still intact on the wall of the adjoining building after the demolition of Sergio's.
Digger and debris from a demolished building on Welles Street.
Bricks fallen from the wall and chimney of the Caxton Press building. Some windows have been boarded up, and in front is a pile of bricks that has been cordoned off with tape and road cones.
Under the trees in the Botanic Gardens was a 'Road Cone Art Competition', to see what sculptures the public could make out of a road cone.
Rood closure on Durham Street due to the demolition of Amuri Courts.
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Beachville Road, Redcliffs".
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "The block of Bexley and Pages Roads".
Liquefaction inside McDonald Hartshorne on Manchester Street.
Close-up of liquefaction outside a house in Parklands.
A messy demolition site filled with various building waste. At the back is a Waste Management bin filled with rubbish.
Damaged footpath outside a house in a residential area. Next to the fence is a road cone decorated with coloured tinsel.
Looking through the cordon fence, demolition rubble in a overgrown site. A digger working on top of the rubble.
Portaloos on the Pine Mound, part of Festival of Flowers. Each portaloo was decorated with various floral features. This one has been decorated in Canterbury colours, red and black. A stuffed figurine is dressed as a Crusaders rugby player.
A residential property in Bexley with an overgrown garden. A wheelbarrow has been abandoned in the garden, and the garage door is tagged with graffiti. Dried liquefaction silt still covers the ground. The photographer comments, "Today I took a drive around the residential area between Bexley and New Brighton. It was a stark reminder to be thankful for the situation we're in and perhaps not complain too much that our garden wall hasn't yet been rebuilt".
A man walks along Hereford Street, past the former site of the ANZ bank in Cathedral Square. In the background is the partially-demolished BNZ building.
A view down Cashel Street looking east. The Westpac building and Holiday Inn building are in the background.
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Valley Inn, Heathcote. Earthquake 4th of September 2010".